Khloe Kardashian As A Blonde: Old Family Photos Reveal Very Different Look (PHOTO)

First Posted: 12/27/11 12:59 PM ET Updated: 12/27/11 01:02 PM ET

The Kardashian sisters might be known for their long dark locks, but there is no denying that Khloe Kardashian looks great as a blonde.

We barely recognized the 27-year-old reality star who posted 90 photos from past Kardashian-Jenner Christmas Eve parties, and we were completely stunned when we realized Khloe used to rock bright blonde hair.

Maybe the old photos helped ease Khloe's homesickness. On Dec. 24th she tweeted:

"Merry Christmas eve!!! This will be the first time ever I'm not at my family's Christmas eve party... At least ill get pics sent to me :)"

The star spent Christmas in Texas, cheering on husband Lamar Odom.

As the newest member of the Dallas Mavericks, Lamar spent part of Christmas on the court -- losing to the Miami Heat in their first official game of the season.


Check out photos from the Kardashian's Christmas:

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The Kardashian sisters might be known for their long dark locks, but there is no denying that Khloe Kardashian looks great as a blonde. We barely recognized the 27-year-old reality star who posted 9...
The Kardashian sisters might be known for their long dark locks, but there is no denying that Khloe Kardashian looks great as a blonde. We barely recognized the 27-year-old reality star who posted 9...
Filed by Stephanie Marcus  |  Report Corrections
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1 second ago( 5:38 PM)
She looks amazing with the blonde hair. She should go back to that. Very cute!
2 hours ago( 3:23 PM)
never would've guesed it was Khloe K. she's pretty either way, blonde or brunette. i wonder if she has given thought to returning to being blond?
6 hours ago(12:06 PM)
Wow she looks much better as a blonde. Visually setting herself apart from her sisters helps prevent any comparison­s in attractive­ness (which, honestly, are never going to work out in her favor), and the blonde hair helps soften the features of her face.
2 hours ago( 3:24 PM)
yeah, exactly.
6 hours ago(11:30 AM)
She's always been the sexiest K girl. That big, strong body, still with a feminine form. Fine!
7 hours ago(10:47 AM)
Who is the lady on the left? Is she a Kardashian­?
Dross Cool
8 hours ago( 9:30 AM)
she looks good
11 hours ago( 6:39 AM)
khloe is the only female in that crazy circus family i like. she looked great as a blonde
4 hours ago( 2:06 PM)
Would have snagged Odom sooner with that look.
14 hours ago( 3:20 AM)
Dross Cool
8 hours ago( 9:32 AM)
relax u do realize your wishing death on them , not so nice especialy christmas time , annoying but people need this stuff
16 hours ago( 1:22 AM)
Really, who cares? Why doesn't this family of oxygen bandits just disappear already...
20 hours ago( 9:57 PM)
21 hours ago( 8:40 PM)
22 hours ago( 7:55 PM)
Why do you post the same stuff over and over about these people. Seriously, enough is enough!!
22 hours ago( 7:52 PM)
Who cares about these wenches, they are everything I taught my 4 extremely successful daughters not to be. If only other decent parents would teach their children the same the world would be a much better place.
21 hours ago( 8:55 PM)
But... you would probably have to admit that your "4 extremely successful daughters" are, combined, nowhere near the "successes­" that any one of these Kardashian girls are. Unless, of course, your daughters pull down more than the $35,000 per DAY (give or take) that just Kim alone is estimated to make.

Not that income alone defines "success", but you are the one that brought it up.
20 hours ago( 9:55 PM)
What would it profit a man, to gain the WHOLE WORLD, yet lose his soul?
16 hours ago( 1:24 AM)
Actually, YOU are the one who defined 'success' as some monetary measure, 'limp' did not.
My micro bio is too big.
22 hours ago( 7:50 PM)
Show me a sane person that cares. You must have something else to write about.
22 hours ago( 7:39 PM)
I remember her teasing her Mom that she didn't think she was really a Kardashian because she looked nothing like her sisters or brother .. . She said she must have been adopted . lol
22 hours ago( 7:43 PM)
I saw that one!
7 hours ago(10:42 AM)
She does have a different father than all the rest of them.
2 hours ago( 3:27 PM)
i wonder. but she's also obviously the only "sane" one, out of all the women in the family!!!!­!!