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Trei Ierarhi - “Three Hierarchs” Church (1639)

Trei Ierarhi - “Three Hierarchs” Church (1639)

by Argenna

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Comments (18)

Argenna, on February 22, 2009, said:

Pictura bisericii a fost realizata de cei mai vestiti mesteri: Sidov Pospeev, Iacob Gavrilov impreuna cu pictorii moldoveni Nicolae Zugravul cel batran si Stefan. Acestia au invesmantat peretii exteriori cu "aur si lazur" si au uimit pe cei mai pretentiosi cunoscatori de arta. Tablourile erau "aidoma cu niste fiinte insufletite", picturi ca la Trei Ierarhi se gaseau mai rar: "asemenea zugraveli impodobite, numai la Atena, in templul divinului Platon, daca se mai gasesc." Tot exteriorul bisericii fusese imbracat in dantelarie din piatra sculptata, cu brauri deosebite si aurite ce uimeau pe toti vizitatorii impresionati de migala sculpturilor si stralucirea ce i-o dadeau razele de soare in zilele luminoase. "In intregime din piatra fatuita, iar pe dinafara este toata sculptata cu o maiestrie artistica ce uimeste este nici cat un deget, ca sa nu fie acoperit cu sculpturi" (Paul din Alep) . Aceasta fastuoasa dantelarie in piatra ii confera marea originalitate si frumusete. Pentru strane, sfesnice si alte mobile se folosise abanosul si chiparosul, unele mobile fiind incrustate cu fildes din Orientul indepartat si din Turcia. La finalizare pietrele ei de marmora poleita straluceau si scanteiau "de parca ar fi frunzele de pe un pergament luminos.". Cel care le priveste ramane uimit de felul cum mesterul sculptor a cioplit marmura cu dalta sa. Usa de la intrare avea canaturile "lucrate in sidef curat, cu fir si solzi de argint si cu frumoasa argintarie in relief, cu inflorituri negre.". Locasul e inconjurat de un zid ca o cetate, un turn patrat la intrare cu "un orologiu si clopote mari". Era impodobit cu pietre taiate cu sculpturi si cu "marmura neagra prinsa intr-un fel de coroana." Tronul era lucrat cu foi de aur si acoperit cu o cupola pe care se afla o cruce si doi vulture . Exteriorul imbina modele orientale, geometrice din Georgia si Armenia. Stilul renascentist se imbina armonios cu cel baroc. Atinsa de napastile bataliilor, jefuita si arsa, zguduita de cutremure prin lucrarile de restaurare biserica si-a vazut distrusa pictura interioara originala. Timpul s-a facut resimtit estompand din stralucirea decoratiei de altadata dar i-a lasat in schimb sobrietatea varstei. Putini sunt vizitatorii care banuiesc dureroasele ei trairi si ale ctitorului, incrustate cu lacrimi de sange in piatra peretilor dantelati. A trecut prin grele incercari., pradata de trupele straine, incendiata de tatari, de armatele ostile polone, deteriorata de cutremure.

The painting was done by the most famous masters: Sidov Pospeev, Jacob Gavrilov with painters Nicolae Zugravul the old and Stefan. They idressed the exterior walls with “gold and Lazur" and amazed the most exquisite knowledge of art.

The paintings were "met with some beings alive, as the paintings Three Hierarchs is found less frequently :" also painting ornamented only to Athens in the temple Divine Plato, you find it. " Also outside the church was dressed in lacing sculpted stone with gold and what was amazed all visitors impressed by painstakingly scultures and a brilliance that rays of the sun was giving during bright days. "The outside is all sculpted with artistic craftsmanship that amaze the mind ... is not as a finger, that is not covered with sculptures" (Paul of Aleppo). This gorgeous stone lacing gives great originality and beauty. For strane, candlestick and other mobile use ebony and cypress wood , some mobile being inlaid with ivory in the Far East and Turkey. On completion of its marble stones gilded glow and sparkle "like a leaf on parchment light.." At which the remains amazed how Master sculptor carved marble. Edge door entry have "worked up in pearl, wire and silver scales and beautiful silverware in relief, with black flourish." Place is surrounded by a wall like a fortress, a square tower at the entrance with a large clock and bell. The clock was orned with cut stones with sculptures and "black marble caught in a kind of crown." Throne was working with sheets of gold and covered with a dome that was a cross and two eagles. The exterior combines oriental models, geometric in Georgia and Armenia. Renaissance style combines harmoniously with the Baroque. Touched by blight battle, robbed and burned, scarred by the earthquake rehabilitation works and the church has seen destroyed the original interior painting. Time has been felt in bluring the brilliance of decorations but take the sobriety of age. There are few visitors who guess their painful experiences, inlaid with tears of blood in the stone wall laced. He went through tough tests , spoiled by foreign troops, burned by the Tartars, the hostile armies Polish, damaged by earthquakes.


eleni iak., on February 23, 2009, said:

Very nice perspective and composition

Greetings Eleni


sonjabgd, on February 24, 2009, said:

When it would be finished?Greetings,Sonja .


Argenna, on February 24, 2009, said:

Thank you very much Eleni for the log visit and nice comment. A nice day.

Thank you for your visit Sonja . Restoration work began 15 years ago and we do not know when it will end because there are no funds.



D. Alexandru Ioan, on February 24, 2009, said:

Foarte frumoasa! Trezeste in mine amintiri...


Argenna, on February 24, 2009, said:

Ce fel de amintiri ? Frumoase si placute sper .O seara placuta.



DiggaTwigga, on March 6, 2009, said:

It is a great perspective with a very nice light!

Greetings from Germany


Josehico, on March 6, 2009, said:

argenna Good photograph well documented, my best wishes Jose


Argenna, on March 6, 2009, said:

Thank you for your kind visit and words , Digga Twigga, I appreciate them . A pleasant week-end I wish to you .

Thank you for your friendly visit and nice words , Jose, I`m grateful for them . A pleasant week-end I wish to you .

Greetings from Iasi , Romania , Argenna.


Ciro.Ar, on March 28, 2009, said:

que imponente!!! saludos


Argenna, on March 28, 2009, said:

Thank you for your kind visit comment , Ciro Ar. A pleasant weekend I wish to you .

Greetings from Iasi , Romania , Argenna.


sonjabgd, on April 18, 2009, said:


Argenna, on July 22, 2009, said:

Many thanks Sonja for your wishes!

Greetings , Argenna.


Jan Sognnes, on October 17, 2010, said:

This is really a fantastic shot from the church under maintenance! Superb shot! Like

Greetings, Jan


Argenna, on October 20, 2010, said:

Thank you Jan Sognnes for viait and beautiful words and apprecitons. Glad you like it . Greetings , Argenna .


_MM_, on January 10, 2011, said:

Very interesting and beautiful traditional architecture. I like it. Greetings,


Argenna, on April 7, 2011, said:

Thanks again Misi for the your visit , nice compliments and like . Greetings , Argenna .


Argenna, on November 16, said:

Biserica "Sf.Trei Ierarhi" este un monument istoric cu codul de clasificare IS-II-m-A-04076.01.


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  • Uploaded on February 22, 2009
  • © All Rights Reserved
    by Argenna
  • Extra information
    • Camera: OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. FE270,X815,C510
    • Taken on 2009/01/09 16:12:21
    • Exposure: 0.017s (1/60)
    • Focal Length: 6.30mm
    • F/Stop: f/4.600
    • ISO Speed: ISO64
    • Exposure Bias: 0.00 EV
    • No flash