BBC News 12 December 2011 Last updated at 04:56 ET

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Uprising overshadows Syria pollsProtest march against President Assad near Idlib, 9 December

Syria holds local elections despite an opposition boycott and continuing violence between security forces and protesters.

David CameronCameron to face MPs over EU veto

David Cameron will face MPs later to explain his decision to veto EU treaty changes - a decision his coalition partners say was bad for Britain.

Youths throwing stones in AlgiersJob loss 'is fastest-rising fear'

A BBC World Service survey covering 11,000 people in 23 countries found unemployment was the world's fastest-rising worry.

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Children's facesChild deaths

Why are so many children being killed in America?

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Market Data

Last Updated at 05:03 ET

Market index Current value Trend Variation % variation
Dow Jones 12184.26 Up 186.56 1.55%
Nasdaq 2646.85 Up 50.47 1.94%
S&P 500 1255.19 Up 20.84 1.69%
FTSE 100 5482.80 Down -46.41 -0.84%
Dax 5868.40 Down -118.31 -1.98%
BBC Global 30 5620.66 Up 22.39 0.40%


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