Amanda Knox Trial Crime Quiz: Test Your Detective Skills

First Posted: 11/29/11 02:19 PM ET Updated: 12/22/11 11:37 AM ET

Amanda Knox was a 20-year-old college student from Seattle studying abroad in Italy when she was accused and convicted of killing her roommate Meredith Kercher, a student from England.

Prosecutors claimed that Kercher was killed during a drug-fueled night when a sex game went awry. Knox's then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito was tried with her and also found guilty. In a separate trial, Ivory Coast native Rudy Guede was also found guilty of murdering Kercher.

Knox and Sollecito maintained their innocence, however, and won an appeal this October that set them free.

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The Huffington Post Crime Lab -- Amanda Knox Quiz
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Question 1 of 7
Bloody fingerprints were found in the apartment where Knox and Kercher lived. Police matched the crime scene prints with those belonging to Rudy Guede, an immigrant from Ivory Coast who lived in Perugia. How did they make the connection?
They had a criminal file on Guede, including prints from previous arrests.
They were included in his application for an identity card.
They lifted them from a glass of water he held during an interrogation.
They compared them to prints from his identical twin brother, who worked for the local police.
High Scores

Check out our BTK Trial Quiz for more Crime Lab action!

Amanda Knox was a 20-year-old college student from Seattle studying abroad in Italy when she was accused and convicted of killing her roommate Meredith Kercher, a student from England. Prosecutors...
Amanda Knox was a 20-year-old college student from Seattle studying abroad in Italy when she was accused and convicted of killing her roommate Meredith Kercher, a student from England. Prosecutors...
Filed by Steven Hoffer  |  Report Corrections
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10 hours ago( 8:33 PM)
Amanda, I really hope you are innocent
Past = Prologue
12:56 PM on 12/31/2011
"One thing that could have happened is that I smoked marijuana that night, and fell asleep at my boyfriend’­s house. I do not remember anything, but maybe Raffaele went to Meredith’s house, r*ped and k*lled her, and then put my fingerprin­ts on the knife back at his house while I was asleep. But I do not know why."

-- Amanda Knox
This is like a bad habit.....
16 hours ago( 1:54 PM)
Imagine having to come up with some sort of plausible explanatio­n for things that simply don't make sense to you....... Oh wait, the police lied? So there is no proof that Rafaelle r*ped Meredith, and no proof that the cooking knife with my prints on it was used in the crime?

Well now that makes more sense. My prints are on the knife from having used it in Rafaelle's kitchen. Why did the police fabricate a story and than prop up a false confession­?

More to the point, why do you pretend to be too ignorant to see and understand that?
Past = Prologue
15 hours ago( 3:19 PM)
"I cried, but I was always hugged by Raffaele. First he gave me his jacket, then he was cuddling with me because I was shaking. I didn't know what to think. I was shocked."
Anne Mccormick
09:11 PM on 12/30/2011
anyone else find it interestin­g that they put Knox and BTK killer posts almost next to each other.
12:30 PM on 12/30/2011
She did it! Karma!!!
06:38 PM on 12/31/2011
It's not possible for her to be guilty because they had already solved the crime.
A wise man learns by the mistakes of others, a foo
09:27 AM on 12/28/2011
Comment: HEAVEN is where:
The police are British
The chefs Italian
The mechanics are German
The lovers are French
and it's all organised by the Swiss

HELL is where:
The police are German
The chefs are British
The mechanics are French
The lovers are Swiss
and it's all organized by the Italians!! (comedy)
A wise man learns by the mistakes of others, a foo
09:19 AM on 12/28/2011
Politically correct is neither!!
03:55 AM on 12/28/2011
Took me 5 times to get them all right. Over 7min, as well.
10:06 PM on 12/27/2011
I did horrible on this test and I followed the trial LOL
10:13 PM on 12/20/2011
"The evidence,e­ven taken in its totality,d­oes not in any way prove that Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito are guilty of the murder of Meredith Kercher.Th­e prosecutio­n's allegation was not corroborat­ed by any objective element of evidence and in itself was not in fact probable:t­he sudden choice of two young people,goo­d and open to other people,to do evil for evil's sake,just like that,witho­ut another reason." - the Hellmann report.
Past = Prologue
10:36 PM on 12/21/2011
"There were drops of blood in the sink. At first I thought the blood might have come from my ears, which I had pierced extensivel­y not too long ago, but then immediatel­y I knew it wasn't mine . . . when I touched the blood in the sink, it was caked on already... I thought it was strange, because my roommates and I . . . wouldn't leave blood in the bathroom, but I assumed that perhaps Meredith was having menstrual issues and hadn't cleaned up yet. Ew, but nothing to worry about."

-- convicted killer, Amanda Knox
11:47 PM on 12/21/2011
She's not convicted anymore.Be­sides Knox and Sollecito didn't have anything to do with Rudt Guede who committed the crime all by himself.Th­at's the only way it could have happened and he told the police Amanda wasn't there when he was arrested.G­ive it up guilters.Y­ou lost.
This is like a bad habit.....
03:12 PM on 12/23/2011
No worries pj4, I am sure you are used to being wrong about things.
06:23 PM on 12/20/2011
I think the Italians judged this before it went to trial. Just like we Americans do here.
02:21 PM on 12/20/2011
Wow, these are pretty fun.
02:13 PM on 12/13/2011
Ivory Coast? C'mon! It's a criminal society state. Might as well chum up to Charles Taylor or Foday Sankoh.
09:43 AM on 12/13/2011
What has spurred the Italian courts, has considered the matter with no guilty will never be known, certainly one person was put in a position to serve their sentence, or even a scam by the Justice, Rudy Guede, who was left to fend for himself probably little or no financial assets that do not have permission to hire a lawyer can lead a good defense. I apologize for my bad English.
09:04 AM on 12/13/2011
Unica pecca che il post che ho tentato di inserire non mi viene accettato perché a parere dei censori americani è troppo lungo, avreste capito molto di più di quello che i vostri media vi hanno raccontato­, in Italia c'è un proverbio che recita:" le campane vanno ascoltate da entrambe le parti ".
Ha capito TheLibrary­OfCodex, che ogni stato ha la polizia che si merita.
Lazy American
Back from the banned
01:08 PM on 12/12/2011
Charles Manson will be paroled before question #2 loads