Pocket Dragon Adventures

BBC (ended 2003)


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Pocket Dragon Adventures

Show Summary

A world of dragons who breathe and starve all day but they arrive in time just to save the day. Pocket Dragon Adventures is based on the highly successful line of Pocket Dragon collectibles created by artist, Real Musgrave.
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  • Perfect Children's Cartoon?

    What can I say? I don't know what attracted me to this cartoon, but the first time I saw it, I was instantly enchanted. For those who remember some of the cuter 80's cartoons, this is like that only with 90's animation. Don't want your kids watching an action cartoon like Spider-man, but they're a bit too old for the youngster programs? Hey! This cartoon is a perfect balance in between. And it's not like some of the more bizarre cartoons with sick humor either. The characters are cute, tiny dragons, and the things they say are sometimes hilarious. Yet their cuteness isn't overly flowery. They get into wild adventures, yet nobody gets hurt or whacked in a ridiculous fashion like you see in some of the other cartoons. And even the occasional villain, who also hardly ever gets hurt, is an amusing character. The episodes also occasionally teach various things. Every once in a while, the characters invent things which help them overcome their small size. This might help the child understand various basics about physics. Other times, however, the inventions are just plain weird. Lessons about friendship and other things occasionally pop up too. However, the educational value of this cartoon is small compared to the real educational programs. The main emphasis of this cartoon is on wacky adventures, good clean fun, and silly hilariousness and mishaps. This is an excellent cartoon.moreless