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(By Telegraph from Our Correspondent.)

SYDNEY, May 31.

With reference to the English football team which is about to visit Australia, the Rev. M. Mullineaux, writing to Mr. Rand, hon. secretary o£ the New South Wales Rugby Union, by the mail which reached Sydney to-day, says :-I have had some dis- appointments since I last wrote, but have got a good side together, and all are decent fel- lows. Several are Warsity men, and many are public school men. The following is the team so far :-Backs : E. Martelli, of the Dublin Wanderers, an excellent drop, punt, and place kick, and plays three quarters as well as back ; C. E. Thompson, Lancashire, a good kick, can play three quarters, and also take a place in the for- wards. Three-quarter backs : G. P. Doran, Landsdowne, a most deadly tackler, who played for the Irish team this season ; A. B. Timms, Edinburgh University, played in Scotch trials, and is an excellent centre or wing ; E. G. Nlcolls, Cardiff, plays for Wales, and is the greatest centre three quarter since the days of A. J. Gould, and i3 supposed by many to be better than Gould ; E. T. Nicholson, Liverpool, a very fast wing, played for Lancashire. Half- backs : C. Adamson, can play centre, three quarter, or half, and got his North of Eng- land cap last season ; G. Cookson, a very " nippy" half-back, plays for Lancashire, and got his North of England cap last sea- son. Forwards : F. M. Stout, Gloucester, one of England's best forwards, and always to the front ; T. M. M'Gown (late Cam- bridge University), a good Irish forward, brilliant at times; W. J. Jarman, captain of the Bristol, a splendid, hardworking for- ward, played for England ; G. R. Gibson, played for England, a capital worker ; F. C. Bolsón, an old Clifton College boy, played for Somerset ; A. Ayresmith, Guy'6 Hos- pital, a cap-holder for the last two years, and a grand forward, he has played for Surrey ; B. I. Swanhell, got his East Mid- lands cap, and many think him up to inter- national form, he is an old Repton School boy ; G. V. Evers, an old Haileybury boy, plays for Moseley, and is a capital little worker forward ; W. Judkins, an old Rep- ton boy, plays for Coventry, a good scrum mager ; J. S. Franscombe, playe tor Lanca- shire, an old Oxford man, very tall, and wants a lot of stopping when he gets going ; H. G. Gray, Scotch trials, a good forward of the Scotch type. The last place in the team will be filled by either Hissey (Wales) or J. H. Cowper (Scotch international).

