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Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103: Inconvenient Truths

Global Research, June 22, 2007
London Review of Books


Inconvenient Truths

Hugh Miles: Who put the bomb on Pan Am 103?

On 21 December 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was 38 minutes into its journey when it was blown up at 31,000 feet. The explosion was so powerful that the nose of the aircraft was torn clean off. Within three seconds of the bomb detonating, the cockpit, fuselage and No. 3 engine were falling separately out of the sky. It happened so quickly that no distress call was sent out and no oxygen masks deployed. With the cockpit gone, the fuselage depressurised instantly and the passengers in the rear section of the aircraft found themselves staring out into the Scottish night air. [ read more . . . ]

 Global Research Articles by Hugh Miles

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