Organizing Small Living Spaces

Organizing small living spaces is about focusing on what really matters in your life while maximizing the use of space and minimizing the clutter. Whether your small living space is an apartment, college dorm room, RV, senior living situation, small house or vacation home – you can apply organizing tips and techniques to make your space a comfortable home.

Organizing small living spaces is not about cramming as much stuff as possible into the space. Organizing a small living space is about taking advantage of the space you do have by maximizing both its usage and function. One of the physical laws of nature is that only so much stuff can fit into a given space.

The cost of maintaining a home continues to rise. Every square foot of house space, yard, and all our personal possessions take up both our time and money. People are looking for the opportunity to lighten the load by downsizing to live in smaller spaces. Many people don’t want a huge house and yard to maintain, they want to save money, simplify their lives, to have more time to enjoy family, travel and hobbies.

People want to know how they can still have the things they love and need while downsizing to live in smaller spaces. Organizing for small living spaces is a process of determining what is really important, what to keep, what to let go of, and what will fit or work in the amount of space you have.

Sometimes people are afraid that they will lose the memories if they get rid of their things. There are a variety of ways we can help you keep the memories while letting go of the things. If you are trying to assist a loved one to downsize this time can be fraught with stress, having an expert to guide you through the process can make the transition easier for all the parties involved.

12 Keys for organizing small living spaces:

  • Prioritize what to keep by starting with the items you use every day
  • Plan space usage and measure spaces before purchasing items
  • Use items that serve multiple functions when possible
  • Maximize the use of floor space, think vertical
  • Keep visual clutter to a minimum
  • Set quantity limits on items
  • One in-one out rule
  • Get rid of items you donĂ­t use or need
  • Use containers to increase storage and reduce clutter
  • Have a home for everything, keep surfaces clutter free
  • Use furniture that is adjustable and portable
  • Use hooks and racks on doors and inside cupboards

Contact me today for more information and assistance with your downsizing or small space organizing needs!

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