ScienceA World of Wonder - Science on the BBC

The Secret Life of Waves

Documentary-maker David Malone delves into the secrets of ocean waves. In an elegant and original film he finds that waves are not made of water, that some waves travel sideways and that the sound of the ocean comes not from water but from bubbles.

Waves are not only beautiful but also profoundly important, and there is a surprising connection between the life cycle of waves and the life of human beings.

The Secret Life of Waves

What can rubber ducks tell us about the oceans?

Available on iPlayer

Episode image for The Secret Life of Waves

Material World

Quentin Cooper presents his weekly digest of science in and behind the headlines.

This week, Quentin hears about some of the first skilled toolmakers, a new design of battery that won't set your laptop ablaze, cloning wildcats to keep their pedigree pure, and, as the Hollywood horror Apollo 18 is released, why should we go back to the Moon?

Material World

BBC Space: The Apollo Moon missions

Available soon on iPlayer

Episode image for Material World

The Core

For centuries we have dreamt of reaching the centre of the Earth. Now scientists are uncovering a bizarre and alien world that lies 4,000 miles beneath our feet, unlike anything we know on the surface.

Horizon follows scientists who are conducting experiments to recreate the core within their own laboratories, with surprising results.

Horizon: The Core

What is inside the Earth?

Magnetic mysteries of Earth's core

Available on iPlayer

Episode image for The Core

Bang Goes the Theory

Bang Goes the Theory is the BBC's guide to popular science. The gang are back and on a mission to reveal the science and technology we encounter every day, preferably with a bang!

In the third episode of the series, Jem witnesses the awesome power of rockets with the Bloodhound land speed record project, Yan re-enacts an ancient Greek experiment to measure the Earth's circumference with a couple of sticks, and Dallas goes in search of a robot to call his own.

Bang Goes the Theory

Bang LIVE: See where we're heading in 2011

Available on iPlayer

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Latest Science news

'Oldest' woolly rhino discovered

Woolly rhino impression (Julie Naylor)

A woolly rhino fossil dug up on the Tibetan Plateau is believed to be the oldest specimen of its kind yet found.


Bang Goes the Theory

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Sit back, pump up the volume, and enjoy Bang's musical celebration of the tantalising questions thrown up by science. Download MP3 file (right click and Save Target As, or similar) 3.2MB

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Train your brain. Take the tests to find out more about your personality in our psychology tests page.


Your brain is the supercomputer that generates all your thoughts, memories, dreams, emotions and ideas. Take a trip inside the human brain, and see what happens when it learns something new. navigation

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