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Handbook of the International Phonetic Association: A Guide to the Use of the International Phonetic Alphabet

Cambridge University Press (1999)

The Handbook of the International Phonetic Association was published by Cambridge University Press in July of 1999 and is being regularly reprinted in both hardback and paperback.

The recordings contained in this site are the words and text that appear in the illustrations in Part 2 of the Handbook and which demonstrate the application of the International Phonetic Alphabet to a wide variety of sound systems of languages of the world. The zipped* files in this site (as well as PDF* files containing revisions or other information) are available for downloading individually by language here, or as a complete 93MB set. The files of recorded words in each language folder are cross-platform wav files, designed for use in classroom teaching, in phonetics or language laboratories, or for private study. When unzipped, each language folder is subdivided into folders according to the headings found in the Handbook. Files are arranged in alphabetical order of the English gloss of each item. Sections of the narrative text are arranged in numerical order.

Electronic files of the Chart of the IPA, the Number Chart of the IPA, and the Chart of 'Extensions' to the International Phonetic Alphabet are available for viewing and printing here.

Languages/Revisions/Notices available for download here.


For further information on the IPA, its organization and activities, contact:
Dr. John H. Esling, Professor
Editor, Journal of the International Phonetic Association
Department of Linguistics, University of Victoria
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3P4 Canada
Office Tel. +1.250.721.7427
Department Tel. +1.250.721.6634
Fax: +1.250.721.7423
E-mail: esling@uvic.ca
IPA web site: http://www.langsci.ucl.ac.uk/ipa/