Nadirim: And the Tale Begins...

Land of light


You heard stories about the night. They say it is a dreadful, cold thing that stretches out over the land and suffocates all that's warm and alive. They say it is filled with horrors, monsters, and things forgotten with good reason. They say it is the dominion of the Nadir; it is the realm of everything that's cursed.

You heard stories about the night; you have never actually seen it.


The sun stands on its zenith; it has been bound there by ancient magic older than anyone can remember. It has always been there; and because there is nothing on the sky to mark the passage of time, the here and now stretches on forever in both directions.


It is what holds our world together. It is what binds the sun to its place; it is what makes the desert overflow with cool water and the sand give way to fresh green plants. Life. It has been here for so long, it has seeped into every corner, every grain of sand, every leaf, every soul. You don't even notice it anymore, unless it bites you in the face. It is as common as dirt on the streets.

We have managed to turn magic into mundane.

But now, ever so slowly, things are starting to change.

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