Judie Brown column
Judie Brown is president and co-founder of American Life League, the nation's largest grassroots pro-life educational organization.

She is currently serving her second five-year term as a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life in Rome. Daily Catholic cited her as one of the top 100 Catholics of the 20th century.

Judie has appeared on 20/20, 60 Minutes, Mother Angelica Live, The O'Reilly Factor, Good Morning America, Today, Oprah, and Larry King Live, as well as hundreds of other television and radio talk shows. Her comments regularly appear in major print media nationwide, and she has written numerous editorial pieces for magazines and newspapers, including The Washington Post and USA Today.

Judie is married to Paul A. Brown, and they have three children and nine grandchildren. She and her husband have been involved in the pro-life movement since 1969.

Introduction to abortion -- a crisis of facts
Judie Brown
August 2, 2011

It often becomes necessary to remind people — pro-lifers and others — that it is not only a surgical abortion that takes the life of a preborn baby. . . .

Criminal minds
Judie Brown
July 23, 2011

Moral law, bioethics, choices — all are words that have meaning beyond what the typical person may think. But when we really sit down to discern their . . .

Caylee Anthony
Judie Brown
July 20, 2011

Americans very easily see the sadness and the horror when a small child is murdered, yet this brutality is lost on these same eyes when a preborn baby is . . .

Ignoring human rights has become the American way
Judie Brown
July 13, 2011

Our rights as human beings really should not need to be debated. When God gives life to a person, it is in the form of a tiny baby who must grow inside a woman . . .

Dear Catholic bishops: love the sinner, but hate the sin!
Judie Brown
July 5, 2011

It is often difficult to stand up for your faith, especially when so many others are in disagreement. Unfortunately, we are seeing more frequently that some . . .

Myopic zeal in an honest world
Judie Brown
June 27, 2011

When it comes to the term "rights," those in favor of contraception and abortion are only thinking of a woman. They feel she must be able to have control over . . .

Archdiocese of Boston pandering again!
Judie Brown
June 24, 2011

The leaders of the Catholic Church are supposed to instruct and guide the Church's members in Church law — especially during times when it may be . . .

The ethic of death is not a work of fiction
Judie Brown
June 8, 2011

Being ill or diagnosed with a serious or terminal disease is frightening enough. But when doctors or hospital staff deem that certain life-sustaining treatment . . .

Notre Dame's fixation on dissent
Judie Brown
May 14, 2011

A Catholic university, especially one as visible as Notre Dame, must pride itself on upholding the teachings and standards that all Catholics should follow. Our . . .

OBL v. APB -- murderer v. murdered
Judie Brown
May 10, 2011

The news of the past week has focused on the death of one of the most notorious terrorists in recent history. While the media has spent numerous hours on this . . .

Planned Parenthood's long-standing war on God
Judie Brown
April 27, 2011

History has shown that Planned Parenthood holds religion and a belief in God with much disdain. With the release of a recent study regarding the use of . . .

Catholics crucify Christ even now
Judie Brown
April 22, 2011

During this most holy week in which we reflect on the passion of our Lord and the suffering that He endured for our redemption, we must not only reflect upon . . .

Creeping crud from the culture of death
Judie Brown
April 20, 2011

Little by little, day by day, attitudes regarding the infirm or the extremely ill creep into our world in an attempt to change it. We hear that people who are . . .

The eleven-year-old sexologists
Judie Brown
April 19, 2011

It is becoming immensely apparent that society is consumed with making our children grow up too fast. No longer can children just play or have fun in a worry . . .

Euthanasia as "comfort"
Judie Brown
April 15, 2011

When you look out your window next time as the sun is slowly setting, reflect on the glorious nature of God's creation. Reflect also on folks like Faye Girsh, . . .

Pro-life foibles like fertilization and heartbeat
Judie Brown
April 14, 2011

In a time when confusion abounds regarding what it means to be truly pro-life, we should heed the advice and warnings of those who truly understand all aspects . . .

Planned Parenthood and Tuskegee -- no difference
Judie Brown
April 5, 2011

The disturbing parallels that exist between a government cover-up decades ago and the lies propagated by Planned Parenthood today should serve as a wake-up call . . .

Defund Planned Parenthood to stop its far-reaching tentacles
Judie Brown
April 1, 2011

The House of Representatives recently voted to stop all government funding to Planned Parenthood and, though the Senate did not do the same, the fight is far . . .

The federal government's addiction to Planned Parenthood
Judie Brown
March 30, 2011

After witnessing decades of deception, prejudice and numerous illicit activities executed by Planned Parenthood, many people are beginning to realize that this . . .

Joe Scheidler: a man for all seasons
Judie Brown
March 16, 2011

It is not often that men of conviction, men of such incredible honor and faith, stand up for what they believe in and change the lives of so many. Joe Scheidler . . .

Planned Parenthood funding and Catholic bishops
Judie Brown
March 15, 2011

St. Thomas Aquinas is said to have often recalled Aristotle's wise insight, "A small error in the beginning leads to a large error in the end." The USCCB might . . .

Algebra and the defunding of Planned Parenthood
Judie Brown
March 11, 2011

When Planned Parenthood speaks, something doesn't quite add up. Its words and its claims lead to confusion and to more questions. Today's commentary examines . . .

Building bridges of hope
Judie Brown
March 10, 2011

Hope is something that is often in short supply in today's world. But it need not be. With God, there is always hope and an everlasting love that should . . .

New York City's number one public enemy -- preborn children!
Judie Brown
March 8, 2011

Because of some timely news out of New York City last week, we are posting a special Sunday commentary. Crisis pregnancy centers are under attack and Mayor . . .

Pope John Paul II and excusing abortion
Judie Brown
March 4, 2011

Some argue that Pope John Paul II's encyclical, Evangelium Vitae, contains language that permits the acceptance of some abortion in legislative and political . . .

Abortion, pro-lifers, and a rash of relativism
Judie Brown
March 3, 2011

Judie Brown has written a three-part series on the dangers inherent in political manipulation of human lives. You will perhaps find it most interesting that in . . .

Defund Planned Parenthood to stop its far-reaching tentacles
Judie Brown
March 1, 2011

The House of Representatives recently voted to stop all government funding to Planned Parenthood, and this week the Senate will cast its vote. It is vital that . . .

Congress commits to end tax funding of smut
Judie Brown
February 22, 2011

Planned Parenthood is not happy. Its very lucrative source of funding is being threatened. And you can help. You can make a difference in the lives of preborn . . .

Why are more black babies targeted for abortion?
Judie Brown
February 15, 2011

It may sound surreal, or even like something straight out of a horror movie, but an entire race of people is being targeted for death. And this is not something . . .

Enabling abortion by default
Judie Brown
February 4, 2011

In times of uncertainty and confusion, the Vatican should be clear and unwavering, especially when addressing the humanity of the preborn child. Yet, when . . .

Economics of life-taking ... when isn't it murder?
Judie Brown
December 3, 2010

The value of a human person does not cease when that person becomes sick or unable to care for himself. Yet there are many who feel that people who suffer or . . .

The Pope: condom-mania v. Catholic truth
Judie Brown
November 23, 2010

Much controversy surrounds the recent comments made by Pope Benedict XVI regarding AIDS and condom use. Reactions range from disbelief and shock, to approval. . . .

That's not a baby ... it's just your opinion
Judie Brown
November 19, 2010

The fact that a preborn baby is a human being is lost on far too many people in our country. The incessant lies of organizations like Planned Parenthood and . . .

Demonizing human persons, denying human rights
Judie Brown
November 13, 2010

A glance through any major newspaper and the reader will find outrage regarding countless topics. But where is the outrage regarding abortion? Where is the . . .

Planned Parenthood and Institute of Medicine poised to beget 'cheaper than free' birth control, and that spells C-O-E-R-C-I-O-N
Judie Brown
November 12, 2010

Next week, an independent agency and a team of "experts" will meet to discuss the issue of contraception and will advise the government about whether . . .

Catholic Campaign embraces Saul Alinsky legacy
Judie Brown
November 11, 2010

Jesus taught us that whatever we do to our fellow human beings, we also do to Him. So it is only natural that, as we enter upon the Thanksgiving and Christmas . . .

Villains, vultures and "preventive services"
Judie Brown
November 9, 2010

Taking action is not something only a few should do when they have a bit of extra time. Taking action is something we all should make the time to do. If we are . . .

The poisoned chalice of in vitro fertilization
Judie Brown
November 7, 2010

Sometimes things look perfect and beautiful on the outside, but a closer look reveals a starker reality. This is true of in vitro fertilization. While it may . . .

Eliminate undesirable folks and call it health care
Judie Brown
November 4, 2010

A plan for health care should be a plan that takes care of all people — not a plan that eliminates lives. News reports abound with stories about free . . .

Tick, tock, lie to a mother, kill a baby ... tick tock
Judie Brown
October 29, 2010

Next week, voters in Colorado will be deciding on Amendment 62. Much debate has taken place and many falsehoods abound. Today's commentary deals with the lies . . .

Archbishop Raymond Burke ... soon to be 'your eminence'!
Judie Brown
October 26, 2010

It is with gratified hearts that we celebrate the news that Archbishop Raymond Burke, formerly of the Archdiocese of St. Louis and now the Vatican, has been . . .

Obama's henchmen at the trough
Judie Brown
October 23, 2010

What do pigs in a trough have to do with President Obama and his programs? You might find the tie-in disturbing or, at the very least, disgusting. Judie Brown . . .

Extinct species: dinosaurs and Catholic health care
Judie Brown
October 20, 2010

The respect of life in all forms is an integral part of Catholic identity and, thus, Catholic health care as well. Catholics in leadership positions and . . .

Hardness of heart v. undeniable truth
Judie Brown
October 9, 2010

There is a passionate fight going on in America. Courageous men and women — lay people and Catholic clergy alike — are speaking out for personhood . . .

When abortion is an act of kindness!
Judie Brown
October 8, 2010

Often we can learn a lesson about compassion when we hear of others who lack it. When some people feel it's warranted to take matters into their own hands and . . .

Obama's clever use of Catholics
Judie Brown
October 5, 2010

For Catholics who remain true to the teachings of the Church, it never sits well to see Obama paraded around with those in the political spotlight who profess . . .

Getting accustomed to murdering the innocents
Judie Brown
September 30, 2010

In a time when moral relativism seems to have taken over, we look to the past at practices and wonder if they are any indication of what the future has in store . . .

Stem cell theory v. stem cell fact
Judie Brown
September 28, 2010

Preborn babies should not have to die in the name of science. Preborn babies are no less valuable than those of us who are born. Yet, many common theories . . .

Komen, Planned Parenthood and Catholic ethicists = a very bad heartache
Judie Brown
September 25, 2010

Breast cancer — two words that immediately spark fear in a woman's heart. Planned Parenthood — two words that should spark fear in a woman's heart. When an . . .

Organ transplants can kill people
Judie Brown
September 22, 2010

For a person gravely ill and on an organ transplant list, word of a donated organ brings joy and relief. But what of the donor? His life is of equal value. Are . . .

When truth becomes debatable, death happens
Judie Brown
September 17, 2010

Denial of the truth may be easier for some people when thinking about Catholic values. But regardless of whether truth is faced or denied, what the truth is . . .

Contraception: a stumbling block to ending abortion
Judie Brown
September 15, 2010

Graces given to us at Baptism should encourage us to lead others in Catholic teaching. And they should encourage us to learn more about our faith so that we can . . .

Society's death fetish is called ABORTION
Judie Brown
September 10, 2010

I have followed the history of certain abortion practitioners over the years because it troubles me that the mainstream media consistently avoid the horror . . .

Human persons or biological material
Judie Brown
September 8, 2010

The Obama Administration's vampiric thirst for the blood of the innocents continues unabated. Looser abortion restrictions, government funding for abortion and . . .

Human animals ... who's eating your Meow Mix?
Judie Brown
September 2, 2010

For years, we have been striving for human personhood for all — born and preborn — for, when this is achieved, babies will finally be safe in their mother's . . .

Parental notice and the demonization of pro-life principle
Judie Brown
September 1, 2010

While a new law in Alaska may be the cause of some rejoicing for its residents, it is also a reminder of a devastating reality. And it is a reminder that pro . . .

Obama's jaded perspective on rights
Judie Brown
August 28, 2010

It should be remembered that it was candidate Barack Obama, who said when addressing "reproductive rights," http://www.rcrc.org/issues/election08_obama.cfm "A . . .

Twisted perspectives on religious freedom
Judie Brown
August 26, 2010

Is religious freedom truly a freedom afforded to all Americans? If government cannot step in and tell us how or what to believe, can it tell certain . . .

Twisted concepts in pain relief
Judie Brown
August 25, 2010

No one can deny that the idea of relieving the excruciating pain of a suffering patient is a good idea. But when the culture of death is in charge, the results . . .

Planned Parenthood: the biggest pig at the trough
Judie Brown
August 21, 2010

Planned Parenthood — an organization that kills preborn babies, destroys the lives of mothers and, through its brand of sex education, helps form a twisted . . .

God is laughing! Why aren't you?
Judie Brown
August 18, 2010

Focusing on the positive is important. Keeping a good perspective is integral. Every day, strides are made in the pro-life movement and amazing things are . . .

Choosing to deceive one's self about abortion
Judie Brown
August 11, 2010

There is a growing body of evidence that, clinically, abortion has serious consequences. It is further becoming obvious that abortion has ingrained in the . . .

Catholic heroes and villains
Judie Brown
August 4, 2010

In a time when it's all too easy to focus on the negative and lack of morality in today's world, there are some Catholics who remind us of the strength of . . .

A bull in Catalonia v. a preborn baby in America
Judie Brown
August 3, 2010

Human life is precious, no matter how or when this life was created. Yet not everyone understands this. With the new health care guidelines, the U.S. government . . .

Digital communication and the human touch
Judie Brown
July 16, 2010

As someone who started volunteering in the pro-life movement more than 38 years ago, I have seen some pretty remarkable advances in the way we communicate with . . .

Scandal kills babies and souls
Judie Brown
July 14, 2010

The old adage tells us that silence is golden. But that is far from the truth when this silence results in the promulgation of sin. Phoenix, Arizona's Bishop . . .

Cerberus, Hades, and the archdiocese of Boston
Judie Brown
July 10, 2010

I have seen several news reports about the possibility of the $25 billion-dollar investment firm, Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. http://www.cerberuscapital . . .

Semper Fi or let them die?
Judie Brown
July 8, 2010

It is inspiring to witness tributes to those in the military who have put their lives on the line to protect the United States of America from unjust aggressors . . .

How prepared are you to kill for what you believe?
Judie Brown
July 7, 2010

Antonia Senior's recent opinion piece in the Times entitled "Yes, abortion is killing. But it's the lesser of two evils" http://www.scribd.com/doc/33782505/Yes . . .

The wrong stuff, the right stuff, and the truth
Judie Brown
July 2, 2010

It was a bit of a shock to read the flowery statement made by Most Rev. Michael J. Bransfield, bishop of the Wheeling-Charleston diocese, regarding the death of . . .

Fetal pain, maternal suffering, or human rights?
Judie Brown
June 30, 2010

In what can only be described as extremely dubious assertion, the United Kingdom's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists http://www.christian.org.uk . . .

Ethics, morality, and in vitro fertilization
Judie Brown
June 26, 2010

Shortly after my insights on the clinical problems with in vitro fertilization were published, http://www.all.org/newsroom_judieblog.php?id=3066 we joined . . .

Convenient demonizing in pro life politics
Judie Brown
June 23, 2010

INTRO: A new U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report is stirring up political comments on the left and the right regarding the expenditure of nearly . . .

Abortion's fundamental deception
Judie Brown
June 20, 2010

Thirty-seven years ago, the United States Supreme Court decriminalized an act that Planned Parenthood had spent years promoting as a backup to failed . . .

Put that Big Mac attack on hold
Judie Brown
June 17, 2010

You may have taken note of the new advertising campaign McDonald's has launched. The theme is "Come As You Are." When one pro-life activist, Mark Pickup http:/ . . .

Moral spills versus oil spills
Judie Brown
June 15, 2010

As the tragedy in the Gulf continues to grab headlines and tug at the heartstrings of Americans who realize just how devastating the disaster is for families, . . .

A whole lot of nun-sense!
Judie Brown
June 11, 2010

Between Sister Margaret Mary McBride http://www.todayonline.com/Commentary/EDC100528-0000062/Sister-Margaret-McBrides-choice of Phoenix and Sister Carol Keehan . . .

Dangerous declarations about abortion
Judie Brown
June 10, 2010

The Wall Street Journal's William McGurn http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704596504575272780104329228.html recently opined that while 47 percent . . .

Is every human being really human?
Judie Brown
June 8, 2010

As we move along in time, more and more of our language is being corrupted. The problem is acute and international in scope. Recently, a Korean court ruled . . .

The pill kills the truth
Judie Brown
June 5, 2010

INTRO: Saturday, June 5th is a special day for preborn babies, honest pro-life activism and families committed to ridding this nation of the sexual saturation . . .

Disrespectfully yours
Judie Brown
June 3, 2010

It shouldn't have come as a shock that the hyperventilating over Bishop Thomas Olmsted's http://www.catholicsun.org/2010/phxdio-stjoes/DIOCESE-STATEMENT-051410 . . .

Agony, mercy, and murder
Judie Brown
May 29, 2010

In 2005, http://www.sacredchoices.org/is_abortion_murder.htm dissident Catholic theologian Daniel C. Maguire wrote in an essay: "There may be serious and . . .

Planned Parenthood's religion
Judie Brown
May 27, 2010

No matter how challenging this struggle to defend the human person becomes, there is one stunning aspect of it that never ceases to disgust me. And that is the . . .

Knights in tarnished armor
Judie Brown
May 25, 2010

Growing up in suburban Los Angeles, I was not immune to those fairy tales that invited little minds to imagine what it would be like to be Maid Marian or Sir . . .

Catholic teaching under attack by Catholics ... again!
Judie Brown
May 22, 2010

Phoenix, Arizona, has become the focal point in an ongoing discussion within Catholic ethical circles about the killing of one patient to allegedly save the . . .

The so-called right to die unmasked
Judie Brown
May 19, 2010

An article was published recently that got my attention immediately. Like the writer, who is not a religious man, I have fallen into a category of people . . .

Speaker Pelosi's progressive Catholicism and the antidote
Judie Brown
May 18, 2010

It's really not that difficult to see why Speaker Nancy Pelosi's repeated attempts to compromise the Church have not brought a resounding, united statement of . . .

The pill's dirty little secret
Judie Brown
May 15, 2010

As the media hype begins to die down over the not-so-wonderful 50th anniversary of the birth control pill, Hollywood's own Raquel Welch http://www.lifesitenews . . .

Bishops who wear badges ... of courage
Judie Brown
May 13, 2010

One of the most curious things about the constant war of words that the mainstream media wages against Catholic bishops is that it never reports on the other . . .

Let the games begin: God, politics, and babies
Judie Brown
May 10, 2010

It never ceases to amaze me when otherwise lovely, dedicated pro-life folks get all hot and bothered, taking sides and arguing about politics. Strange things . . .

The pill and 50 years of misery
Judie Brown
May 6, 2010

Isn't it interesting that as the United States of America approaches the 50th anniversary of this nation's most popular recreational drug, the birth control . . .

Aborting facts for political purposes
Judie Brown
May 3, 2010

A couple of recent studies that reflect negatively on abortion have come to our attention. We in turn want to make you are aware of them — not because they are . . .

Late have I learned ... or have I?
Judie Brown
March 29, 2010

One would hope the statement "Late have I learned" would be spoken by at least one Catholic bishop, but don't hold your breath. Recent events surrounding the . . .

A tribute to a giant among men: Father Paul Marx, OSB
Judie Brown
March 22, 2010

Paul and Judie Brown's history with the great and unforgettable Father Paul Marx, OSB goes back to their earliest days in the pro-life effort. It was in 1977 . . .

Angels among us
Judie Brown
March 17, 2010

We frequently forget about the impact that young people can have on the world, on the Church and on those deeply involved in defending the most vulnerable in . . .

Isaac, Rebecka, and baby Isaiah May: A legacy of love and courage
Judie Brown
March 15, 2010

On January 25, we reported on the case of baby Isaiah James May. He was born oxygen-deprived, because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, and he . . .

Canon 915: the ultimate act of charity
Judie Brown
March 11, 2010

Since so many Catholic politicians are currently supporting the Obama administration's pro-culture of death agenda, and more and more bishops are backing away . . .

Troublesome: the U.S.C.C.B.'s embrace of Obamacare
Judie Brown
March 8, 2010

For the past couple of days, we have heard rumblings from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, starting with a very curious article in Politico. http://www . . .

Delta smelt fish, dolphins, and babies
Judie Brown
March 4, 2010

A serious drought in California's agricultural areas has sent fruit and vegetable prices soaring, but people probably don't know much else about the situation. . . .

The casualties of war
Judie Brown
February 26, 2010

Frequently over the past 30 years, thanks to the wisdom of Pope John Paul II, we have examined the root causes of the culture of death. In Evangelium Vitae, he . . .

Cruelty as humor -- the Trig Palin joke!
Judie Brown
February 24, 2010

There appears to be no level as to which the media will not stoop in its efforts to paint Sarah Palin and her family as a mere caricature based on their twisted . . .

The CCHD petition -- USCCB inconsistencies require action
Judie Brown
February 19, 2010

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) petition, (www.reformcchdnow.com) created by the Reform CCHD Now coalition, provides the concerned Catholic . . .

Planned Parenthood's criminal record
Judie Brown
February 15, 2010

Just to get things straight from the get go, this commentary is about a documented record of fraud and abuse. Planned Parenthood is clearly operating according . . .

Orwell captures America's deadly culture perfectly
Judie Brown
February 10, 2010

George Orwell once said, "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george . . .

A life worth living? It depends!
Judie Brown
February 9, 2010

It is always interesting to follow the trends in other countries, particularly when the subject is ending the life of a loved one due to severe disability or . . .

Tim Tebow: touchdown for life!
Judie Brown
February 6, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday is upon us, and all of us at American Life League are thrilled about it; not only because many of us love football, but because we are looking . . .

The tragedy of measuring truth by political standards
Judie Brown
February 2, 2010

I recently heard a sermon on Luke 4:21-30 http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/luke/luke4.htm that troubled me a great deal. At the same time, the words of this . . .

Baby Isaiah, the Prophet Isaiah, and justice
Judie Brown
January 26, 2010

On October 24, 2009, a little boy was born in Stollery Children's Hospital, in Edmonton, Canada. http://www.capitalhealth.ca/HospitalsandHealthFacilities . . .

Dear Catholic bishops: the time for bravery is at hand
Judie Brown
January 12, 2010

In a May 10, 2004 letter to Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, http://lifeissues.net/writers/mis/mis_16letterCathCongress.html 48 pro-abortion "Catholic" politicians, . . .

End the killing in Big Sky country
Judie Brown
January 8, 2010

When I first heard of the Montana Supreme Court's Baxter v. Montana decision, I was somewhat comforted to read Alex Schadenberg's statement http://www . . .

New Year's resolution: raising awareness of human personhood now!
Judie Brown
January 5, 2010

As the New Year commences, there are two things that each pro-life American should do: Take stock of progress over the past decade and refocus efforts if they . . .

The pluripotency pickle: the story of a lie
Judie Brown
December 30, 2009

(Editor's note: This week, we are presenting a series we have titled "The Best of 2009" — a selection of the most popular commentaries featured in this year's  . . .

The politics of mayhem, mischief, and murder
Judie Brown
December 17, 2009

The internet is abuzz with statements decrying the United States Senate for its action in defeating the so-called pro-life Nelson-Hatch Amendment to the health . . .

Stupak redux: political lies and manipulation
Judie Brown
December 14, 2009

Congressman Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat and the darling of many American pro-life organizations, recently wrote a commentary for the New York Times that . . .

Human personhood and ill-advised Catholic bishops
Judie Brown
December 10, 2009

The Montana Catholic Conference has released a statement critical of the efforts of state's pro-lifers who are seeking recognition of human personhood via a . . .

Mammograms, breast cancer, and the politics of medical practice
Judie Brown
December 3, 2009

As I listened to Senator Harry Reid discussing health care reform over Thanksgiving weekend, it occurred to me that something is amiss. There is a fundamental . . .

Bishop Thomas Tobin: a lion for the Lord
Judie Brown
November 24, 2009

Ever since Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, D.D., arrived in the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, he has been an articulate defender of truth. Since his installation . . .

How to convert a nation despite our human frailty
Judie Brown
November 16, 2009

Recently, a powerful letter from a grassroots Catholic pro-lifer, Gregory Gollnick, came to my personal attention. I reviewed what he opined in his letter and . . .

The case of the missing moral authority
Judie Brown
November 12, 2009

These past few days of haggling and heckling over H.R. 3962, http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf the Pelosi version of Obama-style "health care . . .

Scientific fraud: ruminations on duplicity and its consequences
Judie Brown
November 6, 2009

Over the past nearly 16 years, I have learned an awful lot about certain subjects that were never high on my hit parade before getting involved in the pro-life . . .

Absolute opposition to national health care reform a must
Judie Brown
November 2, 2009

A couple of recent news items from South America have reminded me once again why the United States government — or any government for that matter — must never . . .

From the sicko world of Planned Parenthood
Judie Brown
October 29, 2009

One never knows what might be posted as a YouTube video, readily available to anyone with an internet connection. Among the most recent is a shocker starring . . .

How to drive the culture of death crazy in one simple lesson
Judie Brown
October 23, 2009

There's got to be a reason why there is so much whining in the pro-abortion movement right now. The recent behavior of the folks at RH Reality Check www . . .

Catholic bishops and true charity
Judie Brown
October 20, 2009

Saint Francis de Sales would have been concerned, if not horrified, at the situation in the Catholic Church today. I say that without reservation because he is . . .

Humpty Dumpty's Catholics
Judie Brown
October 16, 2009

Many who have read Lewis Carroll's beloved Alice Through the Looking-Glass http://www.amazon.com/Lewis-Carroll-Alice-Through-Looking-glass/dp/1858943299 . . .

Peace: what does it really mean?
Judie Brown
October 13, 2009

The announcement this past Friday that President Barack Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize created quite a stir in the media, within divergent political . . .

Human personhood and women
Judie Brown
October 9, 2009

In our pursuit of state and federal constitutional protection for all human persons from the beginning of their biological development, we frequently hear that  . . .

'Sort of, kind of, maybe' against taxpayer-subsidized abortion?
Judie Brown
October 6, 2009

Over the years I have tried on many occasions to understand the apparent disconnect between the bureaucrats at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops . . .

Forsythe's dilemma: legal positivism
Judie Brown
September 30, 2009

The recent commentary by Clarke Forsythe, senior legal counsel at Americans United for Life, presents a challenge that must be met. Entitled "The Blackmun Myth" . . .

Wacky 'Catholic social justice' groups? Or worse?
Judie Brown
September 22, 2009

Sometimes e-mail provokes deeper reflection about a pro-life subject. I don't like to rush to respond when there are layers of meaning in the comments being . . .

Latest health care reform proposal: America's Happy Puppies and Rainbows Act of 2009
Judie Brown
September 18, 2009

Just yesterday, Michael Hichborn, host of our ALL Report, got roped into the unbelievable task of reviewing the new Max Baucus version of the health care reform . . .

Say what? A personhood primer
Judie Brown
September 12, 2009

Recently, a pro-life gentleman asked this question about the language of American Life League's Federal Human Personhood Amendment (FHPA) http://www.all.org . . .

What Obama will not tell the joint session of Congress
Judie Brown
September 9, 2009

The president of the United States will address a joint session of Congress tomorrow evening. In the interim, the talking heads on both the left and the right . . .

Robert Schindler: We love you and we will miss you! We will never forget you!
Judie Brown
September 2, 2009

Terri Schindler Schiavo's father, Robert Schindler, Sr., died this past Saturday, August 29. There are many pro-life Americans who knew Robert Schindler far . . .

The Kennedy funeral: spitting on Christ
Judie Brown
September 1, 2009

Each of us who believe in the justice and mercy of God are called, as an act of charity, to pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased. However, there are . . .

Who is really 'wee-weed up'?
Judie Brown
August 25, 2009

President Obama has resorted to an incredibly infantile phrase — "wee-weed up" — to degrade his "health care reform" detractors. While the White House has now . . .

Collision of constitutional rights
Judie Brown
August 19, 2009

In June, Terry O'Neill was elected president of the National Organization for Women at its annual conference. A discussion about conscience clauses then took . . .

Christ-centered health care reform
Judie Brown
August 11, 2009

Recently, there have been a lot of legislative deliberations, speeches and commentaries about so-called health care reform, including my own. But perhaps it is . . .

Catholics and healthcare reform
Judie Brown
August 3, 2009

Our office's recent media release has created quite a stir about the folks at the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVDP), Catholic Charities (CCUSA) and the . . .

Synchronized stealth: Obama's 'Department of Death with Dignity'!
Judie Brown
July 28, 2009

The current debate over health care is one of those scenarios that might play well in a science-fiction thriller, but must not be allowed to play out on the . . .

Catholic health care's demise--is it imminent?
Judie Brown
July 22, 2009

There was a time when institutions bearing a Catholic identity, such as hospitals and clinics, would never have agreed to even the slightest hint of deviating . . .

Inescapable consequences banished from public discussion
Judie Brown
July 10, 2009

Time and time again, we are called upon to respond to a question average Americans ask: "Why doesn't the media — conservative or liberal — show a picture of an . . .

Churchman, chickens, and choice ... symbols of a disordered mentality
Judie Brown
July 6, 2009

A few days ago, I came upon an article about a certain Episcopalian priestess named Rev. Nina Churchman. http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/jun/09062411.html . . .

Tranquility or terrorism?
Judie Brown
July 2, 2009

Having just returned from a 16-day tour of national parks in the western states, from Glacier http://www.nps.gov/glac to Zion, http://www.nps.gov/zion I was . . .

Boston's hour of accountability draws near
Judie Brown
June 16, 2009

The furor over the July 1 deadline facing Sean Cardinal O'Malley, http://www.bostoncatholic.org of the Archdiocese of Boston, has been newsworthy for many weeks . . .

Media madness: men and abortion
Judie Brown
June 11, 2009

The planet is a strange place these days where hyped political rhetoric continues to grow ever more bizarre. Take, for example, the recent comments by Adam . . .

Rants, raves, and radicals: the pill kills women!
Judie Brown
June 9, 2009

At the completion of another successful PILL KILLS http://www.thepillkills.com/ series of events we were somewhat shocked and surprised to see how many pro . . .

The culture of death has no winners
Judie Brown
June 1, 2009

Upon learning of the tragic murder of abortionist George Tiller, http://www.prch.org/programs-george-r-tiller-md about whom I have written on numerous occasions . . .

Development, peace, and corruption in Canada -- a Catholic saga
Judie Brown
May 28, 2009

LifeSiteNews http://www.lifesitenews.com/ has been a mainstay of accurate reporting on breaking stories not only on the North American continent but around the . . .

Pandora's Box has nothing on Caritas Christi
Judie Brown
May 27, 2009

PANDORA'S BOX: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Pandora%27s%20Box Etymology: from the box, sent by the gods to Pandora, which she was forbidden to . . .

University of Wisconsin Hospital's macabre moniker
Judie Brown
May 22, 2009

Over the years there have been a number of universities in the United States that have distinguished themselves either because of something unique that places . . .

Life of the mother or lies of Big Brother
Judie Brown
May 20, 2009

The claims of our opponents always tend to mystify me because when put under the microscope of logic, they usually look very much like a fairy tale. Take for . . .

Notre Dame: Catholicism's crucible
Judie Brown
May 13, 2009

Crucible: a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary . . .

Lighting the way despite the wayward
Judie Brown
May 6, 2009

Those faithful Catholics who are exposing the debacle at the University of Notre Dame are to be commended, and we are grateful for their courage, even in the . . .

Error-riddled rhetoric from both sides on Plan B
Judie Brown
April 28, 2009

A recent article by Detroit Free Press reporter Megha Satyanarayana http://www.freep.com/article/20090423/NEWS06/904230435/struck aroused in me a fundamental . . .

Take a baby step and save a life
Judie Brown
April 24, 2009

The unbelievable results of the Baby Steps DVD, http://www.babystepsdvd.com/ produced by American Life League, continue to inspire, motivate and touch the . . .

Napolitano nastiness
Judie Brown
April 20, 2009

Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano wasted little time in going after President Obama's most beloved opponents, pro-life Americans. http://www.lifesitenews . . .

The pluripotency pickle: the story of a lie
Judie Brown
April 16, 2009

Pickle — a difficult situation; a sour solution Several years ago, in one her most important scientific papers, Professor Dianne Irving discussed the nature . . .

The Notre Dame end game -- human respect
Judie Brown
April 14, 2009

So much has been written on the intransigence of Father John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame, in view of the mounting pressure on him to disinvite the . . .

Pope-mania or condom-mania -- pick one
Judie Brown
April 10, 2009

Royce Dunn is and has always been an inspiration to me. For those of you not already aware of this, Royce was the creator of the Life Chain concept, and over . . .

Bizarre bilge from the culture of death
Judie Brown
April 7, 2009

Bizarre bilge is news and comments that would be unthinkable in a truly civil society. Once you read the following collection of "news" items you will get a . . .

Notre Dame score card: Americanism vs. Catholicism
Judie Brown
April 3, 2009

It's really interesting to witness the ongoing struggle between orthodoxy and malevolence surrounding the University of Notre Dame's invitation to President . . .

Notre Dame: zealots vs. zombies
Judie Brown
March 30, 2009

Depending on which account of the events surrounding the tragic invitation extended to President Barack Obama by the University of Notre Dame, one gets the . . .

Judging without justice
Judie Brown
March 26, 2009

Those Americans who have a true grasp of what justice meant to our founding fathers must be a bit perplexed by the actions of Eastern District Court of New York . . .

Brazil's bishops beleaguered but blessed
Judie Brown
March 23, 2009

The past few days have given all of us a bird's eye view of what it means to be a Catholic bishop who comprehends the meaning of the word sin and is not afraid . . .

Conspiracy to commit compassion
Judie Brown
March 20, 2009

Though not widely publicized, the case of 35-year-old Air Force Captain Michael Fontana http://www.woai.com/news/local/story/Wilford-Hall-nurse-implicated-in-3 . . .

Action now! Stop Obama's contentious conscience charade
Judie Brown
March 16, 2009

In an earlier commentary http://www.all.org/newsroom_judieblog.php?id=2510 "OBAMA CHRONICLES V: CONTRARY TO CONSCIENCE," I evaluated the planned changes . . .

Holocaust then and now
Judie Brown
March 13, 2009

We have frequently argued that one of the main reasons why we want to redefine the "pro-life" movement as the pro-human personhood movement is that it is a . . .

Catholic cacophony
Judie Brown
March 10, 2009

ca•coph•o•ny: dissonance, lack of agreement There's been such a hodgepodge of things Catholic in the news this past week, that it could become mind-boggling . . .

Matt Bowman's acute observations
Judie Brown
March 6, 2009

Occasionally I read something by one of my fellow pro-lifers that is so clever, insightful and wise that I feel compelled to share it with those who have become . . .

Obama Chronicles V: Contrary to conscience
Judie Brown
March 3, 2009

It has been a very interesting few days. Analyzing the latest presidential escapades is not always as straightforward as one might wish, but one thing has . . .

Death by induction
Judie Brown
February 24, 2009

Recently a friend advised me that St. Joseph's Catholic Hospital in London, Ontario, Canada, was providing something called "early induction of labor" for . . .

Absolutes vs. acrobats -- Catholic-style
Judie Brown
February 20, 2009

When your head is swimming from all the commentary ebbing and flowing from Wednesday's Pelosi encounter with the Holy Father, the essence of what actually . . .

Pelosi will meet her nemesis: Pope Benedict XVI
Judie Brown
February 18, 2009

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi http://www.house.gov/pelosi/ is about to pull off, at least according to some, a real coup by being given the opportunity to have a . . .

Picture this
Judie Brown
February 12, 2009

In California, http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId;=88097 State Senator Sam Aanestad is investigating a "pilot project" involving the . . .

Obama chronicles: acrid atmosphere
Judie Brown
February 9, 2009

While it really isn't surprising that President Obama would be working his way toward some sort of politically motivated abortion program, it is quite . . .

Eight mistakes or eight babies? It depends on whom you ask!
Judie Brown
February 4, 2009

The various statements swirling around Nadya Suleman's newborn octuplets, who were all born apparently healthy, are remarkable and at the same time . . .

Time, talent, and intolerance
Judie Brown
January 30, 2009

The past few days have seen a spate of news reports indicating that the American people are in dire straits these days and that pro-life Americans absolutely . . .

Bishop Robert J. Hermann
Judie Brown
January 26, 2009

Bishop Robert J. Hermann, archdiocesan administrator for the Archdiocese of St. Louis, has edified us on many occasions, but his most recent commentary is so . . .

Regulating evil + permitting evil = confusion
Judie Brown
January 22, 2009

The 36th memorial of the infamous Supreme Court decisions, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, http://www.all.org/article.php?id=10121 is upon us as I write this. . . .

Obama, change, and hope ... in the cross of Christ
Judie Brown
January 20, 2009

Many of us who have followed the media, as they have gushed over our new president ever since he announced his candidacy, realize that there is a great deal . . .

The grammar of right thinking
Judie Brown
January 11, 2009

Not a day passes when one headline or another grabs my attention and rivets me to a search engine on my computer, sort of like a mad dog! But I learned that one . . .

Murder most foul
Judie Brown
January 7, 2009

Danny Platt of New Orleans, Louisiana is among the most incredibly sadistic alleged murderers I have ever read about in my entire 64 years of life. http://www . . .

Merck mired in mayhem
Judie Brown
January 3, 2009

It was shocking when I saw it; I knew it couldn't possibly be true, and I prayed it was a New Year's Eve joke! But indeed, it was factually correct and my heart . . .

Gallup says America is losing faith
Judie Brown
December 30, 2008

Perhaps it is not unusual, shortly before a new year arrives, to see a plethora of headlines telling us what is best and worst about many facets of daily life. . . .

Catholic Health Association digs a deeper hole
Judie Brown
December 23, 2008

Last Thursday, I wrote a commentary http://www.all.org/newsroom_judieblog.php?id=2431 on the Catholic Health Association's http://www.chausa.org/ public praise . . .

Sound Choice is all about good news
Judie Brown
December 20, 2008

The invitation extended to all pro-life organizations and individuals by Father Tom Euteneuer (http://www.hli.org/sl_2008-12-19.html) should be a welcome call . . .

Will Obama be Planned Parenthood's Santa Claus?
Judie Brown
December 17, 2008

Recently, a document began circulating around the nation's capital, and it fell into our hands as well. It is cleverly titled Advancing Reproductive Rights and . . .

New Vatican instruction on bioethics: 'Dignitas Personae'
Judie Brown
December 15, 2008

American Life League is grateful to the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for today's release of its new document, Instruction Dignitas . . .

Father Joseph Illo: "God requires this of me"
Judie Brown
December 10, 2008

I have been awestruck by the heroic Catholic priests who have asserted Catholic teaching without apology, particularly on the subject of Obama and those . . .

Pay-grade sophisms
Judie Brown
December 8, 2008

Recently, during a visit to Boise, I had the honor of speaking at a Christmas banquet hosted by Idaho Chooses Life. http://idahochooseslife.org/ My theme was  . . .

Texas takes friendship to a new level
Judie Brown
December 5, 2008

The Texas state motto is friendship, http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/Texas/Motto.html a single word that is loaded with immense meaning in view of recent news . . .

God is pro-choice according to nun
Judie Brown
December 2, 2008

I couldn't believe the e-mail that I recently received from a pro-life friend living in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee http://www.archmil.org/, Wisconsin. She . . .

Obamaism, Catholicism, and Thanksgiving
Judie Brown
November 26, 2008

When I first read the response of the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts to Cardinal Sean O'Malley's post-election comments about President-elect Obama, . . .

Catholicism vs. 'Obamaism'
Judie Brown
November 22, 2008

When the Catholic University of America's Tower reported that during a recent address at the university, His Eminence James Francis Cardinal Stafford criticized . . .

The final confrontation: Who will see it? Who will care?
Judie Brown
November 19, 2008

In 1976, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, who became Pope John Paul II in 1978, said http://www.johnmallon.net/Site/The_Partys_Over.html "We are now standing in the . . .

Reproduction . . . and we don't mean chickens
Judie Brown
November 14, 2008

I have always been fascinated by the manner in which our opponents couch their arguments. This is particularly true in the "field" of reproductive health, which . . .

Protect Christ from sacrilege? Forget about it!
Judie Brown
November 10, 2008

It seems that the annual meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will not be addressing the enforcement of Canon 915, let alone the failure that . . .

Mayhem, madness, and meanness
Judie Brown
November 6, 2008

As Americans devoted to defending the innocent continue to reel from the election results, there are a few things that bear consideration as we move forward. . . .

The evil gardener or the bioethics guru?
Judie Brown
November 3, 2008

Bioedge is giving all of us something to think about that, frankly, has nothing to do with elections, politics or voting. Aside from being alarming for those of . . .

Election reflection
Judie Brown
November 2, 2008

I just finished reading another commentary on the upcoming elections. It is said that this is a defining moment in our nation's history, not to mention the . . .

A bust, a boon, or a bane?
Judie Brown
November 1, 2008

bane: a source of harm or ruin http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bane Several years ago, when American Life League first became involved in opposing . . .

Mind freaks in science
Judie Brown
October 29, 2008

One of my favorite magicians is Criss Angel http://www.crissangel.com/. His ability to draw the viewer into the most amazing illusions is seconded only by his . . .

Is forced death coming to Washington State . . .again?
Judie Brown
October 28, 2008

I have a very personal interest in a proposed initiative that is on the November 4 election ballot in Washington State. You see 38 years ago, my husband and I . . .

Bishops and voting -- confusion or clarity?
Judie Brown
October 26, 2008

The most recent comments regarding Catholics and their moral obligations in the voting booth come courtesy of Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia and Bishop . . .

Solidarity: a sign of hope for pro-life stalwarts
Judie Brown
October 22, 2008

Here we are, at the midpoint of the 40 DAYS FOR LIFE campaign http://www.40daysforlife.com/about.cfm and just after the PRO-LIFE DAY OF SILENT SOLIDARITY, http: . . .

The good, the bad, and the ugly: a down syndrome tale
Judie Brown
October 21, 2008

The news I bring to your attention today is not, to my mind, just another of those heart-wrenching accounts of the ways in which Down syndrome children are . . .

Fraud or business as usual?
Judie Brown
October 18, 2008

fraud: intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right http://www.merriam-webster.com . . .

Americans United for Separation of Truth from Public Life
Judie Brown
October 16, 2008

I guess it is no secret to most that the anti-faith organization, Americans United for Separation of Church and State http://www.au.org/ , becomes wildly . . .

Recent media skullduggery
Judie Brown
October 15, 2008

Skullduggery: underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; also: a devious device or trick http://www.merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/mwwodarch.pl?Nov.20.2007 It's with . . .

Catholics must understand their voting priorities
Judie Brown
October 14, 2008

I was not going to write a commentary on this subject because, as you probably have guessed by now, I cannot talk about candidates due to the tax status of . . .

South Dakota's elephant in the room
Judie Brown
October 13, 2008

All Words (http://www.allwords.com/word-elephant+in+the+room.html ) tells us that an "elephant in the room" is an idiom for "a problem or difficult issue that . . .

Devastating dichotomies
Judie Brown
October 10, 2008

Dichotomy: "division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups." http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dichotomy That is the most polite . . .

Hello tree, I am a human being!
Judie Brown
October 7, 2008

Tom Szyszkiewicz has always been one of my favorite Catholic reporters. While I could not pronounce his last name if you paid me to do it, I find his writing . . .

Is your life a legal question?
Judie Brown
October 2, 2008

Yesterday, Lillie Reynolds' grandson lost his life in a tragic automobile crash. http://www.mlive.com/flintjournal/index.ssf/2008/09/crash_that_rips_baby_from . . .

Tiller the "healer"?
Judie Brown
October 1, 2008

It seems sort of oxymoronic to read a news report that starts with the following sentence: http://www.earnedmedia.org/or0930.htm "A complaint has been filed . . .

Catholic bishops, heroism, and vitriol
Judie Brown
September 30, 2008

So much has arrived in my e-mail recently on the conflict between courageous preaching and the hate speech of those who find religion nauseating that I decided . . .

Birth control merchants
Judie Brown
September 29, 2008

The news from the reproductive health front is not good these days for preborn children, but is for those who cash in on the sexually transmitted disease, . . .

Gloomy Gus would be in tears!
Judie Brown
September 27, 2008

The 1904 comic strip character Gloomy Gus (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gloomy%20gus) was habitually depressed or, one could say, without hope. So . . .

F.O.C.A.: focal point of pro-abort full-court press
Judie Brown
September 25, 2008

Hidden behind the headlines, but rarely discussed in polite company, is the dire measure pro-abortion forces are committed to enacting because the personhood . . .

The ugly side of dying
Judie Brown
September 24, 2008

Just when you think the euthanasia forces have taken a siesta, they come out swinging for yet another round of fear mongering. And this time, the grotesque . . .

A Brad Pitt moment
Judie Brown
September 22, 2008

A few days ago, I had a very strange experience. While reading a news report about Brad Pitt's donation of "$100,000 to fight California's November ballot . . .

Persons or problems? Colorado has to choose!
Judie Brown
September 18, 2008

At American Life League, we have spent nearly 30 years trying in every way we can to humanize the preborn baby, even when he is a single-cell zygote. We have . . .

Politics and the art of arrogance
Judie Brown
September 17, 2008

I am constantly amazed when I listen to the wide variety of comments that politicians put forth. You know as well as I do that their goal is to garner votes, . . .

Stooping to honor Stopes
Judie Brown
September 16, 2008

Something has definitely gone awry at Britain's Royal Mail headquarters. Though this news may be old to some, I just learned that one of its new postage stamps . . .

Jordin Sparks and honesty
Judie Brown
September 15, 2008

Over the past several years, I have noticed that there is no television program quite as popular as American Idol. In fact, it has become so engrained in the . . .

"Brain death" is not death
Judie Brown
September 11, 2008

In a recent edition of her e-newsletter update, Julie Grimstad, executive director of Life is Worth Living, Inc., a pro-life lay apostolate, discusses a recent . . .

IPS and the USCCB: a bad formula
Judie Brown
September 10, 2008

I have just finished looking at the latest advertisement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, entitled "Science is moving on. Isn't it time . . .

Vatican to "debate" organ transplantation? Brain death?
Judie Brown
September 9, 2008

It has come as a surprise to some that the Pontifical Academy for Life is co-hosting a November 2008 conference with the theme "A Gift for Life." I have known . . .

We remain steadfast, but...
Judie Brown
March 7, 2008

Over the last few weeks, something rather bizarre has occurred in the pro-life movement and it is difficult for me to get my arms around it. So, I have decided . . .

Wanted: pro-life integrity
Judie Brown
February 1, 2008

For more than 35 years, pro-lifers have struggled to choose the best tactics and strategies while hoping to reach a point in America's history where abortion . . .

Good Catholics
Judie Brown
January 16, 2008

Over the years, several official Catholic statements have outlined major concerns about the group "Catholics for a Free Choice." These statements have pointed . . .

A cheap shot from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Judie Brown
December 19, 2007

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is once again attempting to hijack medical ethics. Because of ACOG's history of mass deception, which I . . .

Miscarriage of justice
Judie Brown
December 10, 2007

Last Thursday, I read a series of news reports that brought me face to face with the tragic consequences of more than 30 years of unabated abuse — of drugs, the . . .

Victory or defeat? State the case for personhood
Judie Brown
November 28, 2007

On any given day in the world of media headlines, one can find at least one erroneous statement that absolutely must be refuted. In fact, one might venture to . . .

Sacrilege, scandal, and murder--or civility?
Judie Brown
November 14, 2007

When a bipartisan group of American Catholics signed on to an innocuous document entitled "A Catholic Call to Observe Civility in Political Debate," my initial . . .

Strategy for success evades pro-lifers
Judie Brown
November 5, 2007

When I saw a column written by pro-life activist Jane Frantz in the Appleton Post-Crescent, it really took the wind out of my sails. She wrote about her . . .

Catholicism's Achilles heel
Judie Brown
October 19, 2007

Recent remarks by retired Cardinal Theodore McCarrick are a reminder of the tragic situation that exists within the Catholic Church these days. It is as though . . .

The devil wins in Connecticut
Judie Brown
October 2, 2007

When I read the news, my first thought was, "This can't be true!" But unfortunately, it is. The Connecticut Catholic Conference caved in to political pressure . . .

Anti-life nonsense
Judie Brown
August 30, 2007

Cristina Page recently wrote yet another biting article for the reproductive health conglomerate, one of a seemingly non-stop series of tirades against the . . .

The crime of abortion
Judie Brown
August 16, 2007

In recent days, a couple of ideas have flowed from the minds of pundits that suggest paving new paths for pro-life thought and action regarding abortion law. . . .

Religion, politics, and faith
Judie Brown
June 22, 2007

America is badly in need of a reality check, and as we get closer to another cycle of elections, it seems proper to stop and examine why that wakeup call cannot . . .

As simple as ABC
Judie Brown
June 14, 2007

Bipartisan efforts in Congress always challenge my imagination. While I am aware that politics is the art of compromise, I have never understood how elected . . .

Politics of appeasement
Judie Brown
June 4, 2007

A few days ago I joined with several pro-life leaders in signing an ad that focused attention on Dr. James Dobson and other Christian leaders who had celebrated . . .

Media Catholic trio are the 'Three Blind Mice'
Judie Brown
May 21, 2007

In a recent story, the Washington Post recognized there is revitalization and renewal within the Catholic Church after years of scandal and turmoil. Amid this . . .

The personhood crisis
Judie Brown
May 16, 2007

Not long ago, Maureen Downey wrote an article for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on the subject of the Georgia pro-life movement's new political goal: A . . .

Catholic hospitals and the 'emergency contraception' conundrum
Judie Brown
May 3, 2007

Recent reports from Connecticut and Wisconsin leave us wondering what in the world is going on in the world of "Catholic" health care. It would seem that the . . .

Partial-birth abortion ruling: Where is the victory?
Judie Brown
April 26, 2007

The Supreme Court's recent decision to uphold restrictions on partial-birth abortion (actually, it's infanticide) in most cases has stirred up the folks who . . .

America's angst: Her cruelty to children
Judie Brown
April 18, 2007

It is perhaps no accident that April 2007 is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Far too many horrors have converged on the national psyche in the last two . . .

Announcing the incarnation
Judie Brown
March 23, 2007

For Catholics and many other Christians the world over, March 25, the traditional Feast of the Annunciation, has been a day to celebrate the silent beginning of . . .

The pickle and the fickle
Judie Brown
March 14, 2007

It has always amazed me to watch the pandering that goes on as men and women find the power of the presidency so alluring that they can no longer resist the . . .

Wrongful motherhood
Judie Brown
March 12, 2007

The recent news reports about Jennifer Raper, the 45-year-old mother of a two-year-old child who prior to her birth was targeted for death by abortion, shocked . . .

Bishops and bald eagles
Judie Brown
March 2, 2007

Over the last four years American Life League has sought, through advertising, public commentary, personal communications, and other means to invite the . . .

Honestly, it's charitable
Judie Brown
February 16, 2007

Ever since the first American Life League Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church advertisement appeared in the Washington Times in January of 2003, . . .

34 years after Roe -- where are we now?
Judie Brown
January 18, 2007

I fondly recall the day in 1974 when Humberto Cardinal Medeiros told the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, "As for an amendment which would generally prohibit . . .

We deserve better than embryonic stem cell research fraud
Judie Brown
January 10, 2007

Very early in my life I learned a valuable lesson: when you manipulate the truth, you not only distort the subject you are discussing but you bring shame upon . . .

2006 and preborn children
Judie Brown
December 29, 2006

As the year comes to a close, dozens of commentaries will be written with the goal of encapsulating the entire year into a few thousand words. As I firmly . . .

Pandering to Pelosi
Judie Brown
December 21, 2006

The incipient speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, is showing what I consider extreme arrogance, even for a pro-abortion figure in public . . .

Advent reflections
Judie Brown
December 14, 2006

As the celebration of Christ's birth swiftly approaches, we are in a mood to celebrate family, friends, and the tremendous joy we receive in simply loving those . . .

2006 election: It's the babies, stupid!
Judie Brown
November 8, 2006

The wee small hours of the morning caught many of us stunned by the results in South Dakota's abortion referendum, and anxiety ridden over what might happen in . . .

Eleventh hour jitters
Judie Brown
November 3, 2006

As many in mainstream media continue to spin their tale of woe hysterically exaggerating what the South Dakota abortion ban will actually accomplish if the . . .

Missouri's Waterloo
Judie Brown
October 26, 2006

If you asked for a show of hands in response to the simple question, "Who's in favor of human cloning?" you might think that affirmative answers would only come . . .

Rating sex
Judie Brown
October 3, 2006

When I first heard about the recently produced documentary, This Film Is Not Yet Rated, there was no real desire on my part to dig into the subject. After all, . . .

Beast of prey
Judie Brown
September 21, 2006

Across America, a new wave of excitement is gripping college towns and the young Americans who inhabit them. Along with possessing the most sophisticated . . .

Contraception is not the answer
Judie Brown
August 24, 2006

As one who has fought on the front lines of the pro-life battle for much of my adult life, it's my perception that there is mass confusion in this nation about . . .

God, abortion, and gobbledygook
Judie Brown
August 16, 2006

In our current age of enlightenment, it doesn't take much for a person to identify himself as an expert. For example, a person who has experience in cleaning . . .

Plan A: Scrap Plan B
Judie Brown
August 10, 2006

I'm irritated. Totally. My job is to tell the truth; but I'm continually thwarted by those in the medical community and the government who make false claims . . .

Words at war
Judie Brown
August 2, 2006

When I saw the Ms. Magazine invitation to join the new "We Had Abortions" petition campaign, the evil practically jumped right off the page. This type of . . .

Murder on my mind
Judie Brown
July 27, 2006

I am often fascinated when reports on a topic converge within a very short period of time. You don't often see mainstream media accounts that deal with the . . .

Waxman's whoppers
Judie Brown
July 20, 2006

Congressman Henry Waxman would not get my vote for the most pro-life Democrat in Congress. In fact, quite the opposite is true. But his latest antics have . . .

A perfect child
Judie Brown
July 5, 2006

A tragedy has unfolded in Pekin, Illinois, where a 3-year old girl was suffocated by a woman who put a plastic trash bag over the child's head. Dr. Karen . . .

Catholic bishops: Say yes when you mean yes
Judie Brown
June 22, 2006

Having been frequently described by my fellow pro-lifers as lacking all understanding of political nuances and innuendo, you will pardon me for being overly . . .

South Dakota's true grit
Judie Brown
June 16, 2006

It is clear by now that the state of South Dakota has a legislature and a governor willing to stand up to pro-abortion pressure and do the right thing. That is . . .

Martini mixes up truth; too many bishops neither shaken nor stirred
Judie Brown
May 25, 2006

Some things appear to change from time to time, when actually they usually remain the same. Such is the world in which one finds both errant Catholic leaders . . .

Intentionally uninhibited
Judie Brown
May 11, 2006

Frantically scurrying to protect its multi-million dollar birth control enterprise, Planned Parenthood has begun taking aim at pro-life forces with rapid fire . . .

Slip-sliding to Hell
Judie Brown
April 27, 2006

A recent political analysis by Mark Rozell, "GOP resonance with Catholics could well be slip-sliding away," focused attention on what some describe as a fissure . . .

Issue insanity
Judie Brown
April 20, 2006

A variety of news reports tell us that pro-abortion forces are getting ready for a battle of enormous proportions. It seems that groups including NARAL are . . .

Planned Parenthood: Deceit unto death
Judie Brown
April 13, 2006

Nothing is quite as sad as the news that a young person has perished as the result of an act of violence. Somehow it is more heart-wrenching to hear of an . . .

Timing is everything
Judie Brown
April 6, 2006

Over the past few years cutting-edge pro-life legislative initiatives have emerged in a couple of states; initiatives that are not the run-of-the-mill . . .

Cokie and Steve Roberts: Getting it all wrong
Judie Brown
March 29, 2006

Cokie and Steve Roberts have established quite a following with their various commentaries on current events. But on the subject of abortion they have gone way . . .

Why is it so hard to understand? The abortion pill is simply wrong.
Judie Brown
March 22, 2006

Many years ago I sat at a table in the White House, looking at a dumbfounded President Ronald Reagan. I had just told him that under his administration, . . .

Send in the clowns
Judie Brown
March 9, 2006

Hyperbole dressed up like fact continues to interest me, especially when it emanates from the culture of death's chief analysts. That's why William Saletan's . . .

It's not easy being stupid, arrogant and a tool of Satan
Judie Brown
March 2, 2006

If you ever start to think that the world is suffering from a venom shortage, just start a blog and say something controversial. The level of rage that people . . .

When it's not about you!
Judie Brown
February 24, 2006

Women are told that reproductive health services are designed to better their lives. They are also told that anti-abortion zealots are infringing upon these . . .

Catholic charities: Just say 'no' to blood money
Judie Brown
February 16, 2006

I am flabbergasted and aghast, not to mention madder than ... well, I'm quite steamed. So many news items have come rolling off the Internet lately — indicating . . .

Legitimizing murder -- again
Judie Brown
February 3, 2006

The U.S. Supreme Court, in Gonzales v Oregon, is continuing its pattern of ruling against traditional morality. Once again the dignity of the human person and . . .

Burden of truth: Senator Edward Kennedy's achilles heel
Judie Brown
January 10, 2006

Recently Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) wrote a scathing commentary for the Washington Post. He took Judge Samuel Alito to task and actually suggested . . .

What women want
Judie Brown
January 5, 2006

It is always fascinating to read news reports about women and pregnancy. There seems to be a concerted effort to present women as superior beings who can . . .

Schiavo, truth, and the American way
Judie Brown
December 15, 2005

It is frequently said that truth is stranger than fiction. In the case of Michael Schiavo, husband of the now deceased Terri Schiavo, this is precisely correct. . . .

A penalty of death
Judie Brown
November 20, 2005

Some days it seems as though the world has turned completely upside down; nothing makes sense. I just experienced a couple of those days and it has left me . . .

Judging the judge
Judie Brown
November 9, 2005

Sometimes pro-lifers rival the pro-abortion crowd in their hysterical hyperbole. Such is the case regarding President Bush's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Samuel . . .

Our Catholic bishops: Called to lead
Judie Brown
November 2, 2005

Nearly three years ago, American Life League embarked on a serious campaign. We decided it was no longer possible to sit on the sidelines and watch while public . . .

What are we waiting for?
Judie Brown
October 27, 2005

These are vexing times. We have seen the president nominate for a position on the Supreme Court a woman whose record is not just unclear but practically unknown . . .

Privacy and predators
Judie Brown
September 15, 2005

There are very few of us who have not heard about "sexual predators," people who victimize children and do so with wretched regularity. So why in the world . . .

Dismembering reality
Judie Brown
September 1, 2005

Just a few days ago the most amazing announcement came from the world of medical research. Perhaps you heard about the startling discovery that 28-week-old . . .

A case of mistaken identity
Judie Brown
August 17, 2005

Have you ever had an "I think I know you, but I can't recall your name" moment when you see a familiar face at a gathering? And even worse, have you said, "Hi, . . .

Numb numbers
Judie Brown
August 3, 2005

As a society, we love to count things. In fact, we count almost anything that can be counted. Whenever there are a lot of things to count, official counters . . .

Roe, Roberts, and reality
Judie Brown
July 29, 2005

Judge John Roberts' nomination to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court has people along the fringes, both on the pro-abortion and the pro-life side, so busy . . .

Cruel cunning
Judie Brown
July 21, 2005

All too often lately, reading the news gives me the chills. We live in a world that is upside down, yet far too few people seem to care. And that troubles me. . . .

Incompatible ideologies
Judie Brown
July 13, 2005

It is becoming increasingly clear to me that I'm out of step with the rest of the world. And boy, am I glad! It's not just me, either. Everyone who fully . . .

Supreme Court hoopla: Rhetoric or reality?
Judie Brown
July 7, 2005

In case you missed it, many alleged conservative groups are moaning about the possibility that President Bush might nominate attorney general Alberto Gonzales . . .

Stemming specious statements before... another one bites the dust
Judie Brown
June 30, 2005

Remember the 1980s hit "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen? That song is about getting even by killing people. Not a nice theme for a song! But no one thinks . . .

Ribald rhetoric
Judie Brown
June 25, 2005

If there's anything the pro-abortion crowd is especially adept with, it's the subtle use of words — shades of meaning, nuanced turns, linguistic sleight-of-hand . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

Jeannie DeAngelis
Cloward-Piven paradise now?

Felicia Benamon
It's all political

Marsha West
My response to "The Response" Gov. Rick Perry's call to prayer

Edward Daley
The tea party was right, and you know it

Lloyd Marcus
Lloyd Marcus responds to black tea party critic

Michael Oberndorf
How to succeed by failing

Bryan Fischer
Gov. Perry and 2012: It's his for the taking

Kevin Price
Filibuster is crucial in fiscal integrity
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