Evacuation after Colombia volcano erupts

Published: 6:17PM Sunday January 03, 2010 Source: Reuters

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The Galeras volcano in southern Colombia erupted, shooting rock and ash and prompting authorities to order the evacuation of about 8,000 people.
No one was killed or injured in the eruption.

But officials warned that the volcano could remain volatile.
Galeras, located in the Andes Mountains near Colombia's border with Ecuador, erupted 10 times in 2009.

Most people living in the vicinity have grown used to the alerts and refuse to evacuate when ordered to by local authorities.
Thousands of revellers celebrating the annual Black and White Carnival in the nearby city of Pasto were startled by Saturday's eruption but the festivities carried on.
A massive eruption of the Galeras volcano killed 10 people in 1993.

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