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Department Faculty

Religion faculty members are also affiliated with the African Studies Institute, the Institute for African-American Studies, the Center for Asian Studies, and the Institute for Native American Studies


Dr. Richard Elliott Friedman
Ann and Jay Davis Professor of Jewish Studies (PhD, Harvard)
Hebrew Language and Literature, Jewish Studies

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Dr. Russell Kirkland
Professor (PhD, Indiana)
Asian Religions, Taoism, Chinese and Japanese Religions
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Dr. Sandy D. Martin
Professor and Department Head (PhD, Columbia)
History of Christianity, American and African American Religious History
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Dr. Carolyn Jones Medine
Professor (PhD, Virginia)
Religion and Literature, African American Religions and Literatures, Religious Theory and Thought, Women's Spirituality and Writings
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Dr. William L. Power
Professor (PhD, Emory)
Historical, Systematic and Philosophical Theology, Philosophy of Religion
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Dr. Jace Weaver
Professor (PhD, Union Theological Seminary), Director of the Institute of Native American Studies
Native American Cultures and Religious Traditions, Eschatology, Apocalypticism
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Dr. David S. Williams
Professor (PhD, Hebrew Union College) , Director of UGA Honors Program
Judaism, Hebrew, Intertestamental Literature, Hebrew Bible

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Associate Professor

Dr. Alan Godlas
Associate Professor (PhD, Berkeley)
Islam, Quranic & Hadith Studies, Arabic & Persian, Sufism

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Dr. Kenneth Honerkamp
Associate Professor (PhD, Aix-en-Provence)
Arabic, Islamic texts, Shariah (Islamic Law), North African Sufism
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Assistant Professor
Dr. Ibigbolade Simon Aderibigbe
Assistant Professor (PhD, University of Ibadan, Nigera)
African Traditional Religions

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Dr. Wayne Coppins
Assistant Professor (PhD, Cambridge, England)
New Testament

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Dr. Nanette Spina
Assistant Professor (PhD, McMaster University)
South Asian Religions, Hinduism, Buddhism

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Dr. Haider Bhuiyan
Lecturer (PhD, University of Utah)
Arabic and Islam

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Dr. Rouslan Elistratov
Lecturer (PhD, Claremont)
Philosophy of Religion, Theology

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Dr. Derrick Lemons
Lecturer (DMin, Asbury Theological Seminary)
Religion in American Culture, Missional Church Theology and Applied Anthropology

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Dr. Jodie Lyon
Lecturer (PhD, Southern Methodist University)
Theological Studies

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Ms. Laura Weaver
(PhD Candidate, U of CA-Santa Barbara)
Native American Studies and Literature

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Professor Emeriti (No contact information available)

Dr. Robert H. Ayers
Historical and Philosophical Theology

Dr. George Howard

(Hebrew Union College)
New Testament and Early Christian Literature, Greek and Semitic Languages, Intertestamental Studies

Dr. Shanta Ratnayaka

Buddhism, Indian Philosophy, Asian Religions


Temporary Instructors
Ashley Spink , RELI 1003 aspink@uga.edu

Wanda Wilcox, RELI 1003, RELI 4105, RELI 4900, wanda@franklin.uga.edu

Graduate Teaching Instructors

Arash Aboutorabi (Persian), toraba@uga.edu
Andrea Cluck (RELI 1001), abcluck@uga.edu
Karla Evans-Carter (RELI 1001), kncarter@uga.edu
Xuewen Liu (RELI 1002), xuewen81@uga.edu
Elizabeth Martin (RELI 1001), ebmartin@uga.edu
Rachel Nabulsi (RELI 1001, RELI 4002), rnabulsi@uga.edu
Steve Purtell (RELI 1001), purtell@uga.edu
Casey Sharp
(RELI 1001), casharp@uga.edu
Amanda Smith (Hebrew), ansmith@uga.edu

Graduate Assistants
Amanda Atkinson, aca@uga.edu
David Callaway,
Jessica Couch,
Mitchell Esswein,
Geoffry Hall,
Erin Hardy
Umesh Patel
Noah Pollock noahpunp@uga.edu

Foreign Language Teaching Assistants
Mohammad Anees (Persian) anees@uga.edu
Noha Enab (Arabic) nohaenab@uga.edu
Gulgaky Kalykova (Kyrgyz) gulgaky@uga.edu
Ozlem Kaya (Turkish) okaya@uga.edu
Yusuf Saleh (Hausa) ysaleh@uga.edu
Sonia Sharmin (Bengali) sonias@uga.edu
Nanang Zubaidi (Indonesian) zubaidi@uga.edu