Victoria Jackson: Muslim Brotherhood Taking Over America, Six Hour FBI Meeting

Victoria Jackson

First Posted: 12/27/11 08:19 AM ET Updated: 12/27/11 02:29 PM ET

Former "Saturday Night Live" actress Victoria Jackson, working on confidential information she as a web talk show host has special clearance to obtain, has claimed that the United States is being overtaken by radical Muslims bent on bringing the nation under Sharia law.

"I just went to a briefing in Washington DC, across the street from the Capitol, at the Longworth building at 8:30 am two days ago and it changed my life," Jackson said last week on her web show, "Politichicks." "For six hours, I saw pictures and names and dates and facts and Islamic law books and Korans, Surahs for six hours and they proved to me... that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our highest positions in government and this is serious."

Jackson also detailed the meeting in an earlier blog post this December. In that post, she details testimony given by John Guandolo, a former FBI agent who worked on the case against former Louisiana Rep. William Jefferson. Guandolo resigned from the FBI in 2008 after he was caught trying to score a $75,000 donation for an anti-terrorism group from a wealthy Jefferson case witness with whom he was having an affair. Guandolo now gives speeches on the existential threat of Islam, claiming that Muslim groups are using political correctness and political insurgency to stop FBI and police officers from stopping their spread of Sharia law.

The actress-turned-pundit also reported testimony from Maj. Stephen Coughlin, who in 2008 was effectively fired from his post at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because, many conservatives believe, he was a staunch anti-Islamic extremist advocate. Wired reports that his contract was not renewed after a staffer for Gordon England, then the deputy secretary of defense, raised questions about his work. Last January, Coughlin gave a maligned speech during an FBI presentation on Muslim extremism.

Claiming that it was strongly hinted that President Obama was a Muslim -- his policies all favor Muslims and are against Israel, she claims to have been told -- Jackson says in the video that the ultimatum pushed by terrorist groups in America is "You have to convert or be killed."

While she says that the meeting forever changed her, Jackson has already long claimed that Muslims -- led by secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer President Obama -- are quietly taking over the United States government. She also has famously taken umbrage with gays and "Glee," including a highly publicized string of attacks last March.

"This new al-Qaida magazine for women has beauty tips and suicide-bomber tips! Gimme a break!" she wrote in a blog post for World Net Daily. "That is as ridiculous as two men kissing on the mouth! And I don't care what is politically correct. Everyone knows that two men on a wedding cake is a comedy skit, not an 'alternate lifestyle'! There I said it! Ridiculous!"

This fall, Jackson visited the Occupy Wall Street encampment at Zuccotti Park to challenge protestors, though it did not work out so well for her.

"Michelle [sic] Bachmann and Rick Santorum are the only GOP candidates so far to acknowledge the above facts and warn against the present threat of Islamic Law replacing our Constitution," Jackson concluded in her blog post on the ex-FBI briefing. In a Fox News appearance early in December, she called Bachmann "my girl" and said, "Very few people in America are informed and educated as I am."

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Former "Saturday Night Live" actress Victoria Jackson, working on confidential information she as a web talk show host has special clearance to obtain, has claimed that the United States is being over...
Former "Saturday Night Live" actress Victoria Jackson, working on confidential information she as a web talk show host has special clearance to obtain, has claimed that the United States is being over...
Filed by Jordan Zakarin  | 
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19 minutes ago( 4:40 PM)
You can ridicule the messenger all you want, but the message is true and on point. No, it's not politicall­y correct, but political correctnes­s is killing our country. We are leaving the hen house doors open, so as not to offend the fox.
28 minutes ago( 4:30 PM)
This reminds me of all the hoop-de-do about Satanic cults in the early 90's who were supposedly kidnapping hundreds of children in order to perform Satanic ritual sacrifices­.
I was working as a nurse in a private psychiatri­c facility in Vallejo, CA at the time. We had some "expert" on this phenomenon come speak to all the hospital staff about it. And I remember leaving this "expert's" mini seminar and feeling convinced that these Satanic cults not only existed but were prevalent and operating mostly undetected due to their highly intelligen­t and strictly discipline followers.
But it was all BS. There were no such Satanic cults or even evidence of even a single one having committed a kidnapping or murder. It was just the case of a few people with a paranoid frame of mind inclined to conspiracy theory who had propagated this whole Satanic scare. And add to that making big bucks going around giving seminars, writing books and articles about it.
Diogenes was an optimist
28 minutes ago( 4:30 PM)
I guess there's a reason she plays an airhead so well.
Just another speck in this vast universe.
29 minutes ago( 4:30 PM)
She is not worthy of anyone's time.
33 minutes ago( 4:25 PM)
Catholics overtaking us, Jews overtaking us, jJanpanese and Chinese taking over us. Give us a break think of something new.
41 minutes ago( 4:18 PM)
Conservati­ves can have her. She is annoying and has terrible nervous energy. Oh, she's conservati­ve...that'­s why.
44 minutes ago( 4:14 PM)
Even Bill O'Reilly thought Victoria Jackson was nuts when she called Obama a communist. http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=5-yiRHNbf­uw
45 minutes ago( 4:14 PM)
So Nevada's Cousin to Sharon Engle comes out of the woodwork and "Fear Monger" about Sharia Law?

Come on now get real! By the way, why wasn't she wearing an Aluminum Foil Hat?
45 minutes ago( 4:13 PM)
I want the 11:22 minutes of my life back that I just suffered through listening to this mess.
26 minutes ago( 4:33 PM)
21 minutes ago( 4:38 PM)
Man it's the funnies thing I have in long time....! if they just would be more believable and coherent and speak correctly.
Real funny stuff..:-)
"The FBI director of counter..b­lah, blah, the the directorat­e is Iranian born, I'm so mad".
....the other one who wrote the Islamic law books, Mohammad, eh, err, eh
His name is wiener ...!
LMAO to emergency room.
Money is a guy’s best friend!
48 minutes ago( 4:11 PM)
Poor thing!
J Osteen
Truth, Justice, America !
26 minutes ago( 4:33 PM)
See ?

This is what you get when you listen for too long to the radio in your car in the morning on the way to work....br­ain worms.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger....
50 minutes ago( 4:09 PM)
I've watched a couple of these Politichic­ks episodes. I didn't think it was possible to be as uneducated and ignorant as the ladies in this series. If I had a dollar for every statement they made that was either overtly wrong or questionab­le at best, I could buy the New England Patriots, take Gillette Stadium and turn it into my own personal man-cave.
Eleanor of Aquitaine
30 minutes ago( 4:29 PM)
That show could be turned into a drinking game. It would be the only reason to watch it.
51 minutes ago( 4:08 PM)
Islam is my enemy? Who are those ladies just sitting there listening to this? Why do they have such bad hairdos? At first from the cheap stage and bad hairdos I thought this was an SNL sketch. Islam is not my enemy. NDAA is my enemy. Fear is my enemy. Greed is my enemy. Warmongers and TV pundit chickenhaw­ks are my enemy, because they beat the drums of war and murder of people like you and me and you and me, but I don't hate them because the Bible says love your enemies. Who remembers that? How did the Christian right and this person lose sight of that. Why are we in five wars without a declaratio­n of war? Why did the president bomb Libya without congressio­nal approval? Why is SOPA trying to shut down the internet? Why are so many police agencies getting drones and tanks? If you agree that the items I have just listed are more of an enemy thing moreso than Islam let me know with your response. If you don't enlighten me how Islam is more of an enemy to me than locking me up indefinite­ly without a trial. So far in America we can agree to disagree..­.but that might be changing soon.
51 minutes ago( 4:08 PM)
The only place I ever hear about Victoria Jackson is at Huffpo.

No-one else cares.
52 minutes ago( 4:07 PM)
She needs to have the frequency adjusted on her tin foil Tubi-Hubi hat!
53 minutes ago( 4:06 PM)
Goodness, Her show looks like an SNL skit.