Order of Nine Angles

” As I have mentioned elsewhere, we of the Order of Nine Angles do not, never have, and never will condemn acts of so-called terrorism (individual or undertaken by some State), nor do we condemn and avoid what mundanes regard as evil or as criminal deeds. For us, all such things are or could be just causal forms or causal means, and thus are regarded by us as falling into three categories, which categories are not necessarily mutually exclusive: (1) things which might or which can be the genesis of our individual pathei-mathos and which thus are the genesis of our own sinister weltanschauung; (2) things which aid our sinister dialectic or which are or might be a Presencing of The Dark; or (3) things that can or could be a test, a challenge, a sinister experience, too far for someone who aspires to be one of our sinister kind, someone who thus fails the test, balks at the challenge, or is destroyed or overcome by the experience.

For our criteria are not those of morality; are not bounded by some abstract good and evil; are not those defined by the laws manufactured by mundanes. Our criteria is the amorality of personal judgement and personal responsibility, whereby we as individuals decide what may be right or wrong for us based on our own pathei-mathos, and act and take responsibility for our acts, knowing such acts for the exeatic living they are or might be, and knowing ourselves as nexions possessed of the ability, the potential, to consciously – via pathei-mathos and practical sinister experience – change ourselves into a new, a more evolved, species of life. Herein is the essence of Satanism, for us.” Anton Long – A Satanism Too Far


” It is of fundamental importance – to evolution both individual and otherwise – that what is Dark, Sinister or Satanic is made real in a practical way, over and over again. That is, that what is dangerous, awesome, numinous, tragic, deadly, terrible, terrifying and beyond the power of ordinary mortals, laws or governments to control is made manifest. In effect, non-Initiates (and even Initiates) need constantly reminding that such things still exist; they need constantly to be brought ‘face-to-face’, and touched, with what is, or appears to be, inexplicable, uncontrollable, powerful and ‘evil’. They need reminding of their own mortality – of the unforeseen, inexplicable “powers of Fate”, of the powerful force of “Nature”.

If this means killing, wars, suffering, sacrifice, terror, disease, tragedy and disruption, then such things must be – for it is one of the duties of a Satanic Initiate to so Presence The Dark, and prepare the way for, or initiate, the change and evolution which always result from such things. Such things as these must be, and always will be, because the majority of people are or will remain, inert and sub-human unless changed. The majority is – and always will be until it evolves to become something else – raw material to be used, moulded, cut-away and shaped to create what must be. There is no such thing as an innocent person because everyone who exists is part of the whole, the change, the evolution, the presencing of life itself, which is beyond them, and their life only has meaning through the change, development and evolution of life. Their importance is what they can become, or what can be achieved through their death. their tragedy, their living – their importance does not lie in their individual happiness or their individual desires or whatever.”  Anton Long - To Presence The Dark

Order of Nine Angles
122 yf


Order of Nine Angles

Given below is a link to a pdf file (c. 599 Kb) of  the book A Compendium of Modern Satanism, which is a collection of recent essays from the heretical and subversive Order of Nine Angles outlining the praxis and ethos of modern Satanism.

The Introduction of this book - Satanism, The Exeatic Way – is reproduced in full below.

Compendium of Modern Satanism (pdf)

 Satanism – The Exeatic Way

To be a Satanist is to exult, defy, transgress – to become, or to seek to become, intoxicated by a moment or moments of living, and all Satanic groups exist only to manifest this, to teach this, to remember this, to presence this, to incite this, to guide individuals toward experiencing this exeatic, this satanic, experience.
A street gang, some gangsta, in some city is far more Satanic than any so-called organization or group pretentiously describing themselves as Satanist, just as Satanism itself cannot be prescribed, or contained, within some pseudo-philosophical babble.

Etymologically, -ism – from the Ancient Greek -ισμός – implies a doing; an action or actions. That is, a particular deed or deeds. Thus, Satan-ism, correctly defined and rationally understood, is a practical way of life, a doing of certain types of deeds, by those for whom Satan is both guide and inspiration.

Who or what is Satan, and what are the deeds, the actions, the way, of the Satanist?

Satan is evil – and this expression defines Satanism and Satanists. To be evil is to be exeatic, to be heretical, to be amoral, to be an outlaw: that is to go beyond and to transgress the limits imposed and prescribed by mundanes (by non-Satanists), and by the systems constructed by mundanes and which reflect or which manifest the ethos of mundanes – for example, governments, and the laws of what has been termed “society”.

To be exeatic – to be evil, to be a Satan – is to refuse to submit; to defy even at the cost of one’s own life; to prefer death and condemnation to a meek submission.


” To be exeatic is to be satanic in the true sense, the true feeling, of that term – to be heretical; to exult beyond the boundaries, the limits, which mundanes have made in order to prevent our [Satanic] kind turning our causal existence into a succession of life-affirming ecstasies.”

For Satan, par excellence, is the adversary, of the accepted, of the mundane, of the consensus, of the majority, of all laws and of all systems manufactured by mundanes as a means of control and restraint.

Etymologically, the word ‘evil’ derives from the Gothic ‘ubils’ which meant a ‘going beyond’ (the due measure) – and did not have a ‘moral’ sense. Only later (under the influence of Nazarene theology) did it acquire a strict moral sense, and became a causal abstraction.

As for Satan, etymologically, the word originally derived from the Greek aitia – ‘an accusation’ [qv. Aeschylus: aitiau ekho]. The early Greek form [c. 500 BCE] became corrupted to the Hebrew ‘Satan’ [ c.350-150 BCE] – whence also ‘Shaitan’. In Greek of the classical period aitia and diabole [qv. diabolic] were often used for the same thing, particularly when a ‘bad’ or ‘false’ sense was required. In respect of the so-called Biblical Satan:

There is good evidence to suggest that, historically, the writers of the Old Testament drew inspiration from, or adapted, older stories, myths and legends about a Persian deity that came to be named Ahriman, who could thus be regarded as the archetype of the Biblical Satan, and also of the Quranic Iblis. Similarly, there is evidence that the God – Jehovah – of the Old Testament may have been based upon myths and legends about the Persian deity who came to be named Ahura Mazda.

In what are regarded as the oldest parts of the Old Testament – most probably written between 230 BCE and 70 BCE – Satan is depicted simply as a rather sly adversary or opponent, with a human being who opposes any of God’s so-called (but self-appointed) ‘chosen people’ sometimes also called a satan.

As for The Devil, etymologically early forms of the English word devil derive from the Gothic (e.g. the Old English divul) ‘diabaulus’ which came from the Latin ‘diabolus’. However, the Old English ‘deofel’ and kindred words like the Old Frisian ‘diovel’ could possibly be derived from the suffix ‘fel’, a variant of ‘fell’ meaning fierce, savage, wild. Then the original form, e.g. ‘deofel’, would mean the ‘fierce/ savage/ wild’ god. There is some justification for the use of the Latin prefix in this manner – e.g. ‘deodand’, which occurs in 12th century English.

Thus, Satan is the guide and the inspiration for those who are by their deeds amoral, who desire to be exeatic, who seek in real life and in practical ways to defy and go beyond, who desire to transgress, the limits imposed and prescribed by mundanes – that is, by all those who lack a Satanic spirit, a Satanic character.

Thus, no Satanist would respect any ‘law’, by whomsoever made. Thus, no Satanist would surrender to anyone, whatever the reason; instead, they would prefer to die, laughing and exultant. For a Satanist it is living exeatically – moment to moment without care or concern – which is important.

Given the exeatic – the defiant – character of Satan and thus of Satanists, Satanism cannot be a religion with all the accoutrements of a religion, such as prayer, worship, faith, hope. For prayer, worship, hope and faith are anathema to Satanists; instead, such things belong to mundanes: those who need security, laws, limits, hope. Instead, Satanism is an attitude to living: a defiant and an immediate and an experiential way of life, and if one desires a modern Western archetype of such an exeatic – such a mundane-defying – way of living then Bonnie and Clyde would be a suitable example, as would be some or many of those who engendered and who participated in riots such as those in London in 2011 CE.

Thus, a street gang, some gangsta, in some city is far more Satanic than any so-called organization or group pretentiously describing themselves as Satanist, just as Satanism itself cannot be prescribed, or contained, within some pseudo-philosophical babble.

For to be a Satanist is to exult, defy, transgress – to become, or to seek to become, intoxicated by a moment or moments of living, and all Satanic groups exist only to manifest this, to teach this, to remember this, to presence this, to incite this, to guide individuals toward experiencing this exeatic, this satanic, experience.

This work is a compendium of modern Satanism: that is, a collection of essays which give an overview of the praxis and ethos of those who in our times live in an exeatic way using Satan as their guide and inspiration. Those who live thus – who amorally teach thus – are The Order of Nine Angles and those inspired by the ONA. For the ONA, as a manifestation of Satan and of Satanism, reveal all other so-called (and self-described) satanists for the charlatans, the pretenders, the fakes, the mundanes, they are. For the ONA is evil – championing culling, heresy, amorality, revolution, violence, chaos, terror, crime, riot, and defiance of all laws and of all governments. All other so-called groups – from the Church of Satan to the Temple of Set and beyond – are mundanes, who like the glamour of Satanism but who lack the ability, the personal character, the guts, to be Satanic – to do evil – in real life. Not for them incitement of participation in some riot. Not for them the culling of mundanes; not for them the life of the gangsta. Not for them the defiance, the transgression, of a Bonnie and Clyde.

To be a Satanist – to live exeatically – is simple, and is illustrated in chapters 1 and 2 of this work:  Whose Gonna Run This Town, Tonight? and How To Be A Satanist: A Practical Guide. All the rest, here in this work, is pure incitement to Satanism and/or a remembrance of what modern Satanism really is, in defiance of pretend satanists everywhere.


Order of Nine Angles
122 Year of Fayen

Daughter of Baphomet (Order of Nine Angles)

The following is an extract from a weird but interesting article about the Order of Nine Angles, written in modern Greek.

[begin quote]

Οι Απόκρυφες Τεχνικές του ΝΑΟΣ & το Αρχαίο Αίνιγμα των Starwalkers


Το 1995 η Ζ’ Συνδιάσκεψη Εντεταλμένων Ορθοδόξων Εκκλησιών και Ιερών Μητροπόλεων για θέματα αιρέσεων και παραθρησκείας συνέθεσε έναν κατάλογο με τις 423 μυητικές, μαγικές και παρα-φιλοσοφικές ομάδες που δρουν στην Ελλάδα [.....]

Οι Βρικόλακες & οι 9 Γωνίες

Το ΝΑΟΣ περιγράφει μια τελετουργία αστρικής επαφής του μάγου με τους θεούς, όπου ο πρώτος θα προσφέρει ενέργεια, για να λάβει τη θεϊκή ουσία. Η πρακτική αυτή είναι πανομοιότυπη με το τυπικό της κοινωνίας (Communion) που τελούν οι βρικόλακες στο ναό των βρικολάκων (Temple of the Vampire), μια μυστικοπαθής οργάνωση πρακτικού, ψυχικού βαμπιρισμού που ιδρύθηκε στην Αμερική το 1989.

Ο όρος σκοτεινοί θεοί ανήκει στο Τάγμα των Εννέα Γωνιών (Order of Nine Angles), μια εκκεντρική ομάδα με φιλοναζιστικό παρελθόν που ιδρύθηκε στην Αγγλία τη δεκαετία του 1960, μα αναδιοργανώθηκε από τον Davit Myatt τη δεκαετία του 1970.

Σύμφωνα με τη διδασκαλία του ONA, οι άνθρωποι μπορούν να έρθουν σε επαφή με τους σκοτεινούς θεούς μέσα από αστρικές πύλες (Star Gates), οι οποίες μπορούν να ενεργοποιηθούν με συγκεκριμένα μαγικά τελετουργικά σεξουαλικής φύσεως.

Οι σκοτεινοί θεοί είναι εξωδιαστατικές δυνάμεις και εξωγήινα πλάσματα, αντίστοιχα με αυτά της μυθολογίας Κθούλου! Ορισμένοι από αυτούς είναι: Kthunae (Κθούλου;), Davcina, Sapanur, Darkat, Atazoth, Shugura, Athusir, Budsturga, Νoctulius, Shugara, Nythra, Azanigin, Aasoth, Shaitan, Nekalah κ.ο.κ.

[ end quote]

Source - http://thesecretrealtruth.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-post_3054.html

Order of Nine Angles

Breaking news! London, England, 8 August 2011 CE

The Order of Nine Angles supports the riots in London. Martin Luther King said “a riot is the language of the unheard”.


Creepy side-development. I was tracking #peckham on twitter as I live there and noticed that this user: http://twitter.com/#!/Orderof9Angles was posting messages supporting the riots, against “the system” etc.

I remembered from reading Nick Ryan’s book about far right extremism that this is the cult of David Myatt (neo-nazi, sometime islamist and inspiration for David Copeland). Just flippantly tweeted back to this about such a prominent nazi rebranding himself as anticapitalist and then, remembering descriptions of his vendettas panicked and deleted it. Got the reply:

Orderof9Angles John Smith
@ATHLETESLEAGUE The mundane will only ever see the external form, not the real essence of those like David Myatt.

Shit, this I don’t like. Really, really uncomfortable. Possibility of far-right using the riots to push a socially or racially divisive agenda?


Source - http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/blog/2011/aug/08/london-riots-third-night-live?commentpage=1#comment-11893352  user: floorperson 8 August 2011 6:43PM

Yes – we do support those who defy the laws of nation-States,  and we defy the brutality of the police who use violence to enforce those dishonourable laws and who are used to protect the assets of the State and the property and the businesses of those who support such States.

Bottom line – the ONA supports anarchists everywhere; we support anyone and everyone who defy the laws and the officials of nation-States. We support anyone and everyone who want to undermine and destroy the capitalist system. We support anyone and everyone who makes a practical stand against The System and its police – whoever they are they are and whatever is their motive, personal or otherwise.


Mundane Pseudo-Satanists Exposed, Again

There is nothing like a real-life event – deemed terrorist and/or perpetrated by someone adjudged ‘evil’, barbaric, or monstrous – to separate the Satanists from those mundanes who pretend to be Satanic and who like the glamor associated with Satanism but who not only balk at and condemn Satanic deeds in the real world, but who won’t answer or who can’t answer in any rational way the simple question “If Satan isn’t evil or monstrous, then who or what is?”.

Tasked with questions such as the nature and source of evil, these latter-day pretenders – these mundanes – invariably reply with guff such as “Satanism is all about Individualism, Nobility, Care, Evolution, Introspection,” and with the usual LaVey derived mundanity that Satanism is concerned with the ‘deification of the self’ and with ‘respecting life’ and does not condone ‘murder’ or ‘criminal acts’.

Such a recent real-life event, reaction to which separates the pretenders from the satanic ones, was the bombing and the killings in Oslo Norway.

Thus we had the spectacle of self-described ‘satanists’ on one of the premier, one of the hitherto most respected, ‘Satanic’ internet forums (where incidentally Dr Aquino himself posts) falling over themselves to condemn this event as “beyond wrong” and as barbaric, a ‘monstrosity’, and stating that “what happened was an atrocity…”

Two individuals there on that forum (one of whom was ONA) tried to place that event, and those deaths, into the wider perspective of killings and bombings world-wide by nation-States – and which States have killed far more people, far more children. But these two individuals were promptly banned by the obviously emotionally-upset moderators. For the rational judgment of these moderators seemed somewhat impaired by events and they resorted to vituperation against those who dared to rationally place such deaths into perspective, be such a perspective The State or the sinister dialectic of Aeonics.

So much for Satanic self-control then. So much for allowing for the free exchange of views.

We even had, on this forum, one Jason King – he of Internet Satanic fame, self-described postmodernist Satanist and author of several books about Satanism – chiming in with a contribution that might have been written by some Nazarene or by some advocate of the status quo of the nation-State with its laws and its concepts of murder and crime:

” Let me state unequivocally that I find the willful murder of a single child to be a crime of the utmost severity. This particular action is absolutely reprehensible [...] it was a barbaric act. “

After such postings, another ONA member asked some pertinent questions. The ONA member wrote -

” If Satan isn’t evil, who or what is? If these deeds in Norway are evil, then just what is Satan and Satanism if the ‘satanists’ here are calling those deeds ‘bad’ and un-satanic? Is Satan some fluffy bunny? “

Quoting the ONA definition of a mundane (anyone of or over 14 years of age who is not a pledged Satanist) the ONA member also suggested that if these ‘children’ were aged 14 or over – or could reasonably be expected to be that age or over as condition of attending such a camp – then the ONA could claim they’re mundanes and that they might thus be considered by Satanists as ‘legitimate targets’.

But these sort of questions proved too much, too difficult – were too Satanic – for the pseudo-satanists, who promptly locked the thread.

Thus, once again, it seems the ONA has proved a satanism too far for self-described Satanists; with this satanism-too-far, this ‘evil’ Satanism, being summed up by the following, now classic, two quotes from Anton Long:

” As I have mentioned elsewhere, we of the ONA do not, never have, and never will condemn acts of so-called terrorism (individual or undertaken by some State), nor do we condemn and avoid what mundanes regard as evil or as criminal deeds. For us, all such things are or could be just causal forms or causal means, and thus are regarded by us as falling into three categories, which categories are not necessarily mutually exclusive: (1) things which might or which can be the genesis of our individual pathei-mathos and which thus are the genesis of our own sinister weltanschauung; (2) things which aid our sinister dialectic or which are or might be a Presencing of The Dark; or (3) things that can or could be a test, a challenge, a sinister experience, too far for someone who aspires to be one of our sinister kind, someone who thus fails the test, balks at the challenge, or is destroyed or overcome by the experience.

For our criteria are not those of morality; are not bounded by some abstract good and evil; are not those defined by the laws manufactured by mundanes. Our criteria is the amorality of personal judgement and personal responsibility, whereby we as individuals decide what may be right or wrong for us based on our own pathei-mathos, and act and take responsibility for our acts, knowing such acts for the exeatic living they are or might be, and knowing ourselves as nexions possessed of the ability, the potential, to consciously – via pathei-mathos and practical sinister experience – change ourselves into a new, a more evolved, species of life. Herein is the essence of Satanism, for us.” Anton Long – A Satanism Too Far

” It is of fundamental importance – to evolution both individual and otherwise – that what is Dark, Sinister or Satanic is made real in a practical way, over and over again. That is, that what is dangerous, awesome, numinous, tragic, deadly, terrible, terrifying and beyond the power of ordinary mortals, laws or governments to control is made manifest. In effect, non-Initiates (and even Initiates) need constantly reminding that such things still exist; they need constantly to be brought ‘face-to-face’, and touched, with what is, or appears to be, inexplicable, uncontrollable, powerful and ‘evil’. They need reminding of their own mortality – of the unforeseen, inexplicable “powers of Fate”, of the powerful force of “Nature”.

If this means killing, wars, suffering, sacrifice, terror, disease, tragedy and disruption, then such things must be – for it is one of the duties of a Satanic Initiate to so Presence The Dark, and prepare the way for, or initiate, the change and evolution which always result from such things. Such things as these must be, and always will be, because the majority of people are or will remain, inert and sub-human unless changed. The majority is – and always will be until it evolves to become something else – raw material to be used, moulded, cut-away and shaped to create what must be. There is no such thing as an innocent person because everyone who exists is part of the whole, the change, the evolution, the presencing of life itself, which is beyond them, and their life only has meaning through the change, development and evolution of life. Their importance is what they can become, or what can be achieved through their death. their tragedy, their living – their importance does not lie in their individual happiness or their individual desires or whatever.”  Anton Long - To Presence The Dark


Ms PointyHat
Order of Nine Angles
122 yf


Update (7/26/11 CE). Even though the thread on the forum has now been unlocked – with a warning from the judgmental mods that what they consider to be “ignorant or unnecessarily inflammatory remarks” will get a user banned – our point has been made. So let these pretentious pseudo-Satanists continue with their forumorrhea while we get on with Presencing The Dark.


Order of Nine Angles


” As to the Numinous Way, I think that’s the most subversive of the entire tri-headed monster that is the memeplex (ONA, Numinous Way, Reichsfolk). It has a nice coating of ‘respect for all life’ and ‘empathy’ which are things I can agree with absolutely, and are much easier to accept than the focus on the Sinister of the ONA, however both have the same aim in my view. Imagine if the Numinous Way caught on (which it’s more apt to do than the ONA by definition), and people developed that profound and real respect for one another as Nexions – and people comported themselves with absolute responsibility. By definition the deaths the system causes and running around after money would become repugnant (because it is) naturally as people became more aware of what they were contributing to (as the meme requires). The Numinous way also requires a degree of self reliance and self awareness that the system currently finds repugnant. Imagine if they (per the tenets of the Numinous Way) resolved their disputes among each other (without relying on the state, including through trial by combat). What you’d have is a group of people, driven by a seemingly ‘positive’ motive, living totally outside the law (among their own) and actively taking responsibility for the horrific actions that the state forces them to be party to every day. They’d be de facto criminals in the eyes of the State. That’s truly subversive right there, but also esoterically does represent the complete circle. It’s the reconciliation where the Sinister Numinous, meets the Numinous.” MF, L316 Nexion, 122 YF

[end quote]


Comment is superfluous.

The Mad Mage, a painting by Richard Moult

The Green Damask Room

Order of Nine Angles


Anton Long has recently described the ONA as:  “evil, an evil slowly spreading over the Earth. A means to inspire practical Satanic, diabolic, deeds, and new, more sinister, ways of living.”

A description weirdly echoed in a recent description of the ONA in the mainstream media, on MSN:

” Find a secret society and you’ll often find the devil in close attendance. That’s certainly true of the Order of the Nine Angles, a satanist group with neo-Nazi leanings formed in the UK in the 1960s.

The group might be considered the hardcore wing of the devil-worshipping movement. Its writings bang on about creating a new human species through physical and mental hardship, which would be fine if it weren’t for the other side of the coin. They believed creating a super race also involved the slightly thorny topic of human sacrifice, to rid humanity of the weak and unfit.”

Source - http://him.uk.msn.com/in-the-know/secret-societies-of-the-world

Order of Nine Angles

Imposters, Infiltrators, and Anton Long

One question that often gets asked – now that the Order of Nine Angles is a leaderless worldwide kollective, has diverse presences in cyberspace, and advocates practical sinister deeds – is how do we sort the genuine sinister folks from the imposters and the infiltrators?

For surely, so these people say, you’re bound to get someone (or two or three) from some mundane authority – like the FBI – either setting some of you folks up for a sting operation or lurking around trying to gather information about you maybe by setting up as pro-ONA website or, as they often do, posting pro-ONA stuff in some on-line forum or other? Some even think that some Nazarene fundies – or someone from some rival Satanic group – might try to infiltrate us by posing as ‘one of us’ in order to do whatever takes their fancy (like go public with how they japed the japers).

The simple answer is that we just don’t care about such stuff. Why not? For any of four reasons. First reason – we’re currently really not that interesting (read not threatening enough) and/or not large enough to merit such attention.

Second reason – the real kollective is not in cyberspace, but in individuals (who work alone) and in nexions/groups/cells/gangs/tribes who do their own practical stuff in their own way in the real world and who blood-in or haze recruits in such a sinister way it tends to weed out the weeds.

Third reason – if some are fooled or do become the victims of entrapment or whatnot, it’s their own stupid fault. They failed, and good riddance.

Fourth reason – what’s published or written in cyberspace is just words, an outer form, and as we’ve said many times over the years our words are not the essence of who and what we are. At best, words in cyberspace may entice, or inspire, and thus be a beginning for a few who are of our kind who thus then begin to do practical stuff in the real world, which at the end of the day it’s what it’s all about – for them, and us. Also, again as we’ve said many times over the years, those who can’t sort the fake from the real (in both cyberspace as in real life) aren’t of our kind anyway, just stupid failures. Those who are of our kind will know or have the esoteric ability to find out for themselves, and be able to sort the fake words of fakers from the real ones.

In fact – as with those pretenders who’ve claimed to have taken over or to have ‘re-founded’ the ONA – imposters, fakes, and infiltrators in cyberspace (as in real life) are useful for us, screening out mundanes as they do.

So if there are imposters and infiltrators among us ‘in here’ we just don’t care and certainly won’t do anything about them. It’s called evolution through overcoming challenges. Plus, such people can’t affect what we are in any practical way (despite what they may think or need to believe) – for we are of a changing shapeshifting living sinister type of supra-personal life (a particular type of living being) presenced in the causal, and which life in truth can feed off such things and such people anyway. In clichéd old-aeon-speak, an archetype cannot be killed by mundanes, it just fades away when its aeonic time for death has arrived, and even then its remaining energy becomes transformed into something new. So, still using old-aeon-speak, our new archetypes (note the plural) now have life, psychic and occult energy, enough (are now old and established enough), to grow, thrive and prosper according to their/our nature.

In addition, no one, realistically, is going to infiltrate the inner (the esoteric) ONA given that it would take them around five to ten years of effort, involving doing the physical tasks of the Seven-Fold Way and the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept, forming their own nexion and undertaking with that nexion the Ceremony of Recalling with Opfer ending, blah blah; and given that such folks are always personally recruited by someone from the inner ONA who check their background and set them various tasks including many which involve transgressing mundane laws.

Which brings us to other often asked questions – the cunning of Anton Long and does he still (or did he ever) really exist, and if he did exist, is he still actively involved with us or has he, like some bearded elderly Merlin, retired? To which the answer is, of course, those who are of our kind will either know or they will have the esoteric ability (the magickal skill) to find out for themselves.

Ms PointyHat
122 yf


Order of Nine Angles

Given below is a link to a pdf file of One Sinister Mysterium (A Selection of Articles by Anton Long of the Order of Nine Angles)


One Sinister Mysterium.pdf


  • Core ONA Traditions
  • Children and the ONA
  • The Rounwytha Tradition
  • Sinister Tribes, Sinister Individuality, and The Sinister Way
  • Debunking The Chaos
  • Notes Concerning Language, Chants, and Acausal Entities
  • The De-Evolutionary Nature of Might is Right
  • Toward The Sinister Mysterium
  • Mysterium – Beyond The ONA


Order of Nine Angles

Mysterium – Beyond The ONA

Given that the emphasis of the ONA is on practical deeds, people curious about or interested on the ONA often ask about what the ONA has actually done – what ONA people actually do – to change the world in a noticeable way.

As often, it is a question of perspective, of criteria used to judge. Of esoteric and exoteric.

Exoterically, perhaps the majority of our people are hidden and do not have an overt association with us, with Satanism, with the sinister or even with the Left Hand Path. Thus their practical deeds are adjudged their personal practical deeds or possibly associated with some outer causal form they themselves may be associated with, be that form political or religious or whatever. In addition, many of us do not have our homes or our place of dwelling littered with mundane Occult paraphernalia, and so there is nothing to connect us to such Occult activities were we ever to be ‘investigated’ by some mundane authority or other. Furthermore, some of our kind adopt professions in keeping with our and their sinister aims and which professions enable them to live in a more exeatic manner.

But this waffle by me aside, esoterically what requires mentioning is Aeonics, our Aeonic perspective. This means that our aims and goals are – viewed causally – quite long-term, measured in causal centuries, and thus it will take centuries for the affective and affecting changes to become manifest on the type of scale most use to judge such matters as causal aims and goals.

The second thing to mention is that our way is to breed a new human type, a new elite – and this begins with each one of us, each one of our kindred, changing themselves and engaging in life in a sinister way, in accord with their wyrd, by applying our methods, techniques, and so on. Thus and for example they can choose to use the technique of the Seven-Fold Sinister Way, or apply the way of the Drecc (of tribes and gangs), or the way of the Rounwytha – or any or all of these – according to what interests them, what they find works for them, or whatever.

Thus, one outward sign – if one is interested in such mundane things – of our practical deeds are our people. Their change, their transformation by their association with the ONA and their use of the praxis of the ONA. And it is these people who by this very transformation of themselves – and what many of them will subsequently do in the world of mundanes according to how the sinister mood takes them – that moves us toward our causally-understood aims and goals and which brings-into-being our new aristocracy spread over the world. A practical aristocracy which is sinisterly subversive not because it seeks to implement some abstraction in some causal time-scale or is motivated by some causal idealism (such as overthrowing some nation-State), but because it aids and enhances the lives of those belonging to it in practical and often material ways – for instance, in terms of influence, in terms of providing goods and services, and in materially rewarding loyalty and honour and service to its members and participants.

In effect, it is/will be an international group – bound together by certain rules, such as our Code of Kindred-Honour and viewing mundanes as a resource – formed of kindred local groups in various nation-States, whose members co-operate together, dispense their own justice, obey their own laws, and who aid and help themselves and others of their kind by whatever practical means they can, even if some of these means are viewed by some existing nation-State as ‘illegal’ or ‘criminal’ or whatever. In this sense, we are a new type of organization in the causal, a mysterium, and so might be called The Mysterium, or The Niners (or whatever) rather than The Order of Nine Angles.

In time, our organization may well acquire some covert political and social (or even religious) influence in one or some existing nation-States, by having our members in some influential positions, or by having some power over some of those in such positions. Or some of our tribes might develope in some locality sufficient to bring forth Vindex or someone similar with there thus being an overt challenge to existing mundane authority in that locality. And so on.

But what is not important are the details, the means, the tactics, the minutiae – that is, restricting, causal, forms and causally-limited abstract aims are not important. What works, works. What does not work will be abandoned. What is important is that the ONA – beyond its outer current causal name – is a particular sinister presencing, some-thing that now lives (is presenced) in the causal and thus is acausal sorcery manifest as a living kollective and an ethos, so that it can and will assume and use and become whatever causal forms are necessary wherever on this planet such forms are or become necessary. Or expressed in another more familiar way – we are now a shapeshifting manifestation of acausal energy presenced in the causal. A collocations of nexions – individual, tribal – who ‘know’ their own kind and who are now actively seeking to assimilate others into our kollective, not for or because of any altruistic or idealistic reason, but because such assimilation of others is now a function of our necessary causal being, in this Aeon.

By assimilate, do you mean assimilate mundanes?

One of our axioms is that we classify humans as either our kind or as mundanes. Our kind currently, and for some previous Aeons, amount to perhaps five per cent – the creative or the defiant minority who latently or by means of their pathei-mathos have a certain natural intelligence, a certain instinct, a certain type of personality, certain personal qualities.

Another of our axioms is that in general (with many exceptions) mundanes are made, not born, and that therefore some human beings (certainly not all) have the potential to cease to be mundanes. Many of these lucky ones of course will never realize this potential, for a variety of reasons. A corollary of this axiom is that the children of mundanes have not as yet reached the age when mundanity becomes or could become fixed – their natural pattern of behaviour. Thus the reason why children in practical terms are exempt from being considered fair game, a resource, and why we consider certain activities by adults involving children – and certain proclivities, in adults, in respect of children – to be dishonourable and not something our own kind would do. For such things are one mark of mundanity – of those not able to or capable of controlling or changing themselves.

This axiom of potential within others is one reason why, in respect of culling for instance, we always give mundanes a sporting chance – to see if they can react in a non-mundane manner and so provide evidence of their potential to change.

Thus, yes I do mean assimilate – and change, evolve – some of those humans who are currently mundanes, which brings us rather neatly to our use of general tests to those who seek to associate with or join us.

I assume you mean here what some have, somewhat colorfully, called being mindfucked by the ONA?

Yes. In contrast, those who are naturally of our kind – and those who when challenged reveal they have the potential to develope to become of our kind – will be able to work their way through our Labyrinthos Mythologicus to the essence, the centre (and then be able to find their way out). As we have mentioned before, we have certain standards. If people do not meet these standards, they are not good enough, and we have no interest in guiding them. It is for others to find us, and prove themselves, not the other way around.

For instance, those who meet our esoteric and intelligence standards will find, discover, the clues we have left in many of our written works; as they will be able to see our fables, our causal forms, for fables and forms. They will see and perhaps laugh at some of the japes we have played on some people. In brief, they will be able to distinguish the esoteric from the exoteric, and mythos from practical exeatic living.

Let me give one simple – one very basic – example. Not that long ago we published an item which simplified Satanism to its practical, causal, core. There was thus a personal pledge by the aspiring Satanist, a code, and three fundamental principles. Very little in the way of traditional ceremonies or rituals or even words, since the core was the live in a particular way, sans the laws of the mundanes, where there is no law, no authority, no justice except that of the individual.

This item works on a variety of levels, some of which I will enumerate here. Thus, for some of those who might have the potential to be one of our kind, it is one possible beginning – to entice, to provide experience, to live exeactically, and so possibility at some time this might move some of these people toward a desire for more.

For some of those who are already of our kind (but may not yet know it) it is a sign, to what lies beyond such an outer form. An intimation of just why we produce and use such a form.

It is also a practical defiance of those who aid and support the mechanisms which keep mundanes in thrall – for those, for example, who support and aid existing nation-States and the mechanisms of control of those States (be such mechanism psychic, practical, or causal abstractions). For the flunkies of all nation-States do so hate and do find subversive those who believe and who practice the truth there is no law, no authority, no justice except that of the individual. Thus, if that item only influenced ten people in one nation-State in one year to change their way of life and live defiantly, outside mundane law, it would have achieved something in the causal, with no practical effort on our part.

It is also something that undercuts and undermines the pomposity, the pretentiousness, of already existing so-called ‘satanic’ groups, with their ‘temples and ‘grottoes’, their rituals, their books, their discussions, their self-awarded titles, and their old Aeon sycophancy.

Thus, people would react to this simple thing according to their nature, their conditioning, their potential. So it was/is fun, and useful, esoterically and exoterically.

But of course there are and have been, over the decades, far more complex, far more devious, challenges, tests, traps and obstacles, made and used by us for those ‘out there’. So many that one person even went so far as to sigh that for every ONA principle or piece of advice/guidance he came across there seemed to him to be another one which either confused the issue or was almost its exact opposite. Which of course of itself hints at a certain esoteric truth and the need for certain abilities.

You have recently been described as a weird combination of sinister ruthlessness and empathic sensitivity, which I guess makes you an unusual man. One person even described this combination as something of a dilemma in regard to making an assessment of you.

This is no dilemma, for the two aspects are not mutually exclusive – except to mundanes still in thrall to causal abstractions. One of the aims of our sinister Way is to develope the individual and so evolve the human species. Or rather, presence – to consciously bring-into-being – a new type, a new breed, of human beings.

This conscious breeding of a new species is a product of the acausal sorcery which is The Order of Nine Angles: a product of our mythos, our sinister praxis, our diverse ways of living, our kollective, and which ways include that of tribes and gangs and of those who individually follow our Seven-Fold Way.

This is why we scorn and laugh at other Occultists, at others who believe they are following and using The Black Arts, and why we have contempt for others, and other groups, who call themselves or who are described as Satanists and/or as followers of the Left Hand Path. For these preening poseurs – these examples of Homo Hubris – lack the experience, the knowing, of the Unity beyond causal and acausal, beyond all causal forms, and thus have no direct practical experience of both Light and Dark external and internal to themselves, and so cannot perceive and know such opposites (and they themselves) as but illusive causal forms, abstractions; as stages toward the necessary alchemical synthesis that brings-into-being our new type of individual and our new ways of living.

These Occult poseurs lack this sensitivity – the natural, esoteric, empathy that for example a following of our Seven-Fold Way and rites such as that of the extended Grade Ritual of Internal Adept develope in the individual, and which empathy, which sensitivity, is manifest in our Rounwytha tradition. A sensitivity which is just one of the many qualities possessed by those who have indeed undertaken what traditionally is termed The Passing of The Abyss. They – these Occult poseurs – also lack, of course, practical direct experience of the sinister, having never transgressed the laws of the mundanes, never taken themselves in practical ways truely beyond good and evil; never felt that exeatic joy when, testing themselves almost to death, they have triumphed and survived.

But in truth, I am nothing unique, just one phenotype: one intimation perhaps of a different human breed; one example of ONA sorcery in the causal and thus presenced, for now, on one planet we call Earth. Just one temporary stage between some-thing in some causal past, and something-else in some causal future – and thus some-thing fallible to be surpassed, in the framework of our causal Time and our dwelling on this planet.


Anton Long
Order of Nine Angles
122 Year of Fayen