New York vs San Francisco in fight for tech start-ups


Silicon Valley has been a synonym for entrepreneurial spirit in the technology sector, serving as headquarters for Apple, Google and Facebook. But now New York is vying for the next big tech company to be based in the Big Apple.

The BBC's Franz Strasser and Matt Danzico spoke to entrepreneurs on either side of the country about why they chose one location over the other.

Joseph Cohen, co-founder and CEO of Coursekit wants to revolutionize the way people learn by infusing a social media rich environment into college classrooms. He and his partners dropped out of college and chose New York as their company headquarters to be close to a unique blend of industries.

Paul Stamatiou, co-founder of picplum, wants families to stay connected by printing and shipping their favourite photos to friends and relatives. After graduating from college in Atlanta, he decided there was only one place for him to start a company and moved to San Francisco.

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