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Close your eyes and arrive refreshed - trough Europe by night with City Night Line

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City Night Line-travel tip

Treat yourself to the last days of summer - outdoor fans can make the most of a break by travelling with City Night Line

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Poland – a country with something for everyone

Weihnachtliches Dresden by wave111/

The EuroNight train Jan Kiepura runs daily from Amsterdam through the Ruhr area and on to the capital of Poland. Make a trip to our neighbouring country to the east the relaxing way, by opting for a stress-free overnight journey.

Zurich – the Swiss metropolis

Dezembernachmittag in Zürich_by_Georges_pixelio[1].de

True, Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and a world-famous financial centre. But it still does not exactly fit the image of a financial metropolis, and instead surprises with an idyllic, cosy cosiness.