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Olive Trees

Try planting nursery grown, grafted olive trees that can bear fresh olives the first year for table eating quality. In Northern states the olive trees can be containerized and grown near an entrance or planted in pots near the pool for that tropical flair, and in Winter just move your olive trees indoors and eat tasty olives all Winter.

Man looking at a branch of ripe green Black Mission olives

Buy - Bearing Size Olive Tree

TyTy sells giant cold hardy olive trees that bear the first year. Fast shipment!

Bowl of green olives in the ancient city of Jerusalem

Find the Best Olive Tree Sale

Olive trees were part of commercial food activity in the Mediterranean area where the olive trees are native and still growing commercially today.

Bearing size olive tree

Plant an Olive Tree

The flowers from the Black Mission Olive tree begin to bloom in Spring and develop into green olives during the Summer, the color fading to black in the Fall as the olive matures. Although most olive products in the United States are small, in Italy, the olive can grow as large as a plum and they are called pimento-olive.

Basket of olives in a variety of colors

Olive Trees Fed the Ancient World - Video

The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem was and is a holy place where old testament prophets predicted Christ Jesus would come again after the Armageddon apocalypse. Thousands of Jews are buried at this sacred cemetery, even Zachariah who prophesied there. Jesus prayed at the Gardens of Gethsemane while Roman soldiers arrested him as a prelude to his crucifixion.

The History of Olive Trees.

Olives were an important food to even prehistorically described man, as revealed by archeological unearthing in Syria. Some horticultural historians claim the olive tree fruit was a food item as far back as 6000 years ago. The growing and harvesting of olives has changed very little from many millennia past. Perhaps, this resonance and survival as a major food source until today is due to its many uses not only as fruit to eat, but the value of the olive oil that could be used as a fuel to light lamps in sacred Egyptian Temples in 1165 BC and to use as a cooking oil, and a medium liquid solution in which to submerge meats, wine, fish and cheese that remained edible for years.

The olive oil was also used as a solvent for expensive perfumes since the fragrance tended to adhere to human body parts for extended periods of time with a potent lasting fragrance.

In ancient Greece olives and olive oil were used in practically every household diet plan, and the olive oil was used to dissolve into a liquid salad drizzle containing sea salt, vinegar and honey.

The ancient Greek writer, Homer, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, exalted extra virgin olive oil as “liquid gold” and the oil was used to light the Greek Olympic torches and to coat the bodies of Olympic athletes. The olive branch was given to the winners of tournament as a symbol of victory, peace and wisdom.

So the olive was used first by prehistoric man, then in Egypt, Greece, then Rome. Because the olive tree was practically indestructible having very deep roots to hold it securely in the earth, some olive trees at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem are said to be a thousand years old. When an olive tree reaches several centuries in age, then, rotting begins on the mother tree trunk, new shoots begin growing from the base of the tree, making this evergreen tree appear to have eternal life and everlasting growth potential. Olive trees faithfully bear fruit every year periodically from November through March, unlike the temperamental fig tree that was cursed by Jesus, when it offered no figs to eat for himself and his disciples on their way to Jerusalem.

After centuries of living with olive trees and enjoying the olive tree harvest, the evergreen silver leaved tree seemed to have everlasting life. The olive tree developed a mystical, spiritual character that was incorporated into the religious and sacred ceremonies of the primitive emerging cultures of civilizations. The olive trees were nourished into orchards and the tree was ascribed as having Divine powers. Olive oil was used to dissolve spices such as cinnamon, myrrh and cassia in a ceremonial mixture that was used to anoint Kings of Israel and also in the preparation of the body in the anointing of the dead. Christians today in some sects are anointed with olive oil and believe that at the anointing act given by church ministers and priests, that Jesus’ Holy Spirit descends upon the person anointed to transform his changed life called, “new birth“ or “born again“. The terms that are used in the Bible, “Messiah and Christ”, mean the anointed one.

For Jews the olive was a Holy sacred fruit and King Solomon used olive tree wooden boards to frame the door at the Temple “Holy of Holies” entrance in Jerusalem, and carved figures of olive wood were used to create the cherubim that stood atop the Ark of the Covenant at the inner room of Solomon’s Temple.

The mystique of the olive tree first appears in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Genesis 8:10 when Noah released a dove from the Ark, after the world was flooded, and all other mankind “wicked of the earth” had died. The dove returned to him with an olive leaf in its beak. Symbolically this meant that God had destroyed a wicked civilization leaving Noah’s family to repopulate the world with God’s chosen people, the Jews.

The early Books of the Hebrew Bible, Exodus and Leviticus outline God’s plan to use olive oil at prayer sacrifices and spoken prayers for peace for Israel. The Book of Isaiah 1:6 outlined the use of olive oil in healing ‘bruises and sores and bleeding wounds.” The New Testament book of Luke 10: 33-34 records the use of olive oil by the “ Good Samaritan.” by “pouring on oil and wine on his wounds of a Jew, who was beaten and robbed on a road from Jericho to Jerusalem, “lying half-dead“ .

One of the most famous healing discussions from the New Testament was written in the Book of James 5: 14-15 where he promised that a sick man could be healed by the fervent prayers from Church Elders after the sick man had been anointed with olive oil.

After the resurrection of Jesus, the Book of Matthew 26: 12-13 stated that at his death, perfumed olive oil had been poured on his dead body to “ prepare ME for burial“. A similar parallel account of anointing Jesus crucified body with spices and olive oil in the Book of Luke 23: 52-56.

Jesus told the story of the 5 bridesmaids who failed to get enough olive oil to light their lamps for the midnight wedding, apparently failing to be awake and conscious enough to receive the eternal light and missing the wedding and possible eternal life.

Not only have olive trees been the focus of religion and mythological stories of the ancient world, but recently olive trees have been the subject of health studies that showed that Europeans who cook primarily with olive oil, compared to Americans, show much reduced problems with heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer and they lived longer lives. Combined in extra virgin olive oil are chemical polyphenols that prevent the oxidation and free radical formation in the fatty acid intakes, thus, acting as antioxidants that reverse and prevent hardening of the arteries.

Extra virgin olive oil is most important to use for the best health results, because of the presence of vitamin E and extremely potent antioxidants, that result in very low rates of heart disease and cancer in Spain, Italy, and France. Greece has claimed the most potent extra virgin olive oil production, but Greece exports most of this high grade to Italy where Greece growers complain that the extra virgin olive oil is diluted down with lower grades of olive oil that are marketed under the names “virgin olive oil and olive oil“. The extra virgin olive oil is pressed from the first crop of olives immediately after harvesting, whereas, the lower grades of virgin and olive oil are pressed from over ripe olives bruised first crop rejects and olives that were picked up from the ground.

There are endless varieties and cultivars of olives to choose from that originate in many Mediterranean and North African countries, and a huge choice of olive tastes, and many olives varying in a wide spectrum of colors.

A recent boom of olive orchard tree production has resulted in extensive plantings in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, and many homeowners in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas have planted olive trees in hopes of eating fresh olives from their own trees.

Because olive trees are adapted in Southern States to grow in acid soils they prefer limestone (alkaline) soils but perform well in both soil profile types. The olive tree appears to grow in the desert as well as in wet soils and come into olive fruit production at a very early stage to bear faithfully every year consistent reliable crops of delicious olives.

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