Free Auckland, New Zealand

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[edit] General Guide

Please provide a general outline of the city and its neighborhoods/boroughs/parts of town, including information about political leanings, police forces, population, income levels, social services, etc.

[edit] Housing

A number of abandoned buildings exist downtown which are usually available as overnight squats.

If you're staying in a vehicle/van you can often stay at a few places without hassles, such as Mt Eden, and Gribblehurst Park on Sandringham Road.

The parks are well maintained and especially lower south, you can stay in a tent for a few days

[edit] Food


Bakers Delight in Onehunga and Royal Oak are good sources for (low grade, non vegan) bread, to be found in their green wheelie bins after hours.

Many bakeries may part with their unsold bread and sandwiches for little to no money come closing time if you ask, but not the chains (i.e Pandoro, Bakers Delight, Dunkin Donuts, and Supermarkets)

Apparently Dunkin Donuts always have a full bin of donuts.

Fruit + Veg:

Many Fruit trees grow in the suburbs of Auckland and are often well packed with ripe fruit ready for an over-the-fence picking.

Auckland city council have in the past planted some veges near central city, this may happen again.

Rosemary is a common feature in corporate gardens up Symonds Street, and elsewhere.

For the dumpster divers,there's an Asian produce supplier on New North Road (Eden Terrace End) which is accessable at night with a little fence climbing. There is also a fruit and veg place opposite New World in Remuera which always has a good supply of good produce.


Most suburban Supermarkets have accessable unlocked dumpsters (and green bins at some of these).


Pinto in Morningside keep a skip bin outside and there are often fruit juice, smoothies or bottled water in there (careful of the sun!)

The Hare Krishnas often give free meals if you come along to listen to some talks, or something of the sort (rumoured to have Valerian in the food, so careful now!).

The City Mission (opposite Aotea Square) apparently have dollar meals)

[edit] Medical Care

Planned parenthood, free clinics, free medical advice, Medicare resources, low-cost clinics, etc.

[edit] Legal Aid

free legal aid/counseling, pro bono attorneys, etc.

[edit] Armed Forces/Deployment Avoidance Counseling

Legal aid, resources, etc.

[edit] Play

See Free Play section, include details for this city.

Beaches, Swimming Pools, Parks, Sports, Museums, Music, Theatre, TV shows, Movies, etc.

[edit] Information

I have found that hitchhiking around Auckland is reasonably easy. The western motorway on-ramps are usually pretty good, and if you're coming from town then the on-ramp from Newton bridge is a good spot.

[edit] Underground Papers


[edit] Miscellaneous

Any other freebies

[edit] Public Transit

Subways, Buses, Ferries, Shuttles, etc.

[edit] Free Clothing and Furniture

See Free Clothing and Furniture section, provide details for this city.

[edit] Assorted Freebies

See Assorted Freebies Section, provide details for this city, including other topics. Whatever fits and is useful.

[edit] Survive

Go to the Survive section and provide any city-specific details, including new topics.

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