October 19, 2011 2:38 PM

Perry calls for flat tax to replace income tax

Rebecca Kaplan
Economy ,
Campaign 2012

Republican presidential candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry delivers a keynote address during the Western Republican Leadership Conference, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2011, in Las Vegas.

(Credit: Isaac Brekken)

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is calling for replacing the federal income tax with a flat tax, a conservative idea condemned by liberals as a regressive burden on lower- and middle-income taxpayers.

The Republican presidential hopeful previewed his economic plan for the country at the Western Republican Leadership Conference in Las Vegas, but offered few details.

He said he would unveil a proposal next week calling for creation of a flat tax, which would replace the present system of graduated tax rates based on income with a single rate for all taxpayers regardless of income.

Perry told an audience of about 150 Republicans that his plan would also include a ban on congressional earmarks, passage of a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, spending cuts and entitlement reform. He plans to unveil details in a speech Tuesday in South Carolina.

"A change election requires a new direction, and not more of the same," Perry said. "And I come by my conservatism very authentically, not by convenience. I offer the American people a new direction. My economic plan is rooted in what has worked in my home state."

He said he would scrap "the current 3 million words of the American tax code" and replace it with "something simple: a flat tax."

"I want to make the tax code so simple that even (Treasury Secretary) Timothy Geithner can file his taxes on time," Perry said.

One of Perry's main rivals for the Republican nomination, pizza executive Herman Cain, has also called for a flat income tax, which he has said would be a rate of 9 percent. Perry did not stipulate a rate in his speech on Wednesday.

Perry said he will also work to pass a balanced budget amendment, another long-standing conservative idea that has lacked sufficient support to pass in Congress. "I will barnstorm this country from Day One, going to all 50 states if that's required, to generate the support for a balanced budget amendment, that will demand (that) the necessary changes will be placed in our Constitution," he said.

Earmarks, the special provisions for certain districts and states tucked into appropriations bills, have been greatly reduced in recent years after they became the object of public scorn as wasteful spending. Perry said, "My plan is to end earmarks for good. It's time to bring some tough medicine to Washington."

  • Rebecca Kaplan

    Rebecca Kaplan is covering the Rick Perry campaign for CBS News and National Journal.

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by RollotheNorman October 20, 2011 12:23 AM EDT
Oh, by the way, here is the resident brain trust of Rick's tax solution:

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by RollotheNorman October 20, 2011 12:20 AM EDT
Not even original Rick! Rick's "new" plan has been the darling of a cabal of Texas RepubliCONs for years now. They originally started at the 17% Rick's been bandying about, but have up it to 23% due to some criticism brought by folks that realize the flat tax is regressive and a bonanza for the upper 2%. The main reason for the change is that it was pointed out to the CONservatives that 17% wasn't enough to keep the lights on; the CONservatives don't give a fat rat's ass whether it rapes the lower 98% of us or not.
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by tryhonesty October 19, 2011 11:53 PM EDT
More Flat Tax BS! These TeaBAG RepubliCON MORONS cannot come up with any new idea in over 60 years! Remove the RepubliCONs from office NOW!
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by goplies October 19, 2011 11:25 PM EDT
All corporate-owned politicians are calling for a 'flat tax' because it would be a windfall for the top 2% American aristocracy. the middle class and working class would pay even more of their bills.
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by AVoiceofR3ason October 19, 2011 11:35 PM EDT
The current tax code is 70,000 pages long. Full of loop holes and tricks. The only way to get a handle on it is a flat tax. That is the only way everyone pays. Also, this is the only way where people know what is being sent to the government.
by goplies October 20, 2011 12:05 AM EDT
If they would talk about a graduated 'flat tax' system it might make sense. For example, people making less than $20K pay nothing, $21-$30K 3%, $30-50K 5%, $50-100K 10%, $100-500K 30%, $500K-1 million 40%, and all income over $1 million 75%. No loopholes, no deductions, and all income counts if it is inherited, gifted, earned, capital gains... all income.
by baileyccc October 19, 2011 11:20 PM EDT
Yawn.............Perry is such a bore.
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by conservativefreespeech October 19, 2011 11:19 PM EDT
slappy-mcjohnson October 19, 2011 11:03 PM EDT
Middle TN. Which state are you in with trailer parks full of democrats?
TN, too. I have worked on several political campaigns and had access to voter registration printouts. Either there are a lot of Republicans and Independents voting in the democrat primary or there are a lot of democrats living in Trailer Parks.
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by ge556 October 19, 2011 11:04 PM EDT
This insistence on raising taxes on the poor is hateful, and wrong, and certainly not what Jesus would do.
Also, if you raise taxes on poor people, then you are raising taxes on poor students like my son, so you are effectively raising taxes on middle class families like ours.
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by AVoiceofR3ason October 19, 2011 11:32 PM EDT
I suggest you check out scriptures. When pressed Jesus paid the temple tax ans said "render until Caesar what is Caesars" Also

Jesus said "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land."
by conservativefreespeech October 19, 2011 11:00 PM EDT
slappy-mcjohnson October 19, 2011 10:42 PM EDT
TN. And I have yet to meet a dem who lives in a trailer park.

Many are Repubs, despite receiving welfare. They've just been programmed since birth to be so. No thought involved.
East TN? It's a weird State. Last State to join the Confederacy and First State to Surrender. The Home State of algore that voted for W in 2000.

ainttaken October 19, 2011 10:44 PM EDT

"geez limbaugh is good"

"The soviets wish they had limbaugh"
I don't know about the Soviets but Rush appears to be living rent free in your head.
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by slappy-mcjohnson October 19, 2011 11:03 PM EDT
Middle TN. Which state are you in with trailer parks full of democrats?
by syrik October 19, 2011 10:50 PM EDT
Thought about this a lot. I would be for a flat tax, with one condition. It would have to be coupled with a flat income. Make my salary the same as the billionaires (or theirs the same as mine) and it would work perfectly.

Everyone write your congressmen and women, vote flat income!
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by conservativefreespeech October 19, 2011 10:46 PM EDT
ainttaken October 19, 2011 10:35 PM EDT
fence and the army
get a grip
we cannot afford a fence over a thousand miles long that these guys would cut through or burrow under
put their employers in jail
tell me that wouldnt dry up the poblem immediately and cheaply
no jobs and all the illegals go home.

I agree. The employers of illegals should go to jail and we should start with the most Notorious Employer of Illegals, Mitt Romney.

Btw, the Border is 1969 miles long and the idiot Cain wants to build a 1969 Mile Long Wall with Electrified Barbed Wire and a Moat full of Aligators.

You can't make this stuff up:

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by syrik October 19, 2011 10:51 PM EDT
To fill it with Alligators he would have to fix their endangered status...just sayin.
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