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What Was Socrates' Crime?

Socrates in Marble at the Archaeological Museum in Athens

Socrates was a great thinker and teacher. He even did his civic duty, including military service. Despite his contributions to Athens he was sentenced to death by poison. What did he do to deserve the death penalty?

More on Ancient Athens

Ancient / Classical History Spotlight10

Important Ancient Rivers

Saturday August 6, 2011
Ancient rivers were vital for civilization, providing water for crops through flooding or irrigation, and for trade. Even the ancient vision of the Underworld includes rivers, which seems justified considering that many battles were fought along river banks. Read about some of the Important Ancient Rivers.

What Do You Remember About the First Century B.C.?

Friday August 5, 2011
What's that you say? No one is that old? Well, that's okay. You can remember based on courses in the subject or independent reading you've done, too. Here's a self-grading quiz based on this chronology of the colorful figures/events in the era:

First Century B.C. Roman History Quiz.

How did you do?

This Day in Ancient History

Friday August 5, 2011
Bronze Statuette of Hygeia - Roman (A.D. 100-150)
CC Flickr User Getty Villa - The Collection
On this day in ancient Rome , in 79 or 78 B.C., Cicero's beloved only daughter, Tullia, celebrated her birthday. It was also the feast day of the Roman personification Salus, whose temple, on the Quirinal, was dedicated in 302 B.C. after the second Samnite War. Salus was a personification of the safety of Rome, but from the second century B.C. came to be associated with the Greek Hygieia 'Health'.

Guess Who

Wednesday August 3, 2011
Guess Who
© NYPL Digital Gallery


Note what the figure facing left has on his head.

The area has dolphins swimming in it.

Click for the answer.

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