Secondary Schools (Key Stage 3) in Salisbury

Compare all secondary schools in Salisbury on this page. Click an individual school for more detailed information about its results. You can also rank schools according to results of your choice by clicking the headings at the top of the table.

The tables below show achievement for pupils aged 14 and progress pupils have made between ages 11 and 14. See also: GCSE results, A-Level results

Secondary School Key Stage 3 Performance 2007

School Pupils VA English Maths Science Average
Avon Valley College646100.672%67%66%32.7
Bishop Wordsworth's Grammar School857101.198%99%99%44.8
Salisbury High School850100.165%66%59%32.7
South Wilts Grammar School for Girls959100.998%98%99%45.1
St Edmund's Church of England Girls' School and Sports College81510298%84%89%37.6
St Joseph's Catholic School359100.675%71%69%33.2
The Stonehenge School770100.858%74%76%33.7
The Trafalgar School at Downton444100.274%79%85%35.6
Wyvern College62499.859%72%62%33.3


  • Pupils: the number of pupils attending the school
  • VA: Value-added score,Value added measure based on the individual pupil progress between Year 6 (Key Stage 2), generally aged 11, and Year 9 (Key Stage 3), generally aged 14
  • English, Maths and Science: the percentage of pupils achieving Level 5 or above, the expected level for most 14-year-olds
  • Average: Average point score is calculated by dividing the total number of points achieved by all pupils eligible for KS3 assessment in each subject, by the number of eligible pupils
  • < or NA: no information supplied by the DfES

Includes data supplied by Department for Education, or the Welsh Assembly Government 2010

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