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    Recently I had to deal with the problem of displaying and saving Unicode data in a Visual FoxPro form. As we all know, Visual FoxPro does not support Unicode, so this was quite a challenge for me. I would never have solved this problem by myself if Gre…


    A year ago, I sat down and wrote 2011 Goals: Bring It On. I wanted to go big in 2011. I wanted to grow. I wanted to experience new things. And the year was a smashing success.


    After a few weeks of work (having fun) I decided that the next step would be to publish my first attempt at a real android app. That real android app was the Hanselminutes player for which you can find the sourcecode on github.


    2011 A look back with some stats

    by SQLDenis on Dec 30, 2011 in categories 2003 Server. Article views: 156 views

    Another year is about to end, time to do another post with some stats and numbers The 10 most read posts of the year We had a lot of blog posts in 2011, I blogged 105 times the last year. Here is a list of the ten most read posts for the year 2011…


    Several weeks ago I was refreshing my memory on some nvarchar/varchar tradeoffs when I ran into a post by Michael J Swart where he shared the results of investigating a performance problem in one of his live environments. After seeing the differences he posted, I was curious to see what the impact would be to fixed width types, partially populated fixed width columns, and performing equality instead of LIKE comparisons.


    Continuing onwards with the SQL Server auditing feature, let's start off by creating a simple audit that will capture some database level events. Previously we looked at how to create a Server Audit Specification and creating a Database Specification…


    SQL Advent 2011: What is coming in SQL Server 2012?

    by SQLDenis on Dec 26, 2011 in categories Data Modelling & Design. Article views: 255 views

    This is the last post as part of SQL Advent 2011. You can find all of them linked here: SQL Advent 2011 Recap All the posts so far were about SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008, this post will have links to all the SQL Server 2012 posts I have created…


    SQL Advent 2011 Recap

    by SQLDenis on Dec 25, 2011 in categories Data Modelling & Design. Article views: 215 views

    Here is a recap of all the 24 SQL Advent 2011 posts Day 1: Date and time In this post I covered the new date, datetime2 and time datatypes Day 2: System tables and catalog views In this post we took a look what the replacements are for the all s…


    SQL Advent 2011 Day 24: Index REBUILD and REORGANIZE

    by SQLDenis on Dec 24, 2011 in categories Data Modelling & Design. Article views: 268 views

    Today we are going to look at how to recreate and defragment indexes. Back in the SQL Server 2000 days you would do a CREATE INDEX WITH DROP_EXISTING/DBCC DBREINDEX or DBCC INDEXDEFRAG. To check fragmentation, you would use DBCC SHOWCONTIG. To check fragmentation in SQL Server 2005 and up, you now can use the Dynamic Management View sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats. To rebuild an index, you use ALTER INDEX IndexName REBUILD; to defragment and index, you use ALTER INDEX IndexName REORGANIZE;


    For my android application I made a class that contains an alertdialog with just a yes and a no button. I use winforms a lot and I was thinking the alertdialog in android was the same. Well it isn't.


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