How to Support Us

Starting at $25 a year, there are a number of ways you can support Affirmation financially. You can become a dues-paying member either at the regular level or as a sustaining member. You can also make a fixed monthly donation by authorizing regular credit card charges. Finally, you can make a one-time donation, either by check or through PayPal.

Affirmation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, and all donations are tax-deductable. If you have questions, feel free to contact our treasurer Bruce Maughan.

As it says in the Doctrine and Covenants, people should be “anxiously engaged in a good cause.” Consider making Affirmation your cause and you will be helping “bring to pass much righteousness” within the Church and in the world.
Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause

Affirmation is the oldest and largest organization serving LGBT Mormons and working for LGBT acceptance in the LDS Church. Through your financial support, Affirmation accomplishes the following goals:
  1. Responds to church statements, actions, and policies that affect LGBT people and their families.

  2. Networks with other faith-based organizations fighting for equality and acceptance.

  3. Educates church leaders and parents on LGBT issues.

  4. Provides life-saving resources to youth who are struggling with their faith and their sexual orientation or gender identity.

  5. Provides responsible information to those considering undergoing reparative therapy, attending LDS-owned colleges, or serving a mission for the LDS Church.

  6. Raises awareness and helps prevent suicide and homelessness among LGBT Mormons.

  7. Showcases the diversity of voices in the LGBT Mormon experience.

  8. Organizes annual conferences for LGBT Mormon people, their partners, spouses, families, and friends.

  9. Maintains a multilingual website and publishes a monthly newsletter and weekly message which reach over 500 subscribers.
© 2011 Affirmation: Gay and Lesbian Mormons