Al Sharpton Incensed About Obama Jobs Speech Moving (VIDEO)

First Posted: 9/1/11 09:18 AM ET Updated: 9/1/11 09:47 AM ET

Al Sharpton

A fired up Al Sharpton angrily criticized John Boehner for rejecting President Obama's request to address Congress next Wednesday.

Sharpton spent two segments of his Tuesday show on the controversy. (Obama and Boehner eventually agreed to have the address next Thursday instead.) In the second segment, he brought on liberal radio host Bill Press and GOP consultant Matt Mackowiak to discuss the rejection. Sharpton virtually ignored Press, boring in on Mackowiak instead.

Mackowiak said that the security concerns surrounding the Capitol made it impossible to have the speech on the Wednesday. Then, he said that Obama was showing "disrespect" to Nancy Reagan by requesting a speech on the same night as the Republican debate, which is being held at the Reagan Library in California.

"You're really not going to say this to me now," Sharpton thundered, cutting him off. "You know you're on PoliticsNation ... that is patently ridiculous what you just said!"

Later, Mackowiak and Press argued about whether the House has done enough around job creation. Mackowiak said that the chamber has passed many jobs bills, but Press said the bills were really giveaways to the rich.

"If you call a pig a goat, it's still a pig!" he said. "And it'll still go oink oink," Sharpton replied, picking up the anti-Mackowiak baton.

"...I'm built a little different," he continued, starting to point to various parts of his face. "My eyes are back here, my nose is here, my mouth is here. Something about this doesn't taste right, when it gets here it doesn't smell right, and when I look at it it doesn't look right, Matt. Y'all are playing a game of disrespect here!"


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A fired up Al Sharpton angrily criticized John Boehner for rejecting President Obama's request to address Congress next Wednesday. Sharpton spent two segments of his Tuesday show on the controversy...
A fired up Al Sharpton angrily criticized John Boehner for rejecting President Obama's request to address Congress next Wednesday. Sharpton spent two segments of his Tuesday show on the controversy...
Filed by Jack Mirkinson  | 
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10:35 PM on 9/05/2011
Good ole Sharpton; He is a specialist at getting blacks to fight for rights we already have, and he has a big house to prove it. There are those who tilt their head back and open wide when he talks, just like baby birds.
09:11 PM on 9/05/2011
I find him just un-watchab­le with all of his preacherly "uhhhhh"'s every five seconds.

We uhhhhhh are uhhhhhhhh gathered her today to uhhhhhh...­.

*stabs self in face*

If it wasn't for TRMS, I'm not sure I'd be watching much of anything on this channel at the moment. I do kind of like Chris, but maybe only because he reminds me of my father :p
07:37 PM on 9/05/2011
It smells like gubbubamen­t cheez
03:15 PM on 9/05/2011
Bottomline is that the avant football fans aren't clammering to see the President; no matter what day his speech is on. They're more interested in sucking down a couple of beers.
03:00 PM on 9/05/2011
If you can have Hannity, Limbaugh, and Beck giving their twisted opinions; then Sharpton has the right to give his opinion
04:01 PM on 9/05/2011
well said pink4004
12:23 PM on 9/05/2011
I had my doubts at first, but he is coming in to his own. He doesn't let anyone get away with talking points. When Buchanon called Obama his boy....Sha­rp ton's reaction was powerful.
Editor of Cascade.Patch.com community news site
01:50 PM on 9/05/2011
I've been listening to Rev. Al for several years now on the radio and watching him, when I can, on TV. He is ALWAYS very clear and articulate about what he believes. No one "beats" him in a talking heads-styl­e forum, though they try.
(Articulat­e, you say? Yes! No doubt.... A lot of people can't get beyond their one-dimens­ional stereotype­s to see this but that is their problem...­.)
That said, I think Rev. Al is not showing his best suit on his new show. I'm sorry, I've seen him interrupt too many people... He is actually better than he comes off on the show.... Just my view...
06:58 AM on 9/05/2011
So, Sharpton rages. What else has he ever done?
04:01 PM on 9/05/2011
Better question..­.What have YOU done ?
10:03 PM on 9/04/2011
I just refuse to watch this clown's show on MSNBC.
Of all the absolutely fantastic Black journalist­s...I mean are you kidding? Sharpton?
03:03 PM on 9/05/2011
@PreacherT­hug: I support Sharpton. But the unfortunat­e issue is that none of the networks are clammering to bring on "Black Journalist­s." At least CNN has TJ Holmes, and Don Lemon on weekends..­.but all the networks have a long way to go.
04:02 PM on 9/05/2011
You better watch !
07:45 PM on 9/04/2011
Rev. Al is a joy to watch.....­we need more out there like him. He's the first I've seen that has this President'­s back......­he a joy...he's funny, sharp...ac­curate and well informed.
06:59 AM on 9/05/2011
What have you been smoking?
04:02 PM on 9/05/2011
07:17 PM on 9/04/2011
When ISN'T Sharpton incensed..­..........­.
equal-opportunity Independent heathen
05:53 PM on 9/04/2011
Why couldn't the president have made his speech on TUESDAY? Then we could see and hear what the Republican­s have to say about it on Wednesday during their debate.
07:47 PM on 9/04/2011
I think....t­hey are not back in Wash. from vacation until Wed......
equal-opportunity Independent heathen
08:15 AM on 9/05/2011
Their TVs wouldn't work on Tuesday?
07:00 AM on 9/05/2011
In the first place, he KNEW they had this debate scheduled. It was all a ploy to interfere.
Geeky nerd. Or is that nerdy geek?
12:17 PM on 9/05/2011
The plan was to address a joint session of Congress. Congress will not be in session on Tuesday.
03:07 PM on 9/05/2011
@AZreb: It doesn't matter what the President saids; the Republican­s always disagree with him. To me the Republican­s aren't interested in bringing the country together for everyone's benefit, but more interested in rhetoric.
05:17 PM on 9/04/2011
Reverand Al's statement should be a bumper sticker on cars throughout America: The Republican Party.....­it doesn't smell right.
07:01 AM on 9/05/2011
Better yet, it could have said, "Al Sharpton..­...I don't smell right".
04:05 PM on 9/05/2011
Why are you in BLACKVOICE­S...just to be mean and put down Black People...h­uh
12:47 AM on 9/06/2011
and I bet Reverend Al would say, "you smell allright to me".
Editor of Cascade.Patch.com community news site
07:05 AM on 9/04/2011
Al Sharpton isn't the only talk show host who needs to tone it down and stop interrupti­ng. Chris Mathews has been loud and cutting people off for years. Personally­, I'm a Rev. Al fan and agree with 90% of what he is saying. BUT. He is not getting his message across on TV the way he does on his radio show. He and Chris need some grooming on on-air etiquette.
05:15 PM on 9/04/2011
Sharpton does just fine thank you, he holds his own and doesn't let any 'rightie" or any one else try to pull a filibuster in order to run out the time and not have to give a direct answer. Chris goes overboard and interrupts everyone,l­eft right and in between but Sharpton does o.k. and he knows when a guest is trying to answer the question and when a guest has no intention of giving anything but talking points and disengenuo­us ones at that.
07:48 PM on 9/04/2011
Well said.

Chris is working my last nerve.....­on and on....on and on....same grips day after day....wha­t an ego
Editor of Cascade.Patch.com community news site
01:54 PM on 9/05/2011
See my comment to LibChicAZ re this topic.... Thanks for sharing, everyone. Happy Labor Day!
Geeky nerd. Or is that nerdy geek?
12:21 PM on 9/05/2011
I agree with the Chris part. I have posted before that he poses a question, and rather than allowing a response, he continues past that point with a monologue. For a good minute. Which is a long time.

I got lambasted by those who wear blinders.

Don't get me wrong. I support Chris' positions. But, on this show, he is more like the show that follows. He likes to have the last word. And then the one after that. And the one subsequent to that. And more.

His other show, a roundtable forum, he does not act in that manner.
03:09 PM on 9/05/2011
@CascadePa­tch: Actually the person that needs BIG time grooming in etiquette is O'Reilly. The man is atrocious!
12:04 AM on 9/04/2011
I watched Rev Al Friday and seems he is coming into his own.Very entertaini­ng and informativ­e show.Al keep up the good work and call the TEAGOPs out when they are out of bounds.
09:30 PM on 9/03/2011
What does "jall" mean?
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06:05 AM on 9/04/2011
Context clues pretty clearly suggest it's a dialectica­l shortening of "you all". Do you regularly have trouble understand­ing speech that isn't Standard White English? If so, you might consider stepping outside of your milieu more often.
07:05 AM on 9/05/2011
Or perhaps anyone who can get you all from 'jall' needs an education and I live in the hills of TN. I wouldn't have a clue about that 'word(?).
04:06 PM on 9/05/2011
Excellent ! smile