Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tail calls, @tailrec and trampolines

Recursion is an essential part of functional programming. But if each call allocates a stack frame, then too much recursion will overflow the stack. Most functional programming languages solve this problem by eliminating stack frames through a process called tail-call optimisation. Unfortunately for Scala programmers, the JVM doesn't perform this optimisation.

Here's a picture of a Scala program as it executes. This program tries to work out whether 9999 is even or odd by calling odd1 and even1 recursively. The stack overflows before we can make 9999 calls.

def odd1(n: Int): Boolean = {
  if (n == 0) false
  else even1(n - 1)
def even1(n: Int): Boolean = {
  if (n == 0) true
  else odd1(n - 1)

All the calls in our example program are in tail position, so if the JVM did support tail-call optimisation, then the program would be able to complete successfully.

Luckily, even without JVM support, the Scala compiler can perform tail-call optimisation in some cases. The compiler looks for certain types of tail calls and translates them automatically into loops. At the moment it can optimise self calls in final methods and in local functions. It cannot optimise non-final methods (because they might be overridden by a subclass), and it cannot optimise tail calls that are made to different methods.

What this means

Because of these limitations, you need to be careful when using recursion in Scala. When writing programs, you will need to keep in mind how both the compiler and the JVM work. One safe approach is to use code from the standard library, where possible. For example, you'll find that many recursive algorithms can easily be rewritten in terms of standard operations like map and fold.

In Scala 2.8, you will also be able to use the new @tailrec annotation to get information about which methods are optimised. This annotation lets you mark specific methods that you hope the compiler will optimise. You will then get a warning if they are not optimised by the compiler. In Scala 2.7 or earlier, you will need to rely on manual testing, or inspection of the bytecode, to work out whether a method has been optimised.

If you do find a call that you think should be optimised by the compiler, but isn't, then you should check that the call:

  1. is a tail call,
  2. is in a final method or local function, and
  3. is to itself.

For example, the code for factorial below would not be optimised. The call is not in tail position (the tail operation is the multiplication), and the method is public and non-final, so it could be overridden by a subclass.

class Factorial1 {
  def factorial(n: Int): Int = {
    if (n <= 1) 1
    else n * factorial(n - 1)

You can make simple changes to factorial to eliminate both of these problems. First, you could move the recursive code into a local function within the method, so that it cannot be overridden. Second, you could introduce an accumulator so that multiplication happens before the recursive call. Finally, you could add a @tailrec annotation so that you can be sure that your changes have worked.

import scala.annotation.tailrec

class Factorial2 {
  def factorial(n: Int): Int = {
    @tailrec def factorialAcc(acc: Int, n: Int): Int = {
      if (n <= 1) acc
      else factorialAcc(n * acc, n - 1)
    factorialAcc(1, n)

But there are some types of recursive code that the compiler will not be able to optimise. For example, if your code is mutually recursive, as it is with odd1 and even1, then you will need to try something else. One thing you might consider, is using a trampoline.


A trampoline is a loop that repeatedly runs functions. Each function, called a thunk, returns the next function for the loop to run. The trampoline never runs more than one thunk at a time, so if you break up your program into small enough thunks and bounce each one off the trampoline, then you can be sure the stack won't grow too big.

Here is our program again, rewritten in trampolined style. Call objects contain the thunks and a Done object contains the final result. Instead of making a tail call directly, each method now returns its call as a thunk for the trampoline to run. This frees up the stack after each iteration. The effect is very similar to tail-call optimisation.

def even2(n: Int): Bounce[Boolean] = {
  if (n == 0) Done(true)
  else Call(() => odd2(n - 1))
def odd2(n: Int): Bounce[Boolean] = {
  if (n == 0) Done(false)
  else Call(() => even2(n - 1))

It only takes a few lines of code to implement a trampoline.

sealed trait Bounce[A]
case class Done[A](result: A) extends Bounce[A]
case class Call[A](thunk: () => Bounce[A]) extends Bounce[A]

def trampoline[A](bounce: Bounce[A]): A = bounce match {
  case Call(thunk) => trampoline(thunk())
  case Done(x) => x

Trampolined code is harder to read and write, and it executes more slowly. However, trampolines can be invaluable when your program would otherwise run out of stack space, and the only other alternative is to convert it into an imperative style. There has recently been talk of including a trampoline implementation in Scala 2.8. (The code in this article is based on the code from that discussion.)

Postscript: Continuations

I've been writing about continuations quite a bit recently, so I think it's fitting to mention their relationship to trampolines. It turns out that a thunk can be easily manufactured from a continuation. You can create thunks automatically using shift and reset. In fact my recent implementation of goto used a form of trampoline. I'll close here by showing how goto can be implemented using the trampoline that we defined above.

import scala.continuations.cps
import scala.continuations.ControlContext.{shift,reset}

def trampolineK[A,B1<:C,C1<:C,C](body: => B1 @cps[B1,Bounce[C1]]): C =

case class Label[A](k: Label[A] => Bounce[A])

def label[A]: Label[A] @cps[Bounce[A],Bounce[A]] =
  shift((k: Label[A] => Bounce[A]) => k(Label(k)))

def goto[A](l: Label[A]): Unit @cps[Bounce[A],Bounce[A]] =
  shift((k: Nothing => Bounce[A]) => Call(() => l.k(l)))

trampolineK {
  var sum = 0
  var i = 0
  val beforeLoop = label
  if (i < 10000) {
    sum += i
    i += 1

Update: Fixed image scaling.


Ismael Juma said...

Hi Rich,

Nice blog entry.

"One safe approach is to use code from the standard library, where possible."

Although this should be the aim, it is sadly not _yet_ true. For a commonly-used example, see List.equals.


Rich Dougherty said...

Ouch! Are there bugs filed for these?

Ismael Juma said...

There is one for List.equals:

There may be others. Paul Phillips (the human Trac) may be able to name a few more. ;)

One benefit of wider adoption is that more of these issues will be uncovered and fixed as time goes on.


bob pasker said...
This post has been removed by the author.
bob pasker said...

Where you write

First, you could move the recursive code into a local function within the method, so that it cannot be overridden. Second, you could introduce an accumulator so that multiplication happens before the recursive call. Finally, you could add a @tailrec annotation so that you can be sure that your changes have worked.
Your use of the word "could" implies that the steps are optional.

I think the first two (a local function and an accumulator) are "musts", and the @tailrec annotation is a Really Good Idea.

Sandro Magi said...

Another possibility described in "Cheney on the MTA", is to call recursive functions normally and accumulate the stack frames, then unwind the stack using exceptions (or setjmp/longjmp in C) when the stack gets too deep (and continue if needed obviously).

It has a different structure than your description of a trampoline, though you could consider it a different type of trampoline.

E said...

As a test, I tried this in Haskell. It works ok for 9999 and 999999 and even larger numbers.

Fuyao said...

I met same problem as you met, but I'm not fully capture the idea of trampolines, instead, I get a way to do TCO in a very simple way. I can send you email if you are interested in.

Rich Dougherty said...

Fuyao: Sounds interesting. Can you post a snippet in a comment?

Fuyao said...

I wrote a informal document, see

Channing Walton said...

Hi Rich,
I'm confused about how the trampoline example actually works. I've run it a debugger just to make sure its not recursive, its not of course.

But I don't get how the call to trampoline works in

case Call(thunk) => trampoline(thunk())

why isn't this recursive?

Rich Dougherty said...

I can see how the code is confusing! I'm talking about avoiding recursion, but then I go ahead and use a recursive function as part of my solution.

So you're right: trampoline is recursive. But luckily it qualifies for Scala's tail-recursion optimisation, so it actually runs as a loop. In this case there is no chance of overflowing the stack.

I probably should have followed my own advice and put a @tailrec annotation in front of the function definition. That might have avoided some confusion.

Does that answer your question?

Jack Cough said...

Hi Rich.

I recently wrote on the same topic here:

And, I'm using some of your material in my talk tonight at CASE. I just wanted to let you know and to say thanks. This post is very well done.
