Site Visitors: Please Contact Webmaster

Webmaster: You are seeing this error as there has been a change in your web site's primary IP adress and name server IP's.
If you are using CloudFlare or any 3rd party DNS service or private nameservers instead of our default nameservers you may need to update your A records as follows:

If you are using Cloud Flare or 3rd Pary DNS update your A record to the following IP:

IP: (If you have purchsed a dedicated IP, you have to use that IP instead of the this IP)

If you are using private nameservers (instead of our default nameservers we have given you), change your child nameserver IP's as follows:

ns1.yourdomain-private-ns.com >
ns2.yourdomain-private-ns.com >

IMPORTANT: If you are using our own DNS (nameservers) this has been already updated for you and there is no further action to be taken from your end.

If you have any questions talk to us over live chat or contcat our technical department for assistnace.