Mainichi: Japan now looking to Chernobyl info for help dealing with human health effects of nuclear meltdown — Will enable gov’t to implement “effective measures”

“You are a champion of radiation!” doctors tell man in evacuation zone — Tomioka contamination is “superior to Chernobyl” admits gov’t agency

PBS: If humans ingest any radioactive hairs they’d be poisoned – Even while around only ‘low-level’ radiation (VIDEO)

German Physician: Fukushima larger than Chernobyl — Japan people deceived — Can feel only helpless rage

ABC Australia: Physicians call for much wider evacuations in Japan — Gov’t continues to significantly under report radiation levels

Japan Times: Alarming gov’t report discussed ‘Tokyo Exodus’ and collapse of Spent Fuel Pool 4 as rods melted through concrete walls

WATCH: Fukushima birds unable to fly — Allow humans to approach… as do sickened Alaska seals

WATCH: Fukushima birds unable to fly — Allow humans to approach… As do sickened Alaska seals)

Strange: Animals went mad and began attacking humans after exposure to high radiation levels, says Chernobyl scientist — Dogs, foxes, wolves, hogs (VIDEO)

IEEE: Fukushima unprecedented in scope — Situation appeared utterly beyond human control — “Raging fire in a spent-fuel pond”… Yet claims only partial meltdowns?

Radiation Biologist: Tree leaves were gigantic after Chernobyl — “Witch’s Broom” effect (VIDEO)

Radiation Biologist: Tree leaves were gigantic after Chernobyl — “Witch’s Broom” effect (VIDEO)

UN Agency’s Fukushima Simulation: “Total release amount was equal to that of Chernobyl nuclear explosion”


Prime Minister Kan: If Fukushima reactors melted down, its severity “would far exceed that of the Chernobyl accident”

AP: Amount of radiation released from Fukushima is still unknown — Recent studies suggest Japan continues to significantly underestimate scale of disaster

Fairewinds: Fukushima dwarfs Chernobyl — Japanese face tragedy of a magnitude world has never experienced

Chernobyl Consultant: Fukushima decommissioning more complex since more melted fuel — Level of devastation remains unknown

Experts: Contamination from Fukushima worse than Chernobyl — Many people say 2051 goal “unrealistic” given scale of catastrophe… “Will I be alive when it’s completed?”

Experts: Contamination from Fukushima worse than Chernobyl — Many people say 2051 goal “unrealistic” given scale of catastrophe… “Will I be alive when it’s completed?”

Canada Medical Journal: Experts calling for wider Japan evacuations — Officials would have to evacuate 1,800 km² using Chernobyl standard

Australia Professor: Japanese exposed to “unconscionable” health risks — Gov’t has provided public with misinformation

LA Times: People just learning that gov’t may be telling fairy tale, says Japan broadcaster — Radiation levels around Fukushima were “almost beyond calculation” — Chernobyl reporters never saw anything like it

Congressman at NRC hearing: Fukushima is worst nuclear disaster in world history (VIDEO)

*JUST IN* Congressman at NRC hearing: Fukushima is worst nuclear disaster in world history (VIDEO)