Kurt Kondrich column
I am the father of a beautiful daughter who has Down syndrome, and she has been a priceless Blessing to our family and community.

When I became aware of the 90+% abortion rate for children diagnosed with Down syndrome in the womb, I literally could not sleep at night. In early August 2008, I had a disturbing dream about people with disabilities being exterminated, and it woke me up at 2:15AM. After praying I came up with the name SADSIN (Stop Aborting Down Syndrome Individuals Now).

I have since embarked on a mission to make sure people are aware of this genocide. I want people to see the beautiful faces of our kids and realize the priceless Blessings and Gifts they are to a society that has lost focus.

Please take time to read my stories, and I would love your feedback. The photo is my daughter Chloe's picture on the big screen in Times Square for the National Down Syndrome Awareness Video — not bad for a 4 year old! God's Blessings to you always.

Please visit chloesmessage.blogspot.com and sadsin.blogspot.com

The missing buddies
Kurt Kondrich
July 9, 2011

Many cities across the nation hold annual Down syndrome Buddy Walks which promote "acceptance and inclusion" of people with Down syndrome. My family had an . . .

Access denied!
Kurt Kondrich
June 19, 2011

12 year old Alice Saunders was recently denied a plane ticket by British Airways staff because she has Down syndrome http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-200 . . .

Disregarding Down syndrome "diseased embryos"
Kurt Kondrich
April 8, 2011

Another disturbing silent eugenic article appeared this week in the United Kingdom http://topnews.us/content/238104-new-test-can-screen-parents-inherited . . .

Defending Chloe's existence -- dad's perspective
Kurt Kondrich
March 19, 2011

Our family recently received a call from the Executive Director of the PA Pro-Life Federation letting us know that we are the recipients of the 2011 . . .

The diseased culture of death
Kurt Kondrich
March 13, 2011

A Cyprus researcher at the Institute of Neurology and Genetics in Nicosia described a less risky non-invasive procedure based on maternal DNA to diagnose Down . . .

Light and dark -- what a difference a few inches makes!
Kurt Kondrich
January 24, 2011

This past week, the world was shocked to hear about the "House of Horrors" discovered at a Philadelphia abortion clinic, where a former doctor is accused of . . .

Incorruptible -- Why the devil uses abortion to eliminate Down syndrome
Kurt Kondrich
January 16, 2011

In the fictional novel The Clowns of God by Morris West, Jesus comes back to earth, and some people think it's Him while some don't. At one point, Jesus is at . . .

The first to recognize Jesus -- an unborn child!
Kurt Kondrich
December 22, 2010

"When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed . . .

Will the United Nations act on genocide?
Kurt Kondrich
December 9, 2010

Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as "any act committed with intent to . . .

A Down syndrome Christmas carol
Kurt Kondrich
December 2, 2010

My favorite story this time of year is "A Christmas Carol." I was reflecting on how the message from this Charles Dickens classic connects to children with . . .

Thumb up or down for life!
Kurt Kondrich
November 20, 2010

In the classic 2000 movie "Gladiator," the Roman Emperor would give a thumb up or down to signal whether a combatant in the public sports arena would live or . . .

Another "risk gene" identified
Kurt Kondrich
November 9, 2010

One of the latest advances in genetics is the identification of a "risk gene" associated with Autism that may alter how the brain functions: http://www . . .

Rescue tube to the light of the world
Kurt Kondrich
October 14, 2010

This week the world watched and cheered as 33 miners in Chile made it through a small rescue tube after being trapped in darkness for 69 days. http://www . . .

Contract to kill
Kurt Kondrich
October 13, 2010

This month in Canada, a surrogate mother was urged to abort the baby she was carrying by the couple she was contracted to, because prenatal reports showed the . . .

The most "invasive test" ever
Kurt Kondrich
August 23, 2010

Professor Stephen Robson, spokesman for the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, considers a non-invasive test for detecting Down syndrome the "holy . . .

Poseidon faith in an upside-down world
Kurt Kondrich
August 16, 2010

I recently watched the classic movie Poseidon Adventure (1972 version) about a beautiful luxury ocean liner that is turned upside-down by a fast-moving wave . . .

First they came for the disabled
Kurt Kondrich
August 5, 2010

Many people do not realize that the first people targeted for extermination in Germany in the 1930's were the disabled. Under the secret T-4 program, . . .

"Wrongful birth" lawsuit
Kurt Kondrich
July 24, 2010

Most people have read or heard about "wrongful death lawsuits" and the tragedy that preceded such legal action. In these cases, punitive damages are sought . . .

Prenatal disability profiling
Kurt Kondrich
June 1, 2010

Since passage of the new Arizona immigration law to curb the flow of illegal aliens into this country, there has been a lot of talk about "profiling."  . . .

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