Sony make.believe

February 2010

Monthly Update for
February 2010

EJ is more determined than ever to make Sami miserable.

Stefano receives an eviction notice and decides that it's time for EJ's vendetta to end. Anna is leaving a note under Sami's door when she comes face-to-face with Rafe. Sami shows up and insists Anna stay for a visit. When Sami emotionally opens up about Sydney, Anna becomes upset and has to leave. Rafe finishes getting his things from Sami's apartment and has one last moment with her. Later, Rafe shows up at EJ's asking about Anna.

Rafe shocks EJ regarding Anna and all is almost spilled. EJ is able to turn things around on Rafe's motives. Sami comes in on the men fighting. She and Rafe have it out and then, afterwards, surprise each other with a kiss. Meanwhile, Anna begins to cover her tracks but cannot bear to face EJ. EJ dismisses Anna but she will not go.

Bo is talking to Ciara on the laptop, when Carly arrives and tells him about her moment of connection with Melanie. They kiss and Ciara witnesses it from the computer. She tells Caroline she wants to see her father and they walk in on a warm moment between him and Carly. Caroline urges him to make things work with Hope. Bo reminds Caroline that Hope was the one who walked out on him and is in a relationship with Justin.

Bo invites Carly to move in with him and she agrees. Carly is called into the hospital so Bo goes to pick up her things. While he's outside on a phone call, someone shreds Carly's clothing. Bo realizes that Ciara did it. He tries to talk with her but gets nowhere. Hope is appalled at the way Bo handled the situation. They argue about Ciara's visitation rights. Carly walks in at the end of their argument. Both parents try to reassure her. Hope takes Ciara and Bo says he's not going to lose Ciara or Carly.

Carly questions Chloe about her infertility problem. Chloe indicates she has solved them. Her solution is to have faith and she asks Father Matt for reaffirmation. Later, Chloe realizes that she has missed her period and is late!

Arianna is afraid she won't be able to keep her promise to be Melanie's maid of honor, but she discovers that she's a free woman. Brady and Arianna celebrate her freedom by making love.

Mia continues to resent Gabi. She goes to D.A. Woods and makes it sound like she and Chad are still together. Later, Chad announces to Gabi, T and Kinsey that his dad cancelled their trip. Mia is secretly pleased.

Melanie refuses to let Nathan examine her hand. Carly witnesses the sexual tension between them. When Melanie is alone with Carly she explains that she's torn between Nathan and Philip. Carly suggests that Melanie take time to decide but Melanie insists on going through with the wedding. Nathan invites Stephanie to a romantic getaway. Stephanie agrees. Melanie learns about the trip.

Hope learns that Vivian will be out and asks Justin to keep a look out while she goes into her room. Vivian returns to the house unexpectedly and Justin stalls her until Hope reappears. Later, Vivian meets with Gus and tells him she will get rid of Melanie on her wedding day. Elsewhere, Justin and Hope move to Justin's hotel room for privacy and they open the box from Vivian's room. They learn that Carly has a secret. Meanwhile, Vivian and Gus plot to destroy Melanie. Victor shows up and warns Vivian to leave Melanie alone – it's Carly he wants her to take care of. Vivian hates betraying Victor but she's going to take care of both Melanie and Carly once and for all.

Hope nearly sees Vivian's secret "weapon" intended for Melanie's wedding day. Hope heads over to Bo's house to tell him that Vivian knows about Carly's daughter. Vivian visits an associate and has her weapon prepared for the wedding.

Melanie asks Maggie to be her mother-of-the-bride and she accepts. A tipsy Nathan almost tells Melanie he loves her. Stephanie interrupts. She and Melanie take him back to Maggie's. Stephanie convinces Nathan that Melanie is excited about the wedding.

Arianna runs into Chloe who is loaded down with pregnancy tests. Arianna thinks this is great but Chloe isn't so sure. Arianna urges her to speak with Daniel. Later, Brady and Arianna share a moment and he gives her a bracelet that belonged to Isabella. He promises there are no other women for him – just her. Chloe tells Daniel the good news – that she's pregnant! They are both very excited.

Vivian gives Melanie her gift (the comb). Stefano refuses to go to the wedding with Kate. She pleads with him, saying that it will be hard enough for her to deal with Vivian, she would really like company. Stefano offers to keep Vivian out of the limelight and Kate accepts.

Melanie begins to get ready with Vivian who is about ready to place the poisoned comb in her hair when they are interrupted by Arianna and Stephanie. Arianna slyly makes Vivian leave the room and the girls get Melanie ready for her wedding. Stephanie discovers the comb and nearly poisons herself but Vivian stops her just in time.

Maggie is having a hard time and calls Melanie to say she won't be at the wedding. Melanie is affected.

Melanie writes Nathan a letter asking to know his true feelings. She asks Stephanie to deliver it, explaining that she needs closure. At the hospital, Stephanie can't resist reading the letter. She debates whether or not to show it to Nathan. Meanwhile, Nathan visits Maggie and lends her the strength to be there for Melanie. Later, after Vivian places the poisoned comb in Melanie's hair; she starts to feel its effects. After Stephanie tells Melanie that Nathan never read her letter, she gets woozy and passes out cold. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Daniel runs into Nathan who doesn't want to talk about the wedding. He tells Daniel about his trip with Stephanie.

Rafe tells Sami that he believes that they were meant to be and won't take no for an answer. They make love – their bond stronger than ever. Meanwhile, Anna convinces EJ that he needs her. EJ is delighted that Sami's break up with Rafe has caused her so much suffering. Sami and Rafe go to the Brady Pub. EJ learns of Sami's reunion with Rafe. Rafe is called away by Gabi giving EJ a chance to speak to Sami alone.

Carly realizes that Vivian knows who her daughter is. She races to find her daughter and warn her. She heads to the mansion to find her daughter, but slips and hits her head. Victor finds her and calls Henderson to get help. Bo learns Carly has a concussion and slight amnesia. Meanwhile, Hope speaks with Abe about reinstating her into the police force. Abe agrees to it and then mentions her relationship with Bo.

Carly slowly remembers her conversation with Vivian and why she was at the Kiriakis Mansion. She tries to call Bo but can't reach him. Carly sneaks out and runs into Gus, who kidnaps and takes her to a dark basement. Meanwhile, Hope learns that Melanie is Carly's daughter. She leaves Bo a message, then crosses paths with Victor and they discuss the wedding and Victor's bad mood. Victor leaves and Hope finds the bag he left behind along with a receipt inside. She puts all the pieces together – Kate's warning, Vivian's reactions to Hope almost seeing her "gift" for Melanie and then Victor's receipt – and now she knows what she must do.

Vivian (via a laptop camera) reveals to Carly her plan to kill Melanie at the wedding. She places the comb in Melanie's hair, making sure Carly witnesses the moment. Later, Vivian receives a phone call from Gus to meet her in the basement. Carly has overpowered Gus and is setting Vivian up. Vivian arrives and confesses all to Carly, who attacks her, believing her daughter is dead. Meanwhile, Hope shows up at the basement just in time! She tells Carly that Vivian is wrong – Melanie is still alive! Vivian freaks out. Gus knocks over crates on top of Hope and Carly and Vivian makes a run for it.

Carly frees herself, checks to make sure Hope is alive, then takes her gun and chases after Vivian. Meanwhile, Bo finds a text message on his phone from Carly telling him to meet her in the basement. He finds Hope unconscious and no sign of Carly. He pulls Hope free and tells her to not give up. She is taken to the hospital where she awakens to find Bo by her side.

Melanie shows up on Brady's arm and the wedding begins. Melanie puts Nathan behind her and marries Philip. At the wedding, Chloe tells Arianna she is pregnant but asks her to keep it a secret. Chloe runs into Nathan outside of the Kiriakis Mansion and makes him think twice about interrupting the ceremony. She leaves feeling a bit sick.

Vivian finds Melanie at the wedding reception and takes her on the roof to "talk." She tells Melanie of the history with her mother and forces her to the ledge. Carly arrives at the wedding reception and Maggie points her in the direction of Vivian and Melanie – on the roof. She interrupts Vivian's struggle with Melanie and, as Vivian reaches for a metal rod, Carly shoots. Melanie jumps in front of Vivian and is hit. Meanwhile, Philip searches for Melanie at the reception. He and Brady discover wounded Melanie on the roof. Philip questions Carly about what happened and rages when he finds out she was the one who shot Melanie. She is rushed to the hospital. Philip confronts Carly about Melanie being her daughter and why – if this is true – would she shoot her? Brady tries to calm him down and Maggie tries to comfort him, as well.

Vivian moves to follow Melanie to the hospital but Victor confronts her about the comb and her lies. He tells her to pray that Melanie lives and they leave for the hospital.

Carly is taken to the hospital to have her arm treated. A nurse tells Bo what has happened to Melanie. He finds Carly in the hall and asks her to explain. Carly sees and attacks Vivian. Bo gets her to calm down. Victor informs Bo that Carly shot Melanie. Bo is in shock. He then discovers that Carly has admitted to being Melanie's mother. He warns her to keep quiet until they get her a lawyer.

Carly confesses that she was aiming to shoot Vivian. Lexie explains that Melanie needs blood. Bo leaves with Carly to donate blood. Bo is forced to take Carly away in handcuffs. In the interrogation room, Bo comforts Carly and tells her to have faith that Melanie will pull through.

While in surgery Melanie flat lines. Meanwhile, Chloe discovers what's going on and shows her support for Philip with a hug. Daniel repairs the damage and tells her to fight for the happy life she will have with Philip. Lexie brings in Carly's blood and explains to Daniel that Carly is Melanie's mother. They take Melanie off of bypass and wait. Daniel suggests to Philip that he and others close to Melanie try giving her the will to live.

Carly learns from Bo that Melanie survived the night but hasn't woken up. She's desperate to see her daughter. Bo tells her he has raised the money to post her bond but the terms of her release say she can't go see Melanie. Later, Carly sneaks into the hospital to see Melanie and Daniel catches her. She convinces him to let her into Melanie's room where she makes an emotional appeal. Meanwhile, Hope learns from Justin about Carly shooting Melanie. She backs up Carly's story and leaves to see Bo. She wants to help Carly until she finds out Bo put all his money at stake and realizes he really does love Carly.

EJ tells Sami that they need to face the fact that Sydney is probably dead. Too much time has passed and he blames Rafe for this. Sami defends Rafe. Later, Rafe arrives and promises Sami that he will find Sydney. Rafe interviews everyone involved in the case again. Meanwhile, EJ tells Anna that Sami must suffer until she has nothing left! Rafe calls Anna to meet and she agrees – shaken by EJ's rage.

EJ reveals a different plan to Anna. He takes Sydney's clothes and dumps them into the harbor. He calls Sami to meet at the DiMera Mansion and apologizes for upsetting her. Rafe arrives and is forced to tell Sami exactly what had been found. Sami is heartbroken as EJ identifies the clothing. Rafe attempts to comfort her as EJ tells her to have hope.

EJ helps Sami cling on to hope. The DNA test results come back and reveal that the blood is Sydney's. A gulf grows between Sami and Rafe as EJ paints a picture of what probably happened to Sydney. Rafe feels guilty. Rafe takes a phone call and Sami complains to Lucas about Rafe being unable to grieve.

Chloe meets Daniel at the hospital where he has made surprise arrangements for her to have a sonogram. The doctor can find no signs of a baby. Daniel is shocked and Chloe is in denial. Daniel explains that Chloe's suffering from a hysterical pregnancy and comforts her. At the pub, Arianna questions Chloe about her good news and she begins to cry. Chloe explains that she's not pregnant and never will be. Daniel sets up a psych session for her. Chloe reschedules and tells Arianna that she can't talk about it yet.

Nathan whisks Stephanie away on their romantic getaway. She believes that Nathan could be the one and he agrees. She nearly reveals Melanie's letter but decides against it. She and Nathan kiss. Nathan knocks over Stephanie's purse and is about to find Melanie's letter. Stephanie appears and stops him – claiming Nathan is going through her things. He apologizes and they make love. Nathan doesn't check his voicemail from Maggie about Melanie. Later, Nathan catches Stephanie with Melanie's letter. She destroys it after Nathan says he doesn't want to talk about Melanie.

Melanie has stabilized but hasn't woken up. Carly comes in and she finally wakes up. Melanie wakes up to find Carly by her side. She reassures Melanie that she's fine but was shot. Melanie has a flashback to Carly shooting her and freaks out. Daniel intervenes and assures Melanie that Carly won't hurt her. Carly explains to Melanie Vivian wanting revenge because of Lawrence. She reveals that she is Melanie's mother.

Daniel tells Bo that Carly is at the hospital. Bo is angry and takes Carly away. She explains that she went to see Melanie and tell her the truth – hoping she'd be grateful and thrilled but she rejected Carly. Bo takes Carly back to see Melanie and Carly explains everything about her conception and adoption. Then, Carly tells her that Trent is not her father and Melanie asks who is. Hope becomes upset when she realizes that Bo helped Carly break the law by letting her see Melanie.

Melanie asks Philip if he believes Carly is her mother. Philip isn't sure. Melanie has flashbacks of her interactions with Carly and makes up her mind. Philip calls Carly telling her that Melanie wants to see her now. Melanie confronts Carly about who her father is. She can't get his name from Carly and kicks her out of the room. Philip comes in to visit with her and claims that he loves her for who she is but Melanie believes he doesn't know the "real" her. Maggie interrupts and Philip leaves the two women to talk. Melanie speaks to Maggie about Vivian, Philip and the mystery surrounding her father. Maggie tells her to rest up and then face the truth. Later, as Maggie leaves she becomes dizzy and the guard helps find a doctor.

Hope forces the answer and Bo confirms that he does indeed love Carly. Hope offers her help – she may be Bo's only chance of saving Carly. Meanwhile, Carly meets with Daniel and reveals that he is Melanie's father. She recalls how everything happened and explains that she hasn't revealed to Melanie who her father is. Daniel leaves, upset. Meanwhile, Gus is brought into the station. Bo and Hope attempt to get answers from him but end up with a terrible feeling.

Daniel is insistent that Chloe talk to a therapist and wants to come to her next appointment. Chloe insists that she see her therapist alone. Later, Chloe runs into Philip and confides that she has been lying to Daniel.

EJ blames Nicole and Rafe for Sydney's "death." EJ backs down when Arianna disagrees and defends her brother. Meanwhile, Rafe is torn up because of Sydney but is still very active in trying to track the kidnapper down. Later, Rafe goes to Sami's townhouse, and the door is opened by EJ. Sami arrives, surprised to see EJ and Rafe. EJ wants to grieve with Sami over the loss of Sydney while Rafe wanted to let her know that he intends to find Sydney's abductors. EJ comforts her and Rafe leaves for the FBI field office.

Rafe breaks down when he sees Sydney's clothing and Sami walks in on him. She realizes that he is grieving just as much as she is. They talk about everything and agree that what matters most is that they love each other. Rafe remains determined to find out what happened to Sydney. They go home and make love. Meanwhile, EJ makes his final farewell plans and explains everything to Anna. She cautions that Sami may go back to Rafe if he abandons her now. EJ disagrees. Later, he lets himself into Sami's apartment and is stunned to find Sami and Rafe in bed. Later, EJ arrives at the cottage, furious, but when Anna tells him that Sami will always love a hero, she sparks a whole new idea for him.

Sami discovers another ransom note from EJ who tells her he just received it and Sydney may still be alive!

Vivian has an apparition of Lawrence who tells her that if Carly bonds with Melanie than she has failed. She agrees and decides she must finish what she started and kill Melanie. Victor admits he has grown fond of Vivian and asks her to stay but she says good-bye to him. Vivian moves to smother Melanie. Melanie explains to Vivian her understanding of the situation and belief that maybe it is the right thing to do. Vivian changes her mind, and takes comfort in the fact that Carly is headed for prison.

Mia is thrilled when she is comforted by Chad over Melanie's shooting. However, she is crushed when Gabi shows up with him. She warns Gabi that Chad will hurt her but Gabi believes Mia is the one who will be hurt. Mia vows to get Chad back.
