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Home » Home Decor » Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof
Rear Garden Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Rear Garden Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Here are a natural house design ideas with contemporary and modern house design, features a zen garden and green roof. What a very natural house, there is a garden inside this house, near a swimming pool. The swimming pool also under the trees, so it’s feel so natural. Besides the home there is a behind walls of several courtyards and patio areas, which are connected to different rooms. Floor to ceiling windows and doors slide allow natural light to fill the house and easy access to outdoor areas and pool. Even if the ceiling height is only 2.45 m, these bright white walls and windows to ensure that the house is comfortable. The dining area is located within the house and is connected with two courtyards and a covered terrace at once. All rooms and outdoor areas are decorated in a minimalist style. Moreover, there is one very interesting feature of the project. The green roof explores the small piece of land, as much as possible. This very natural house design is designed by architect Max Brunner. This house is maximize for indoor and outdoor living. Let’s check this Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof pictures below, and hope you inspired.

Rear Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Rear Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Pation Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Pation Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Patio Garden on Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Patio Garden on Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Lounge chair on Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Lounge chair on Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Kitchen Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Kitchen Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Green Roof - Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Green Roof - Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Family room Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Family room Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Dining area on Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Dining area on Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Bookselves on Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

Bookselves on Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

BEdroom Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

BEdroom Contemporary and Modern Natural House Design Ideas with Zen Garden and Green Roof

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