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Editorials >> Thursday, April 28th, 2011

GOP defense of DOMA deflects real issues

When the Justice Department announced in late February that it would no longer defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, a law prohibiting federal or interstate recognition of same-sex marriage, it put itself on the right side of the struggle for equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.

Dialogue on sexual health issues works

Earlier this month, Georgetown’s Health Education Services rolled out a new initiative to foster improved sexual health education on campus. Although the process is not complete, it is encouraging to see that H*yas for Choice was involved in the creation of a program that would both improve sexual health education at Georgetown and respect the University’s Catholic identity. If this plan gets off the ground, it will demonstrate that student engagement with the University on touchy issues like sexual health can succeed.

Endowment Commission shows its chops

In its final vote on Tuesday night, the Student Activities Fee Endowment Commission made the right move in recommending close to full funding for the Healy Pub, an idea backed by widespread support from students, but it should also be applauded for putting together a set of proposals that responds to popular demand for student space without ignoring the other diverse and creative proposals put forth by the student b