NEC provides promising musicians with a rigorous and thorough curriculum, the completion of which requires shared dedication and commitment from both the faculty and students. As a conservatory student, you will meet weekly with a studio teacher who guides your progression as a musician and your journey through the literature, traditions, and pedagogy of your major. You will be engaged in collaborative activities, in ensembles and otherwise, where your participation in rehearsal and performance leads to a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. You will also be deepening your understanding of the historical and theoretical underpinnings of music as an art and a science, and broadening your overall understanding of human knowledge through liberal arts offerings.

The Degree Requirements table specific to your program and major is intended to help you understand the time management involved in juggling these various facets, from beginning to end of your studies. It is drawn from the current Academic Catalog, and represents curricular requirements for students who matriculated in Fall of the current academic year. Undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees draw on the perspective of performance and academic faculty, students, and advising staff to regularly review these degree requirements and make recommendations to Faculty Council for any additional course offerings and/or degree requirements. Consequently, students who matriculate in the upcoming academic year may have different degree requirements than those represented here. Please direct questions regarding degree requirements to the Academic Advisors.

Brass - Undergraduate Diploma

Brass - Bachelor of Music

Brass - Master of Music

Brass - Graduate Diploma

Brass - Doctor of Musical Arts
