Demokraattinen sivistysliitto r.y.
Democratic Civic Association

The Democratic Civic Association (DCA) is a nationwide educational association for adult learning. It is a Non-Governmental Organization, established in 1986.

The association's operations are focused on the traditions of the leftist and the working class movement. The main principles are global solidarity, social and economical justice, and the ideas of peace, humanism and socialism.

The DCA supports people's actions in the civic and cultural fields and especially those in leftist and workers' organizations, and labour, peace, environmental, and other civil movements. The DCA promotes contemporary marxist studies and publishes literature and material for study and discussion.

The association has projects and works with marginalized and immigrant groups.

The DCA's main partners are its more than 20 member organisations. The most important member is the Communist Party of Finland.

DCA Study Centre

The Democratic Civic Association maintains a study centre. The centre is a nationwide educational school which offers education and opportunities for systematic adult learning based on a principle of lifelong learning.

The study centre organises voluntary non-formal adult education activities in the form of courses, seminars and study circles. The main focus is on social studies.

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The DCA is interested in cooperating with similar associations and organisations which are in contact with communist or leftist parties. At first, cooperation can be exchanging ideas, sources, and material via e-mail


or via mail

Demokraattinen sivistysliitto r.y.
Democratic Civic Association
Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B, 9. krs.

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