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Tips to Power Up and Stay the Course for Your 2012 Intentions!

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Almost everyone starts off the first few weeks of a new year with great intentions and excitement, and then slowly but surely, the enthusiasm starts to wane. Sounds familiar, right?

You don't have to have that happen this year.

When I work with my clients on setting their intentions for the New Year, what gets extraordinary results is helping them set up their intentions with "I Am" mantras.

Some examples of how to use the "I Am" mantras are:

  • "I Am in a committed, loving relationship with a partner who I totally adore and who totally adores me."
  • "I Am experiencing financial success."

The "I Am" mantra puts you in the consciousness of having already received your deepest dreams and desires. It is a very strong message to the universe and has created extraordinary results in my clients' lives and in my personal life.

However, during the process of creating the next shift in your life, sometimes it is hard to maintain that positive feeling in the "I Am" mantra context. You might experience disappointments and setbacks on your journey, which can give you the feeling of being tired and doubting whether it will ever happen. That is normal. But, what you can do, is to start to shift your emotional energy by using "I Want" mantras:

Some examples of how to use the "I Want" mantra could be:

  • I Want more support for my daily challenges, now!
  • I Want this situation to change, now!
  • I Want a partner worthy of me, now!

Use the power of your anger or frustration that you feel as you declare them, state it, and let it go. The more you claim from the assertive "I Want" energy, the stronger you will feel. You'll be amazed at how this moves the energy forward so you can connect freely again to the "I Am" mantras.

Also, if you're still feeling lost in the phase of not knowing what you really want in your career, relationships, where you want to live, etc., simply affirm what you DO know right now. For example:

  • What I DO know is, I want a better relationship.
  • What I DO know is, I want an even more beautiful place to life.
  • WHAT I DO know is, I want more love in my life.
  • What I DO know is, I want a career that's creative, exciting, and monetizes my value.

Be sure to state all the positive examples of what you DO know you want, so your mind starts to lock in on certainty, rather than confusion, or duality. You will begin to feel more confident in your ability to find your way. Remember that out of chaos comes clarity, and in order to experience change, you also need to become comfortable with the unknown as things shift and change. Stating mantras of "What I DO know" will anchor and ground you as you shift and glide towards your future.

The "I want" and "What I DO know" approaches will help you when you feel flat, or tired and uninspired, so you can shift that energy and get back on track.

You absolutely deserve to live the greatest year of your life in 2012, so don't let temporary blips get in your way.

For more by Aleta St. James, click here.

For more on making it a healthy new year, click here.

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