Visitors to (dates and country totals below)

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 distance in which individuals are clustered
Dot sizes:   = 1,000+   = 100 - 999   = 10 - 99   = 1 - 9 visits
= Recent [?]

16 May 2011 to 24 Nov 2011: 38,417 visits shown above

Statistics updated 11 Dec 2011@11:59GMT: 40,613 visits [?]
Total since 13 May 2008: 309,989. Previous 24hrs: 126.

Notes | Country totals =>

Current Country Totals
From 16 May 2011 to 24 Nov 2011

Sweden (SE)34,838
 Stockholms Lan9,535
 Vastra Gotaland5,680
 Skane Lan3,992
 Ostergotlands Lan1,782
 Vastmanlands Lan1,257
 Jonkopings Lan1,160
 Sodermanlands Lan1,067
 Orebro Lan1,046
 Dalarnas Lan1,018
 Uppsala Lan1,012
 Gavleborgs Lan937
 Vasterbottens Lan930
 Vasternorrlands Lan812
 Norrbottens Lan749
 Hallands Lan735
 Varmlands Lan719
 Kronobergs Lan618
 Kalmar Lan612
 Jamtlands Lan347
 Blekinge Lan340
 Gotlands Lan294
Finland (FI)542
Norway (NO)515
Europe (EU)459
Netherlands (NL)396
United States (US)385
Germany (DE)176
Belgium (BE)152
Denmark (DK)145
United Kingdom (GB)111
France (FR)73
Spain (ES)54
Italy (IT)51
Aland Islands (AX)47
Poland (PL)33
Turkey (TR)29
Canada (CA)26
Russian Federation (RU)24
Brazil (BR)23
Australia (AU)21
Switzerland (CH)19
Greece (GR)18
Thailand (TH)18
China (CN)12
Iraq (IQ)11
Austria (AT)10
India (IN)10
Singapore (SG)10
Japan (JP)10
Serbia (RS)10
Hungary (HU)10
Ireland (IE)8
Czech Republic (CZ)8
Estonia (EE)8
Croatia (HR)7
Taiwan (TW)7
Chile (CL)7
Latvia (LV)7
Pakistan (PK)6
Iceland (IS)6
Argentina (AR)6
Slovenia (SI)6
Philippines (PH)5
Portugal (PT)5
Lithuania (LT)5
United Arab Emirates (AE)5
Indonesia (ID)5
Hong Kong (HK)5
New Zealand (NZ)4
Romania (RO)4
Egypt (EG)4
Bulgaria (BG)4
Malta (MT)4
South Africa (ZA)3
Bermuda (BM)3
Ukraine (UA)3
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)3
Kenya (KE)3
Luxembourg (LU)2
Israel (IL)2
Costa Rica (CR)2
Armenia (AM)2
Korea, Republic of (KR)2
Faroe Islands (FO)1
Mongolia (MN)1
Ecuador (EC)1
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD)1
Congo (CG)1
Malaysia (MY)1
Uruguay (UY)1
Ethiopia (ET)1
Qatar (QA)1
Venezuela (VE)1
Saudi Arabia (SA)1
Cyprus (CY)1
Bangladesh (BD)1
Macau (MO)1
Senegal (SN)1
Lao People's Democratic Republic (LA)1
Dominican Republic (DO)1
Algeria (DZ)1
Azerbaijan (AZ)1
San Marino (SM)1
Nigeria (NG)1
Moldova, Republic of (MD)1
Guyana (GY)1
Vietnam (VN)1
Albania (AL)1
Macedonia (MK)1
Georgia (GE)1
Colombia (CO)1
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