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Latest entries

Aldrich, S.R., Lafon, C.W., Grissino-Mayer, H.D., DeWeese, G.G., Hoss, J.A. 2010. Three centuries of fire in montane pine-oak stands on a temperate forest landscape. Applied Vegetation Science 13(1): ... >>

Ahmed M., Khan N., Wahab M. 2010. Climate response function analysis of Abies pindrow (Royle) Spach. Preliminary results. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42(1): 165-171. >>

Zimmer, H., Baker, P. 2009. Climate and historical stand dynamics in the tropical pine forests of northern Thailand. Forest Ecology and Management 257(1): 190-198. >>

Bibliography of Dendrochronology

The Bibliography of Dendrochronology is an archive of printed documents relevant to tree-ring research worldwide, that you can search for free. It was compiled and is constantly updated by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer. It currently contains 12,800 references dating back to 1737.

Last data update: 11-Feb-2011

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  Or perform a full-text search (=any word appearing in the article or book title, journal name, author name, keywords or abstract. You may enter several words or parts of words, with or without * as wild cards):
Full-text search:
  • The input is case-insensitive. It must contain at least three consecutive letters; e.g. dou in the field "Author(s)" will find all references by Douglass, Doucerin or Dougherty.
  • You may also use the asterisk (*) as a wild card, but use it consistently within each searched word; e.g. s*lvicultur* in the field "Title" will find "silviculture", "silvicultures", "sylviculture", "silvicultural", etc., but s*lvicultur (with no final *) will find zero reference.
  • Use ellipses to define a range of figures; e.g. 1980...1985 in the field "Year of publication" will find all references published between 1980 and 1985.
  • Use the signs < and > to search for figures smaller or larger than a given figure; e.g. <1900 in the field "Year of publication" will find all references published before 1900.
  • Use quotation marks to search for a specific chain of characters; e.g. "Becker, B" in the field "author(s)" will find all references by B. Becker.

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