Game of Thrones and The Killing

Tom was once again flattered to be invited back to the “Ryan and Ryan” podcast with AOLTV’s Mo Ryan and Boob Tube Dude’s Ryan McGee. With the finales of The Killing and Game of Thrones on our mind, three Irish nerds vented about the former and dissected the latter to...

The Killing: Orpheus Descending

Well, we’ll give AMC credit for one thing: when they said the last 5 minutes of the show would have us all slack-jawed and wide-eyed in response, they were exactly right. What they left out, however, is that we’d all be screaming “What? What? Are you fucking kidding me?...

The Killing “Beau Soleil”

Let’s just, for shits and giggles, run down the history of the greatest mayoral campaign in the history of the United States, the legendary matchup between Seattle city councilman Darren Richmond and incumbent Seattle mayor, Lesley Adams. They’ll be talking about this one for...

The Killing: Missing

About ten minutes into last night’s episode, we were saying things like “They’re not going to spend the whole hour on Linden’s missing kid, are they?” About 30 minutes into the episode, we were saying things like, “They’re not actually going to kill...

Episode 10: I’ll Let You Know When I Get There

Rosie Larsen was killed by her Aunt Terri. A ludicrous (yet admirably bold) assertion, amirite? Truth be told, we’re not going to stand by it as a deduction, but with the not-so-revealing reveal that Belko is a world-class creep who is frighteningly obsessed with Rosie and her family...

The Killing: “Undertow”

Who was Rosie Larsen anyway? That was the question the occurred to us after last night’s episode. We’re nine hours into this thing and we know way more about the machinery of Seattle politics than we do about the girl who is supposed to be at the center of this story. We get, and...

The Killing: “Stonewalled”

Good God, this show is depressing. Not a complaint; just an observation. After all, we’d be idiots to whine that a show called “The Killing” isn’t a laff-a-minute romp, but after Holder’s depressing NA meeting confession, coupled with Linden slowly blowing up her...

The Killing, Episode 6: “Vengeance”

In talking over this episode this morning, we realized with a slowly dawning sense of horror that we were struggling mightily to convince ourselves it was a great one. That is NEVER a good sign for a show, as far as we’re concerned. In fact, we may have been reticent about it this...

The Killing, Episode 6: What You Have Left

“We’ll get through this.” You’ll have to forgive us, kittens. With the launch of the new site, we didn’t get to watch this episode a second time, like we normally do before posting our thoughts. If we’re fuzzy on the details, we have no doubt the minions...

The Killing Episode 5: Super Eight

Let’s just get this out there: we thought this was the weakest episode of the series so far. We were as engrossed watching it as we always are, but this time the mood and the excellent performances weren’t enough to prevent us from noticing just how much the story is indulging in...

The Killing Episode 4: A Soundless Echo

We’re one for one! That is to say, we’ve made exactly one deduction so far – that Sterling was the girl in the phone video wearing Rosie’s wig – and we got it exactly right. Excuse us while we preen. Of course, it was fairly easy to figure out, but we’re...

The Killing Episode 3: El Diablo

Well, any fears we had that the show was going to lose us by turning out to be yet another cliched crime procedural pretty much evaporated last night. And the funny thing is, we can’t tell you why. In thinking about this episode this morning, we realized that nothing really...