Naruto Generations Official Site Opens

Producer promises a different experience from past Ultimate Ninja Storm titles.

2011-06-21 03:36 / Anoop Gantayat

Namco Bandai has opened an official site for the latest Naruto game, Naruto Shippuden Narutimate Storm Generation. Access the page here.

First revealed through Weekly Shounen Jump over the weekend, this latest Naruto adaptation is due for simultaneous release on on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Namco Bandai did not share a specific release time frame. Outside of Japan, the game has apparently been named "Naruto Shippuden: Super Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations."

Producer Yusuke Sasaki delivers a brief message at the official site. Although CyberConnect2 is developer once again, Sasaki says to expect a greater focus on combat compared to bast Narutimate Storm series titles. The term "Generation" means "the ultimate ninja battle that crosses generations," perhaps as indicated by the two Narutos shown in the artwork.

The official site teases an upcoming teaser movie, so those without access to Jump should get a first look shortly.


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