January 19, 2012


Ecologie et Spiritualité – Edward Goldsmith (2004)


Edward Goldsmith speaks at the Forum Écologie et Spiritualité, held at the Karma Ling Institute, Field of Avalon, France, 3rd October 2004. Followed by an interview. «French language»

Towards a biospheric ethic

Weltspartag by Hans-Ulrich Osterwalder, 1979 (Ecologist Vol 15, No 3, 1985)

Modern moral philosophers have tended to study ethics in a void, ignoring the insights of the natural and human sciences. Although several of our most noted and thoughtful biologists and sociologists have sought to correct this, they have based their ethical principles on a grossly distorted view of nature and human society. The result has [...]

Art and ethics

William Morris - author of "Hopes and Fears for Art" (photograph by Elliott & Fry 1877)

Edward Goldsmith explores the themes of knowledge, intuition, aesthetics and the Sacred. Published in The Structurist magazine Nos. 41-42, 2001-2002: “Art and Altruism”. It seems increasingly clear that the principal method of acquiring knowledge about the World, is via a mysterious, ill-defined process we call intuition and that is closely related to our emotions and to [...]

Archaic societies and cosmic order – a summary


This is an edited version of Chapter 61 of Edward Goldsmith’s book The Way: towards an ecological world view, published by Themis Books. Published in The Ecologist Vol. 30 No. 1, January–February 2000. “What man most passionately wants is his living wholeness and his living unison, not an isolated salvation of his soul. I am [...]

Religion at the Millennium (short version)


This article by Edward Goldsmith introduced The Ecologist special issue on Cosmic Religion, January 2000. See also an extended version of this article here. Three years ago, at a meeting on a ship that took us to Patmos, where St John wrote Revelations, His Holiness The Metropolitan John of Pergamon declared that environmental destruction must [...]

Religion at the Millennium (long version)

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An abridged version of this article introduced The Ecologist special issue on Cosmic Religion, November 1999. “The Millennium coincides with a widespread yearning for individual and Earth healing. Individuals and societies, global and local, and the whole Earth community suffer as never before under unsustainable human impact. The healing ministry should be broadened to include [...]

Vernacular man follows the Way


Published as Chapter 61 of The Way: An Ecological Worldview, originally published in 1992. This text is taken from the revised and enlarged edition, University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia, 1998. « previous chapter · contents · next chapter » “Tao is like Dike, the Way, the way of nature; and man’s whole religion, his whole moral [...]

Why not, we’ve got a licence?

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A leading article for The Ecologist Vol. 28 No. 3, May 1998. Revised in January & February 2000, and republished in The Doomsday Funbook (Jon Carpenter Books, February 2006). See ordering information for the Funbook. In the modern world, all benefits are seen as man-made – the product of economic development. Thus health is seen [...]

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