Krysalis Logo Cancer Health Notes


Proposed Common Cause and Cure
for All Forms of Cancer

(and Schizophrenia?, see Item 29)

(Cesium Cancer Treatment, see Item 37)

(Prostate Cancer Treatment, see Item 48)


David W. Gregg, Ph.D.
188 Calle La Montana
Moraga, CA 94556
Phone: (925) 284-5434

This Page was started March 1999 and is continually developed up to the present. I have added new insights/information at the end as they occur without rewriting what was written before. This was easiest for me and also leaves a historical record of how technical progress developed. The latest information will be at the end with the exception of Summaries, which are presented at the beginning.  A list of Contents will help you navigate through this document which is now Divided into 5 separate, but linked web pages.

Send e-mail to David Gregg at

Health Notes

Anemia | Anthrax | Antioxidants | Autism| Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
DMSO | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Homosexuality | Eternal Life | Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Crohn's Disease | Crohn's Disease Testimonials| Oxygen Treatment

Home Page

These web pages are for information only. They represent the observations, views and opinions of the author, and are not a recommendation for treatment. Anyone reading it should consult his/her physician before considering treatment.

Summaries |Items 1-21| Items  22-32 | Items 33-39 | Items 40-48


Contents of Cancer Pages

This list Should help you navigate through the Cancer Pages

Summaries (Cancer Page 1)

Summary as of February 2004
Summary as of July 2001
My original progression of discovery and analysis starting March 1999

Items 1-22 (Cancer Page 2)

1. DMSO (&MSM)

2. Carbon Dioxide

3. An Added Insight

4. Metastasis

5. A Vegetable Diet

6. Vitamin C

7. Vitamin C + MSM

8. Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6)

9. Synthetic Blood

10.Oxygen Transport Summary

11. Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ10)

12. Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid

13. The Inner Membrane of the Mitochondria

14. Apotosis

15. The Citric Acid (Kreb's) Cycle

16. Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs

17. Garlic

18. Glutamine and Glucose—Cancer Foods

19. Exercise—Glutamine

20. Exercise—Glucose

21. Mental Exercise—Glucose

Items 22-32 (Cancer Page 3)

22. Two Forms of Programmed Cell Death

23. Cell Aging—A Primary Cause of Genetic Damage Leading to Cancer

24. Nutrition Prevention of Genetic Damage, Its Propagation, and Cancer

25. Poor Circulation and Cancer

26. Nutrition and Chemotherapy Synergism

27. Oxygen Supply Inhibits Angiogenesis & Thus Tumor Growth

28. "The Antioxidant Miracle" by Packer & Coleman (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1999)

29. Cancer, Schizophrenia, Abram Hoffer, Linus Pauling and This Cancer Theory

30. "Vitamin C & Cancer" by Dr. Abram Hoffer, PhD, MD, FRCPS with Dr. Linus Pauling, PhD, Nobel Laureate, Chemistry and Peace, Quarry Health Books

31. Three Separate Paths for NADH Synthesis Involving Niacin, Niacinamide, Vitamin B6 & Tryptophan

32. The Megadose Application of Vitamin C and Niacin

Items 33-39 (Cancer Page 4)

33."Nutrition and Cancer" by Arthur B. Robinson,

34. Tea and Cancer

35. (7/10/02) Enhanced Anti-angiogenesis (for all types of cancer)

36. (8/1/02) A Profound New Insight! -Why all Cancers are Anerobic in Metabolism

37. (8/03) Cesium Treatment of Cancer, an Exceptionally Promising Approach

38. (1/28/04) An additional insight related to the "Nutritional" treatment approach

39. (3/27/04) An Email from Chris Duffield Ph.D (A Cancer Researcher) Presenting Ideas as to How the Cesium Cancer Therapy Could be Enhanced

Items 40-48 (Cancer Page 5)

40. Update (11/22/04) Mouse experiments supporting some of the key assumptions presented on this web page. AND The apparent role of lysine and predicted role argenine.

41. Update (12/1/04) Mitochondria, the gatekeeper of apoptosis

42. Update (3/20/05) Proposed Additional Cesium Cancer-Kill Mechanism - Stimulation of Immune System Attack?

43. Update (5/29/05) An Insightful Email

44. Update (6/27/05) Over 300 Alternative Cancer Treatments on

45. Update (7/12/05) Cesium Interruption of Amino Acid Transport into Cells

46. Update (11/11/05) The Cesium Puzzle

47. Update (1/06) Hydrazine Sulfate as a Treatment for Cancer

48. Update (1/07) Prostate Cancer Treatment


Health Notes

Anemia | Anthrax | Antioxidants | Autism| Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
DMSO | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Homosexuality | Eternal Life | Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Crohn's Disease | Crohn's Disease Testimonials

Home Page


David W. Gregg, Ph.D.
188 Calle La Montana
Moraga, CA 94556
Phone: (925) 284-5434

Send e-mail to David Gregg at