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This Rock magazine began publication in 1990 and quickly established itself as the definitive magazine of Catholic apologetics and evangelization.

Its mission continues to be the one for which it was created: to explain and defend the tenets of the Catholic faith and present practical ways to spread God’s truth. It does so using unfailingly orthodox defenses of the Church’s beliefs and always in a spirit of charity. Through This Rock, Catholic Answers cleaves to Peter’s exhortation to apologists: “Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence” (1 Pet. 3:15).

In an age of secularism, disbelief, and internal dissent, Catholic apologetics has become a beacon casting light on the Church’s truths. One need only turn to this web site and others on the Internet to see the growing interest in, and the necessity for, defending the faith.

This country needs thousands more well educated, active Catholics to spread and defend the faith. This Rock is a key means of training them for those critically important missions.

The 48-page magazine is published six times a year. In addition to its paid subscribers, about 2,500 copies of each issue are sent free to all bishops in the United States, to seminarians, to foreign missionaries, and to Catholics in prison.

This Rock’s pages include the writing of such leading Catholic thinkers as Fr. Brian Harrison, Helen Hull Hitchcock, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Scott Hahn, K. D. Whitehead, Mark Shea, Alice von Hildebrand, and, of course, Catholic Answers’ Director of Apologetics and Evangelization, Jimmy Akin, and its president and founder, Karl Keating.

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  • “What a tremendous blessing! You have come into our lives just in time to defend our faith. We are growing from your great work!”
  • “Your periodical is the only one I receive. Period. The only reason I am still Catholic is because of This Rock.”
  • “I try to share it with all the people I know. You are changing lives for the better—to the glory of God!”

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