The NBC News twitter account was hacked late this afternoon and as a result, false reports of a plane attack on ground zero were sent to @NBCNews followers. We are working with Twitter to correct the situation and sincerely apologize for the scare that could have been caused by such a reckless and irresponsible act.

Nostalgia: I has it.


I associate this face with a girl that stalked, captured, and castrated a pedophile.



And makes French fruit stands explode.

Everything you thought you knew about carrots was a lie. ›


Make sure you’re sitting down before you click that link, folks.

You warned me, yet I didn’t listen. I’ve learned my lesson.


“Truly decent, innocent people can be taxing to be around.”
— David Foster Wallace, Consider the Lobster 

(via lauralauramc)

There is confetti on my dashboard.



There is confetti on my dashboard.

There is confetti on MY dashboard.

The confetterati has struck again.


(via leslie0fthesarahtype)

Best play from last night’s game: Randall Cobb does a Barrel Roll.



How do photographers shoot a blackout? By using whatever available light there is.

Photos: Scenes from the massive blackout in Southern California Thursday evening. Credit: Los Angeles Times 

These shots are pretty freaking awesome. At least something good came out of that blackout.



BASE Jumper, Spain

This picture captures a BASE jumper’s brief moment of freefall, and the expansive view—the ocean, the city far below, the beaches and shoreline, the mountains behind—puts the viewer into the jumper’s experience. The key to this photograph is the tilted horizon, which exaggerates the feeling of vertigo and adds to the sense of disorientation and suspension that the photo creates. A tilted horizon line may break a “rule” of photography, but subject matter—not rules—should determine composition.

There’s another detail I love in this shot—the cropped foot. It’s as if the jumper is safely held in place by the top of the frame. But we know that this is false, that he’s in fact held by nothing.

Photo Tip: Break rules of composition, and don’t be afraid to tilt the horizon when the subject matter calls for it.


A blackout across San Diego and parts of Orange County has left 1.4 million people without power, shutting down cooling centers, causing traffic gridlock and affecting San Onofre’s nuclear reactors. Power might not be fully restored until Friday.

Check out our full coverage on L.A. Now.


(via shortformblog)


This man will lead the Packers to the Super Bowl this year.

I posted this the first day of last year’s NFL season.

I’m posting it again tonight.

Most days I feel like my job is to take prank phone calls; it's better than accepting some people aren't that bright

  • Woman: I'm trying to find the submit payment button on your website, but I can't locate it.
  • Me: Okay. You're logged into your account right now?
  • Woman: Yes.
  • Me: If you go to the homepage, on the right side of the page there is a menu; the fifth option down is the payment option.
  • Woman: I don't see anything there. All it says is [organization name].
  • Me: That's on the left side. Look on the right side.
  • Woman: These are the options I can see: [Reads off all of the top drop-down menu options].
  • Me: ... Those are the ones on the top. Look on the right. It should say "Welcome [your name]." And below that are the options to manage your account.
  • Woman: The only options I see are [reads top menu again].
  • Me: On the right side of the screen is your name. Below your name are your account options. The third one down is payment.
  • Woman: Okay. I clicked [says option from top menu]. Where do I go from there?
  • Me: Why... why did you click that?
  • Woman: I thought it would get me to the menu.
  • Me: No. It won't. Look on the right side. Do you see "Welcome" in big letters?
  • Woman: Yes.
  • Me: And below is your name.
  • Woman: Okay.
  • Me: Below that are menu options.
  • Woman: Oh! I see them! Thank you!
  • *click*
#IRL  #true story  

I am seriously considering flying in to DC just so I can go one last time... ›


I had the most fun during my time in DC here. R.I.P.

I’m more upset that I’m losing a neighborhood Packers bar than anything else.