Health Benefits of Lemon Grass

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By len7288

Lemon grass

Lemon grass is a perennial plant that is native to India and Nepal; it has a light, lemony scent and flavor, with a hint of ginger. Lemon grass is one of the wondrous herbs; it is very useful as medicinal plant and a delicious food flavoring. Few knows that the other name of Lemon grass is citronella, a popular scent in perfume, candles and soaps. Citronella is known for its calming effect that relieves insomnia or stress. It is also popular as a mild insect repellant.

In a study that was conducted it has shown that every 100g of edible lemon grass, when boiled can contain up to 24.205 micrograms of beta-carotene the powerful anti-oxidant that scientist believe can help prevent cancer. In another study it has shown that lemon grass oil has the potential as topical eye medication against keratomycosis, an inflammation of cornea often associated with burning or blurring of vision. Researchers note that lemongrass oil's antioxidant qualities and ability to inhibit the enzyme that promotes the growth of cancer cells are promising.

Health Benefits of Lemon Grass:

  • It contains an antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • It helps to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and the digestive tract.
  • Helps boost the immune system
  • Helps reduce uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats
  • It helps alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis.
  • Helps improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples
  • It helps tone the muscle and tissues.

Lemongrass Oil - 1 oz - LiquidLemongrass Oil - 1 oz - Liquid
Amazon Price: $0.80
List Price: $5.99
Lemongrass 100% Pure Essential Oil - 10 mlLemongrass 100% Pure Essential Oil - 10 ml
Amazon Price: $4.00
Now Foods Lemongrass Oil 100% Pure, 1-Ounce (pack Of 2)Now Foods Lemongrass Oil 100% Pure, 1-Ounce (pack Of 2)
Amazon Price: $8.32
List Price: $11.98
Lemongrass Essential Oil 100% Pure - 4ozLemongrass Essential Oil 100% Pure - 4oz
Amazon Price: $12.20


  • Helps in menstrual troubles
  • Helps reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation
  • Helps reduce cellulite
  • Act as sedative for the central nervous system.
  • May help prevent colon cancer.
  • Helps in reducing fevers
  • Help in flatulence and colic
  • Relieves arthritic pain and rheumatism


Lemon grass for Cooking: The leaves and base of lemon grass are used as a food flavoring especially in Southeast Asian dishes. The long thin grey-green leaves are tough and fibrous, the outside leaves and the tips are usually chopped very finely or discarded from the dish before it is served.

How to Use Essential Oil: Apply 2 drops of concentrated lemongrass oil per ounce of organic unrefined almond oil, olive oil or any of you favorite oil. You can use the mixture to your skin as massage oil, lotion and moisturizer. As a relaxing scent add 1 - 2 drops in a cloth and inhale to relax your senses.

How to make Lemon grass Herbal Tea:

  • Fresh Leaves: Pour 2 cups of water to ¼ cup lemon grass leaves, then boil and simmer for 3minutes. Let is cool and drink.
  • Dried Leaves: Pour a cup of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of dried lemon grass leaves. Steep for 5-10 minutes before drinking.

Where to Buy? Lemon grass can be purchased in Asian markets and health food stores and comes fresh, dried and powered. You can also grow lemon grass yourself, either indoors or outdoors in a warm climate. Fresh lemon grass is better than powdered or dried and the most potent form is lemongrass essential oil. Essential oils are 70 times more concentrated than their plant counterparts and have been used throughout history for health and wellness.


AaronStone 12 days ago

it is very good in curing such disease, to be honest at how the lemon grass has work for my family aside from the fact that everyone enjoys the taste it is really beneficial to our health..... i amuse my self sometimes even now that u get several things all at once, i need all those juggling abilities. i need to be creative even having to involve the little guy things i do whenever i can! that's all i can say thank you

erminildo baliong 5 weeks ago

herbal medicines are my health boosters specially lemon grass.. i'm 55 years old today and still engaged in playing different kinds of sports like teeners are doing .. i suggest to grab the opportunity of using lemon grass

saif113sb profile image

saif113sb Level 3 Commenter 6 weeks ago

Good information! keep the great hubs ; thanks

jack 108 6 weeks ago

yes mate lemon grass or citronella are a sort of ancient herbals remedies ,you can use it in different dishes such as soup ,indian curry ,vietnam dishes they used a lot and so on .moreover when you catch cold ,flu,bronchit,tinnitus,rhematus,especially stress and anxiety is the best .I don,t tell u to consume it everyday but know how to use it.Because Ihave used it for long time its beneficial for any ages .

Yolanda 7 weeks ago

It is true that lemon grass is very effective herbal medicine. Since I have been drinking lemon grass tea more than a year ago, I did not experience cough and colds even if stay the whole day under the sun , unlike before when I was not yet drinking lemon grass tea that I easily catch colds which last for almost a month.

sabri karama 2 months ago

boil the lemon grass and drink it just like tea. u can add sugar if you like. Do it for three days - 1 week three to 4 time a day and your kidney stone will pass out with urine. It works like magic.

unknown 2 months ago

i have problems with my liver i'm positive hepa b can you help me what to do?

jchan 2 months ago

lemongrass really helps people who suffer from insomnia and acne..i boil fresh lemongrass twice a week and the results are amazing..i dont have to stay awake until the early hours ever again :)

Tinnitus Help 2 months ago

Great hub..I have heard that this also helps those suffering from Tinnitus or a ringing in the ears condition.

Chuma Anene 2 months ago

Great piece, i am used to utilizing similar things and would add lemon grass to the array of my capabilities. Can someone try lemongrass + garlic + ginger

juicy 4 months ago

its a big help for my father...

more power!!!

teree 4 months ago

Lemon grass can be made into a juice. Try making juice out of its leaves and bulb near the roots. Mix with pineapple juice.Nice drink. Try it!

Ann, best treatment for acne specialist 6 months ago

I am not good at cooking, so I am not knowledgeable if I've been having this in my food or not. I wish I'd be able to make the oil. I've been under stress lately and I've been having difficulty falling asleep, so I definitely need some citronella. Would drinking lemon grass tea have the same effect?

owl@27 7 months ago

...hop u consider d preparation so that anyone/everybody could prepare such...

Sunshine 8 months ago

Thanks for the detailed information, especially regarding benefits of lemon grass towards cancer.

Natural handcrafted soap 9 months ago

I use lemongrass on my soaps

lady 13 months ago

len7288, do you have a book? You are very knowledgeable about so many different herbs and tea! Thanks again for the information!

Harold Forcadilla 17 months ago

Very nice product but how to join or to enter your product and how much the price you have your sample then I try your product its ok and very nice ba your product it is effective it is to help me ba...

Michael Haley 20 months ago

It seems like they are putting lemon grass in more and more nutrition supplements. I believe it has merrit.

R.O.B.Wijesekera 23 months ago

Note. Lemon grass is not Citronella. Citronella is Cymbopogon winterianus or C. nardus, while lemon grass is Cymbopogon citratus which is a related but different species.

expectus profile image

expectus 2 years ago

Delicious Stuff, Great in Vietnamese Cuisine :) Lemongrass Beef

Organic Tea 2 years ago

Lemon grass is good for health.

Organic Tea 2 years ago

Good info, thank goodness I am passed those days.

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