Bacon Becomes The Latest Victim Of Skyrocketing U.S. Food Prices

Bacon Shortage

The Huffington Post     First Posted: 7/5/11 05:16 PM ET Updated: 7/5/11 05:16 PM ET

Spiking food prices could mean that even some of the employed soon won't be able to bring home the bacon.

The price of pork bellies, that part of the pig turned into bacon, has jumped to $130 per 100 pounds, with signs it could reach $150, according to CNBC.com. Last June, a single pound of pork bellies cost only 94 cents, or $94 per 100 pounds. Countrywide, high corn prices have forced farmers to pare down their herds, limiting supply and potentially putting bacon out of reach of some American families.

The price jump has led to bacon costing up to $4.77 per pound in May, and estimates have it reaching as high as $6. Compare that to last April, when bacon costed an average of just $3.64 per pound.

Bacon is only the latest casualty of the food prices that have risen around the globe. Specifically, cereals such as corn, which itself is expected to rise by 20 percent over the next decade according to a recent report. The spike in prices means that farmers are forced to recoup higher feed costs by raising the prices of their meat. In fact the same report estimates that meat will go up by 30 percent over the next ten years.

The Agriculture Department has estimated that this year meat prices will rise 6 to 7 percent. And for those who simply can't live without their bacon fix, sacrifices may have to be made elsewhere.

“I think they’ll make cutbacks other places — stop buying other things so they can afford bacon,” Jason Mosley, author of the Mr. Bacon Pants blog told CNBC.com. A true bacon fanatic, he said he's willing to give up vegetables and fruit like bananas to afford the tastiest of meats.

"Get some good tomatoes and lettuce and forget the other stuff,” he says.

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03:10 AM on 7/07/2011
In calculatin­g CPI, the government replaces items with fast growing prices with items with slower growth or falling prices, in order to keep the overall official rate of inflation lower.

Because people will buy less bacon and switch to say, mystery meat, the inflation rate will be lower and all those COLAs will be smaller.

So this is a blessing, people, mathematic­al manna from heaven... our inflation rate will be lower and we can all get back to the WalMart for more fun fun fun!
01:28 AM on 7/07/2011
No...I need to bring home the bacon.
10:28 PM on 7/06/2011
Nobody knows the trouble I've been...
08:20 PM on 7/06/2011
This may hit the TP crowd harder than the rest of us.
06:58 PM on 7/06/2011
it is so normal in 30 years we will be hearing wars for wheat,cher­ries,water etc

there is not enough agricultur­e

also there will not be enough climinate ...

This is an important article however it can research and inform the readers numbers..

Numbers for the total usage of the bacon and total animals alive and will be production in coming years.the result will show why it will increase..
ignacio sanabria
04:42 PM on 7/06/2011
The pigs may be celebratin­g.
Finger Picking blues man
03:57 PM on 7/06/2011
Has anyone else notice the huge rise in advertisin­g for fast food items with bacon on TV? One fast food place has like 7 items just chuck full of bacon. I have even heard of ice cream with bacon bits. Not that big of a fan of bacon, but is this new demand adding fuel to the fire? I know when fast food joins started getting $6 for 1/4 lb of hamburg, the price of hamburg went up. Just saying.
03:20 PM on 7/06/2011
This cannot be. PresBO's administra­tion tells us there is no inflation. This is just more of the media spreading misinforma­tion. Gas is really still $1.90 a gallon and Milk is $1.49.
02:39 PM on 7/06/2011
This is all because of market speculator­s. They add nothing to a product. They artificial­ly raise the price by power buying. Then they take money out of our pockets. It is stealing, and needs to be outlawed.
Liberale sind verlorene Schafe
02:33 PM on 7/06/2011
I can take getting thrown out of my house because of the banking situation. Ditto on not driving because of $4 gas. BUT BACON!!! That's where I gird my loins. Game on.
Compassion is the basis of all morality.
02:25 PM on 7/06/2011
Bacon spiked months ago...I guy mine at Aldis for 2.79-somet­imes less or I use a coupon.
Liberal Democrat
10:13 PM on 7/06/2011
Yes, I too noticed the increase in price months ago. This is not news.
01:56 PM on 7/06/2011
This price increase in bacon is really going to be a hardship for the fatties in this country. Well ...
I guess they are just going to have to revert to eating lard right out of the can.......
cruisin' duality
12:25 PM on 7/06/2011
Watch the death rate fall
"I'm sing - ing in the rain." (All wet.)
02:23 AM on 7/07/2011
Lost 27 lbs eating bacon. Leave my bacon alone. !
10:57 AM on 7/06/2011
I love bacon, but not at $6 a pound. I can do without. I'd rather have a good steak!
Living on the brink of was.
10:29 AM on 7/06/2011
Corn goes up, speculator­s drive markets through the roof, oil goes up a nickle and suddenly every bag of potato chips on a truck is somehow worth another 50 cents. Nonsense.

I buy only what's on sale at a decent price. If I don't like the price of something, I do without it.

Let overpriced produce, meats, coffee and other products, rot on the shelves or gather dust and the prices will come down.

Don't buy...vote with your feet and your wallet.