Happy Thanksgiving Hoyas! : be.georgetown.edu

Happy Thanksgiving Hoyas!

Happy Thanksgiving, Hoyas!!! Have a wonderful break and make sure to keep these safety tips in mind when home for the holiday:

  • Be Alert: Turkey can make people tired, and so can alcohol consumption. Be extra careful and alert when driving during the holidays and watch out for other drivers.
  • Be Safe: Travel is extra heavy around the holidays. Be patient in the car, avoid aggressive driving if caught in traffic, and always wear your seatbelt.
  • Party Smart: If you party over the holiday, do it responsibly. If you drink, alternate your alcohol consumption with food and limit your intake to one drink per hour. Also remember to designate a sober and alert driver to take you home from the holiday fun.
  • Have Fun: Enjoy your break, and take some time to relax with family and friends!

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Myths & Facts

Myth: Drinking more alcohol (e.g. a bloody mary) the morning after a night of heavy drinking will cure a hangover. ...Get the facts.

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