Get connected to the news as fast as possible. offers real-time access to top news and analysis sources. You can monitor up-to-the-minute feeds from wires, newspapers, networks, key blogs and more. And there are multiple options for exploring topics by channel. While some news sites select stories for the user and others allow users to rank favorite news stories, Breitbart emphasizes user access to the raw news feeds -- kind of an organized grocery store of news.

A variety of video feeds are being added to And a new site in the works -- -- will highlight news video to an even greater extent. As evolves, community features will be added to allow users to comment on stories and customize the sources.

Breitbart is currently serving about 20 million news pages per month to more than three million unique visitors. Many top bloggers rely on Breitbart as a primary news resource. Technorati puts in its Top 50, with more than 30,000 links from nearly 8,000 blogs.

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