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Bird Breeds of Y

breeds of birds

This article comprises the listing and brief definitions of birds whose names begin with letter Y.


This bird is also called the green woodpecker and is scientifically known as Picus vieidis. The birds are mostly to be found in some parts of Europe and Asia,.

Yap Monarch

Its scientific name is Monarcha godeffroyi and is meant to refer to a bird’s species that is found in the family Monarchidae. Like most other birds, this type of bird has its natural habitat as subtropical or tropical lowland forest that is moist.

Yap Olive White-eye

This type of birds that is also scientifically referred to as Zosterops oleagineus represents a bird species that is found in the family of Zesteropidae. It is native to the Micronesian island that is called Yap.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

This is a medium-sized woodpecker that is scientifically referred to as Sphyrapicus various. .

Yellow-billed Stork

Scientifically, it is known as Mycteria ibis, and it refers to a large type of wading bird belonging in the family of stork birds that is called Ciconiidae. It is mainly predominant in the Sub-Saharan parts of Africa especially Madagascar. The birds weigh 2.3 kg for the males while the females weigh 1.9 kg on average

Yellow Bishop

Scientifically known as Euplectes capensis and also called the Yellow-rumped Widow. This bird will most likely be found in the Sub-Saharan African countries especially those that are found in the Southern parts of Africa and is a resident breeding bird which means it does not migrate to breed at a different place. The common weaver, which is a bird type in this species, is found in areas that are less arid and with more vegetation as well as in the bracken covered-valleys.


This is a perching bird found in the family Emberizidae, and is scientifically known as Emberiza citrinella. This bird breeds across Europe and much of Asia.


This bird is also sometimes referred to as Mohua and has a scientific name of Mohoua ochrocephala. It is a perching bird that is relatively small in size and is predominant in the South Island of New Zealand.


These birds are most commonly referred to as the Lesser Yellowlegs, and are scientifically referred to as Tringa flavipes. It very much resembles the Greater Yellowlegs although it appears much quieter and larger.

Yellow Wagtail

Its scientific name is Motacilla flava, and it refers to a small perching bird that belongs in the wagtail family of birds called Motacillidae. Among the other bird members that are found in this family are pipits and longclaws.

Yemen Serin

The scientific name for this bird is Serinus menachensis, and it is a species of birds of finch family called Fringillidae. It can be found in the Asian countries of Oman, Saudi Arabia, and of course, Yemen.

Yemen Thrush

The scientific name is Turdus menachensis, and is a member of the birds in the thrush family called Turdidae.

Yucatan Jay

This is a bird species found in Corvidae family and is scientifically called (Cyanocorax yucatanicus and can be easily found in Guatemala.

Yucatan Vireo

This species of birds (Vireo magister) is found in the family Vireonidae and is found in Honduras, Mexico and Belize.

Yungas Manakin

The Yungas Manakin (Chiroxiphia boliviana) closes the chapter of birds whose names begin with Y.