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Click here for signed Decree.


Christ Jesus, Our Hope is the strategic planning initiative for the Diocese of Brooklyn, which I mandated in the beginning of 2010.  With the formation of the Diocesan Planning Commission, chaired by the Most Reverend Frank Caggiano, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, and the Reverend Monsignor Edward B. Scharfenberger, Vicar for Strategic Planning, I began the process of assessing each of the Diocese's 197 parishes for the purpose of evaluating both their pastoral vitality as well as their financial viability.

I deemed this evaluative process necessary because of my pastoral commitment to engage in the efforts of the New Evangelization, so often encouraged in the teachings of both the Servant of God, John Paul II, as well as our current Holy Father, Benedict XVI.  I have made the New Evangelization the theme of my episcopal ministry since becoming Bishop of Brooklyn.  In order to ensure that the Diocese has the ability and necessary resources to effectively continue the work of proclaiming the Gospel to the men and women of Brooklyn and Queens, it has become imperative for us to address many issues and challenges that often impeded our efforts to effectively engage in the work of the New Evangelization.

Through a highly consultative process that sought to engage the pastoral leadership as well as the parishioners of every parish community, I was able to determine which parishes needed immediate intervention in order to ensure that the care of souls not suffer in a given area of the Diocese.  This determination was based on the recommendations presented to me by the Diocesan Planning Commission which were made using the self-studies submitted by each parish, as well as taking into consideration such factors as demographics, clergy availability, geography and infrastructure.

With respect to the Parish of Saint Ignatius at 1101 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, New York, which had been entrusted to the care of the Society of Jesus, the information presented to me by the Diocesan Planning Commission indicated many areas of concern.  Over the last decade there has been significant drop in the number of people participating in the celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday.  Also, there has been in precipitous decline in the number of sacramental celebrations over the last decade.   According to their self-study, the number of children enrolled in Religious Education has declined by 40% over the last three years.  The total amount of diocesan subsidy provided to the parish is in excess of $1,200,000.00 and the parish continues to operate annually at a deficit.  An assessment of the church building and parish hall indicates the need for repairs that would cost the parish an estimated $500,000. 

On several occasions, the aforementioned information was discussed with the leadership of the Parish of Saint Ignatius.  In addition, I sought the opinions and suggestions of the Diocesan Finance Council as well as the Diocesan College of Consultors and the Territorial Vicar for the Borough of Brooklyn, the Reverend Monsignor Steven Ferrari, V.E., concerning the pastoral and financial situation of the parish.  Finally, on November 4, 2010, I sought the Canonical Consultation of the Diocesan Presbyteral Council, as required by Can. 515 §2.  Having listened to their consultation and having received no substantive opinion to the contrary and with an interest in assuring the pastoral vitality of the Church in Brooklyn, I, the undersigned Bishop of Brooklyn, hereby decree the following:

1.      The Juridic Person, which is the Parish of Saint Ignatius in Brooklyn, is suppressed.

2.      The territorial boundaries of the former Parish of Saint Ignatius shall by this canonical decree be absorbed by the Parish of Saint Francis of Assisi – Saint Blaise located at 319 Maple Street, Brooklyn, New York. 

3.      All the assets and obligations currently belonging to the former Parish of Saint Ignatius are by this canonical decree transferred to the Parish of Saint Francis of Assisi – Saint Blaise.

4.      The parochial registers and the seals of the Parish of Saint Ignatius shall be kept in the Parish of Saint Francis of Assisi – Saint Blaise.

5.      The Church of Saint Ignatius shall remain open as an additional worship site of the Parish of Saint Francis of Assisi – Saint Blaise.

This decree shall take effect on January 31, 2011, at which time the Parish of Saint Ignatius will cease to exist in Canon Law.  Recourse action may be sought according to the norms of Canons 1732 to 1739 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law.


                                                                                           Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Ph.D., D.D.

                                                                                                              Bishop of Brooklyn

Given at Brooklyn, NY

November 12, 2010

